function _video_image_submit in Video 5
1 call to _video_image_submit()
- video_image_nodeapi in plugins/
video_image/ video_image.module - Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
- plugins/
video_image/ video_image.module, line 260 - Enable image support for video module.
function _video_image_submit(&$node) {
if ($node->regenerate_thumbnail) {
if (is_array($node->tempimage['fids']) && $node->tempimage['fids']['_original']) {
$image = _video_image_temp_image_load(array_values($node->tempimage['fids']));
db_query("DELETE FROM {files} WHERE fid in (%s)", implode(',', array_values($node->tempimage['fids'])));
// initialize standard node fields
$image->uid = $node->uid;
$image->created = time();
$image->title = t('Video thumbnail for !title', array(
'!title' => $node->title,
$image = node_submit($image);
$image->uid = $node->uid;
$image->status = _video_image_publish_thumbnails();
$image->promote = _video_image_promote_thumbnails();
// This is a messages hack (we don't want to see what happens under the covers)
if ($node->iid) {
$oldimage = node_load($node->iid);
$oldimage->images = $image->images;
// delete the old images?
$oldimage->new_image = 1;
$node->iid = $oldimage->nid;
else {
$node->iid = $image->nid;
// store the iid into the serial_data
$node->serial_data['iid'] = $node->iid;
// needed to set the correct status and promote values even if the user does not have enough permissions. Is there a better solution???
// db_query('UPDATE {node} SET status = %d, promote = %d WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d', _video_image_publish_thumbnails(), _video_image_promote_thumbnails(), $image->nid, $image->vid);
else {
$node->serial_data['iid'] = $node->iid;