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function _video_embed_brightcove_get_video_properties in Video Embed Field 7.2

Helper function to take a brightcove video url and return its id.


string $url: The full brightcove video url.

Return value

array The video properties.

1 call to _video_embed_brightcove_get_video_properties()
video_embed_brightcove_handle_video in video_embed_brightcove/video_embed_brightcove.module
The video handler.


video_embed_brightcove/video_embed_brightcove.module, line 141
Add a handler for brightcove videos to Video Embed Field.


function _video_embed_brightcove_get_video_properties($url) {

  // Easy way to break a url into its components.
  $components = array(
    'id' => array(
      'start' => 'bcpid',
      'finish' => '\\?bckey',
    'key' => array(
      'start' => 'bckey=',
      'finish' => '&bctid',
    'player' => array(
      'start' => 'bctid=',
      'finish' => '',
  $matches = array();
  $return = array();
  foreach ($components as $key => $component) {
    $string = "/(.*){$component['start']}(.*){$component['finish']}/";
    preg_match($string, $url, $matches);
    if ($matches && !empty($matches[2])) {
      $return[$key] = check_plain($matches[2]);
  return $return;