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function _video_embed_facebook_get_video_id in Video Embed Field 7.2

Helper function to get the Facebook video's id.


string $url: The video URL.

Return value

string|bool The video ID, or FALSE in case the ID can't be retrieved from the URL.

2 calls to _video_embed_facebook_get_video_id()
video_embed_facebook_handle_thumbnail in video_embed_facebook/video_embed_facebook.module
Gets the thumbnail url for Facebook videos.
video_embed_facebook_handle_video in video_embed_facebook/video_embed_facebook.module
Handler for Facebook videos.


video_embed_facebook/video_embed_facebook.module, line 146
Adds a handler for Facebook videos to Video Embed Field.


function _video_embed_facebook_get_video_id($url) {

  // Parse_url is an easy way to break a url into its components.
  $matches = array();
  preg_match('/(?:.*)(?:v=|video_id=|videos\\/|videos\\/v.\\.\\d+\\/)(\\d+).*/', $url, $matches);

  // If the v or video_id get parameters are set, return it.
  if ($matches && !empty($matches[1])) {
    return check_plain($matches[1]);

  // Otherwise return false.
  return FALSE;