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Functions in Video Embed Field 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
video_embed_field_permission ./video_embed_field.module Implements hook_permission().
video_embed_field_property_info_callback ./ Property callback for the Entity Metadata framework. 1
video_embed_field_retrieve_video ./ Retrieves a random youtube video info from the bunch. 1
video_embed_field_schema ./video_embed_field.install Implements hook_schema(). 1
video_embed_field_settings_form ./ VEF settings page form callback. 1
video_embed_field_set_target ./ Callback for mapping. Here is where the actual mapping happens. 1
video_embed_field_theme ./video_embed_field.module Implements hook_theme().
video_embed_field_thumbnail_url ./video_embed_field.module Gets the thumbnail url for a given video url. 1
video_embed_field_uninstall ./video_embed_field.install Implements hook_uninstall().
video_embed_field_update_7000 ./video_embed_field.install Adds an optional description form.
video_embed_field_update_7001 ./video_embed_field.install Adds video style storage table.
video_embed_field_update_7002 ./video_embed_field.install Adds field for storing the path to the video thumbnail.
video_embed_field_update_7003 ./video_embed_field.install Enables inline colorbox support if colorbox is installed.
video_embed_field_update_7004 ./video_embed_field.install Enables colorbox load support if colorbox is installed.
video_embed_field_update_7005 ./video_embed_field.install Adds data column to field database.
video_embed_field_update_7006 ./video_embed_field.install Updates vef_video_styles table structure.
video_embed_field_update_7007 ./video_embed_field.install Update youtube "hd" URL deprecated parameter.
video_embed_field_update_7008 ./video_embed_field.install Updates naming of 'node' formatter setting to 'content'.
video_embed_field_update_7009 ./video_embed_field.install Adds new Allowed Providers setting to existing instances.
video_embed_field_update_7010 ./video_embed_field.install Update styles with empty class parameter.
video_embed_field_validate_dimensions ./video_embed_field.module Validates the iframe CSS dimensions. 4
video_embed_field_video_embed_handler_info ./ Implements hook_video_embed_handler_info().
video_embed_field_video_styles ./video_embed_field.module Get an array of all styles and their settings. 2
video_embed_field_video_style_form ./ Video embed style form handler. 1
video_embed_field_video_style_load ./video_embed_field.module Load a style by style name. May be used as a loader for menu items. 2
video_embed_field_video_style_options ./video_embed_field.module Get an array of image styles suitable for using as select list options. 2
video_embed_field_views_api ./video_embed_field.module Implements hook_views_api().
video_embed_get_handler ./video_embed_field.module Retrieves the video handler for a video URL. 4
video_embed_get_handlers ./video_embed_field.module Creates a hook that other modules can implement to get handlers. 7
your_module_handler_ustream_data ./video_embed_field.api.php Return an array of extra data to be stored with the video, this data will be available for theming 1
your_module_handler_ustream_form ./video_embed_field.api.php A forms api callback, returns the settings form for the provider 1
your_module_handle_ustream ./video_embed_field.api.php Generate the embed code for a video 1
your_module_handle_ustream_thumbnail ./video_embed_field.api.php Retrieve information about the thumbnail for a given url 1
_filter_video_embed_tips ./video_embed_field.module Implements callback_filter_tips(). 1
_video_embed_brightcove_get_video_properties video_embed_brightcove/video_embed_brightcove.module Helper function to take a brightcove video url and return its id. 1
_video_embed_code_get_settings_str ./video_embed_field.module Fetches settings string. 2
_video_embed_facebook_get_video_id video_embed_facebook/video_embed_facebook.module Helper function to get the Facebook video's id. 2
_video_embed_field_clean_up_youtube_data ./ Flattens out some unnecessary nesting in the youtube data. 1
_video_embed_field_devel_generate ./ Generates a random video_embed_field item. 1 1
_video_embed_field_get_instance_provider_domains ./video_embed_field.module Fetches all available provider domains for certain field instance. 1
_video_embed_field_get_provider_domains ./video_embed_field.module Fetches all available provider domains. 2
_video_embed_field_get_vimeo_data ./ Helper function to get the Vimeo video's data attributes. 2 1
_video_embed_field_get_vimeo_id ./ Helper function to get the Vimeo video's data attributes. 2
_video_embed_field_get_youtube_id ./ Helper function to get the youtube video's id. 3
_video_embed_field_hash ./video_embed_field.module Creates a hash for storing or looking up a video in the store table. 1
_video_embed_field_load_video ./video_embed_field.module Loads a video from the video store given its hash. 2
_video_embed_field_show_video ./video_embed_field.module Renders a video for an AJAX call. 1
_video_embed_field_store_video ./video_embed_field.module Stores a video to be loaded later from an _video_embed_field_load_video. 1
_video_embed_get_min ./ Calculates the min index for use in finding the id of a youtube video. 1


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