video_image.module in Video 5
Same filename and directory in other branches
Enable image support for video module.
@author Fabio Varesano <fvaresano at yahoo dot it>
plugins/video_image/video_image.moduleView source
// ex: set tabstop=2 expandtab shiftwidth=2 softtabstop=2:
* @file
* Enable image support for video module.
* @author Fabio Varesano <fvaresano at yahoo dot it>
* Implementation of hook_help().
function video_image_help($section) {
switch ($section) {
case 'admin/modules#description':
return t('Enable thumbnail support for video module.');
* Implementation of hook_menu()
function video_image_menu($may_cache) {
$items = array();
if ($may_cache) {
$items[] = array(
'path' => 'admin/settings/video/image',
'title' => t('Video image'),
'description' => t('Administer video_image module settings'),
'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'callback arguments' => array(
'access' => user_access('administer site configuration'),
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_perm
function video_image_perm() {
$array = array(
'override autothumbnailing using uploaded image',
return $array;
* Settings form
function video_image_admin_settings() {
if (module_exists('video_upload') && variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail', 0)) {
$upload_weight = db_result(db_query("SELECT weight FROM {system} WHERE name='video_upload'"));
db_query("UPDATE {system} SET weight=" . ($upload_weight + 1) . " WHERE name='video_image'");
$form = array();
$form['video_image_publish_thumbnail'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Publish the video thumbnails'),
'#description' => t('Checking this value will cause the video thumbnail image nodes to be published and therefore could show up in blocks. Usually, this is not what you want because then you could end up with both the thumbnail node and the video node showing up and since there is no way to link the image node to the video node, this is not desirable. However, with this unchecked, the administrator will end up with a lot of unpublished nodes.'),
'#default_value' => _video_image_publish_thumbnails(),
$form['video_image_promote_thumbnail'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Promote the thumbnails to the front page'),
'#default_value' => _video_image_promote_thumbnails(),
$form['autothumb'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Automatic video thumbnailing'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
'#description' => t('This feature requires the \'video_ffmpeg_helper\' module'),
$auto_thumb_disable = !module_exists('video_ffmpeg_helper');
$form['autothumb']['video_image_auto_thumbnail'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Auto thumbnail for videos'),
'#description' => t('If set up correctly, this will auto-generate a thumbnail for each video created.'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail', false) && !$auto_thumb_disable,
'#disabled' => $auto_thumb_disable,
$form['autothumb']['video_image_auto_thumbnail_only'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Use auto-thumbnailer exclusively for video images'),
'#description' => t('If checked, this will disable the file upload box for the user-supplied thumbnail. Only check this if you have checked to be sure that auto-thumbnailing works. Auto thumbnail must be selected for this to be enabled.'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail_only', false),
'#disabled' => !variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail', false),
$form['autothumb']['video_image_auto_thumbnail_debug'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Debug automatic thumbnail process'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail_debug', false),
'#description' => t('Automatic thumbnailing of videos is dependent on the actual video types. Some video types may not be able to be automatically thumbnailed. Setting this option will allow messages to be show when posting and editing of videos that can be automatically thumbnailed.'),
'#disabled' => $auto_thumb_disable,
return system_settings_form($form);
function video_image_admin_settings_validate($form_id, &$form_values, &$form) {
if (module_exists('video_ffmpeg_helper')) {
if ($form_values['video_image_auto_thumbnail']) {
$path_ok = _video_ffmpeg_helper_check_exe_path();
if (!$path_ok) {
drupal_set_message(t('The path for \'ffmpeg\' is not valid. Please check settings on the !ffmpeg_settings_page', array(
'!ffmpeg_settings_page' => l(t('Video ffmpeg helper settings page'), 'admin/settings/video/ffmpeg_helper'),
)), 'error');
* Return true if the video support authothumbnailing
function video_image_is_autothumbable($node) {
$info = video_get_type_info($node->vtype);
$has_hook = module_hook('video_' . $node->vtype, 'v_auto_thumbnail');
return $has_hook && isset($info[$node->vtype]['#autothumbable']) && $info[$node->vtype]['#autothumbable'];
* Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function video_image_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
if ($form_id == 'video_node_form') {
$node = $form['#node'];
$value = $node->new_image ? '#value' : '#default_value';
$form['iid'] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
$value => $node->iid,
if (!is_array($node->tempimage['fids'])) {
$fids = array(
'_original' => 0,
foreach (_image_get_sizes() as $size) {
$fids[$size['label']] = 0;
$node->tempimage['fids'] = $fids;
$form['tempimage']['#tree'] = true;
foreach ($node->tempimage['fids'] as $label => $fid) {
$form['tempimage']['fids'][$label] = array(
'#type' => 'hidden',
$value => $fid,
$auto_thumbable = video_image_is_autothumbable($node);
if (!$auto_thumbable || user_access('override autothumnailing using uploaded images')) {
// let's be sure that image directories are ready
if (function_exists('_image_check_settings')) {
// needed for uploading
$form['#attributes'] = array(
"enctype" => "multipart/form-data",
$form['image'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Image thumbnails'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#weight' => -17,
'#description' => t('Upload an image to be used as the thumbnail for this video.'),
$form['image']['image'] = array(
'#type' => 'file',
'#title' => t('Image'),
if ($node->nid && $auto_thumbable) {
$form['regenerate_thumbnail'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Auto regenerate thumbnail'),
'#default_value' => 0,
* Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
function video_image_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser) {
if ($node->type == 'video') {
switch ($op) {
case 'load':
return _video_image_load($node);
case 'prepare':
case 'submit':
case 'view':
_video_image_view($node, $teaser);
case 'delete':
* Renders thumbnail node with a link to the video node to be used on video teasers.
* @param $image
* object with image node information
* @param $video
* the video node associated with image
* @return
* string of content to display
function theme_video_image_teaser($image, $video) {
$image_html = NULL;
if ($image != NULL && $image->type == 'image') {
$image_html = image_display($image, 'thumbnail', array(
'class' => 'video_image_teaser',
else {
if ($image_node == NULL && $video->serial_data['image_teaser']) {
// only for backward compatibility
$image_html = theme('image', $video->serial_data['image_teaser'], $video->title, $video->title, array(
'class' => 'video_image_teaser',
), FALSE);
if ($image) {
//Create a link with an image in it.
$output .= l($image_html, "node/{$video->nid}", array(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
$output .= '<br class="video_image_clear" />';
return $output;
/* nodeapi split out hooks */
function _video_image_load(&$node) {
$output['iid'] = $node->serial_data['iid'];
return $output;
function _video_image_prepare(&$node) {
// let's check that we have a valid image
if (count($_POST)) {
$field_name = file_check_upload('image');
if (!$field_name && video_image_is_autothumbable($node)) {
_video_image_thumbnail_debug(t('video_image_nodeapi: prepare: ready to thumbnail video'));
$field_name = module_invoke('video_' . $node->vtype, 'v_auto_thumbnail', $node);
if ($field_name === false && count($_POST)) {
drupal_set_message(t('The thumbnailing process of your video failed for some reason. Video thumbnail will not be available.'), 'error');
if ($field_name) {
$node->tempimage = _video_image_temp_image_store($field_name);
$node->new_image = TRUE;
else {
if (is_array($_POST['tempimage']) && ($_POST['op'] == 'Preview' || $_POST['op'] == 'Submit')) {
$node->tempimage = (array) _video_image_temp_image_load(array_values($_POST['tempimage']['fids']));
function _video_image_submit(&$node) {
if ($node->regenerate_thumbnail) {
if (is_array($node->tempimage['fids']) && $node->tempimage['fids']['_original']) {
$image = _video_image_temp_image_load(array_values($node->tempimage['fids']));
db_query("DELETE FROM {files} WHERE fid in (%s)", implode(',', array_values($node->tempimage['fids'])));
// initialize standard node fields
$image->uid = $node->uid;
$image->created = time();
$image->title = t('Video thumbnail for !title', array(
'!title' => $node->title,
$image = node_submit($image);
$image->uid = $node->uid;
$image->status = _video_image_publish_thumbnails();
$image->promote = _video_image_promote_thumbnails();
// This is a messages hack (we don't want to see what happens under the covers)
if ($node->iid) {
$oldimage = node_load($node->iid);
$oldimage->images = $image->images;
// delete the old images?
$oldimage->new_image = 1;
$node->iid = $oldimage->nid;
else {
$node->iid = $image->nid;
// store the iid into the serial_data
$node->serial_data['iid'] = $node->iid;
// needed to set the correct status and promote values even if the user does not have enough permissions. Is there a better solution???
// db_query('UPDATE {node} SET status = %d, promote = %d WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d', _video_image_publish_thumbnails(), _video_image_promote_thumbnails(), $image->nid, $image->vid);
else {
$node->serial_data['iid'] = $node->iid;
function _video_image_view(&$node, $teaser) {
if (is_array($node->tempimage['fids']) && $node->tempimage['fids']['_original']) {
$image = _video_image_temp_image_load(array_values($node->tempimage['fids']));
else {
if ($node->iid) {
$image = node_load($node->iid);
else {
$image = NULL;
// this is for backward compatibility
if ($teaser) {
$node->content['video_image_thumbnail'] = array(
'#value' => theme('video_image_teaser', $image, $node),
function _video_image_regenerate_thumbnail(&$node) {
$field_name = module_invoke('video_' . $node->vtype, 'v_auto_thumbnail', $node);
if ($field_name) {
$node->tempimage = _video_image_temp_image_store($field_name);
$node->new_image = TRUE;
function _video_image_delete(&$node) {
'nid' => $node->iid,
/* At times, when doing sub-node processing (creating/deleting thumbnail nodes)
* we don't really want to show all the messages through to the end user or it
* gets a little bit confusing (image created messages when creating a video)
* so we suppress the messages with this procedure.
function _video_image_pause_messages($snapshot = false) {
static $messages = null;
if ($snapshot) {
$messages = drupal_get_messages();
else {
if (is_array($messages)) {
$_SESSION['messages'] = $messages;
$messages = null;
/* debugging framework for troublesome thumbnailing */
function _video_image_thumbnail_debug($msg) {
static $debug = NULL;
if ($debug == NULL) {
$debug = variable_get('video_image_auto_thumbnail_debug', false);
if ($debug) {
$t = debug_backtrace();
$l = array_shift($t);
drupal_set_message(basename($l['file'], '.module') . ': ' . $msg);
function _video_image_temp_image_store(&$file) {
$image = new stdClass();
$image->type = 'image';
$image->uid = 1;
$image->created = time();
$image->title = t('video image thumbnail');
image_prepare($image, $file);
if ($image->images) {
if (!form_get_errors()) {
// save the images in the files table
foreach ($image->images as $l => $f) {
$info = image_get_info($f);
$fid = db_next_id('{files}_fid');
db_query("INSERT INTO {files} (fid, nid, filename, filepath, filemime, filesize) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $fid, 1, "video_image_temp.{$l}", $f, $info['mime_type'], $info['file_size']);
$image->fids[$l] = $fid;
return (array) $image;
/* Create a fake node object that acts like an image node
* by looking up each file in the array $fids and loading
* them into the images array.
function _video_image_temp_image_load($fids) {
$image = new stdClass();
$image->type = 'image';
$image->new_file = 1;
$fids = implode(',', $fids);
$results = db_query("SELECT fid, filename, filepath FROM {files} WHERE fid IN (%s)", $fids);
while ($file = db_fetch_object($results)) {
$label = substr($file->filename, 17);
$image->images[$label] = $file->filepath;
$image->fids[$label] = $file->fid;
return $image;
/* If the user has set a promote preference, use that, otherwise return
* if 'promote' is set in the drupal content type settings
* @return
* Returns whether we should promote thumbnails or not
function _video_image_promote_thumbnails() {
$settings_override = variable_get('video_image_promote_thumbnail', NULL);
if ($settings_override === NULL) {
$node_options = variable_get('node_options_image', array(
return in_array('promote', $node_options);
return $settings_override;
/* If the user has set a publish preference, use that, otherwise return
* if 'status' is set in the drupal content type settings
* @return
* Returns whether we should publish thumbnails or not
function _video_image_publish_thumbnails() {
$settings_override = variable_get('video_image_publish_thumbnail', NULL);
if ($settings_override === NULL) {
$node_options = variable_get('node_options_image', array(
return in_array('status', $node_options);
return $settings_override;
* Create an image file object from a given image url
function _video_image_get_thumb_file_object($thumbnail_url, $id) {
if ($thumbnail_url && $thumbnail_url != '' && ($image = image_gd_open($thumbnail_url, 'jpeg'))) {
// save image to temp directory for processing
$location = file_directory_temp() . '/' . $id . '.jpg';
image_gd_close($image, $location, 'jpeg');
// get info and build a file object
$filepath = file_create_path($location, file_directory_temp());
$info = image_get_info($filepath);
$file = new stdClass();
$file->filepath = realpath($filepath);
$file->filename = basename($file->filepath);
$file->filesize = $info['file_size'];
$file->filemime = $info['mime_type'];
return $file;
return null;
Name![]() |
Description |
theme_video_image_teaser | Renders thumbnail node with a link to the video node to be used on video teasers. |
video_image_admin_settings | Settings form |
video_image_admin_settings_validate | |
video_image_form_alter | Implementation of hook_form_alter() |
video_image_help | Implementation of hook_help(). |
video_image_is_autothumbable | Return true if the video support authothumbnailing |
video_image_menu | Implementation of hook_menu() |
video_image_nodeapi | Implementation of hook_nodeapi() |
video_image_perm | Implementation of hook_perm |
_video_image_delete | |
_video_image_get_thumb_file_object | Create an image file object from a given image url |
_video_image_load | |
_video_image_pause_messages | |
_video_image_prepare | |
_video_image_promote_thumbnails | |
_video_image_publish_thumbnails | |
_video_image_regenerate_thumbnail | |
_video_image_submit | |
_video_image_temp_image_load | |
_video_image_temp_image_store | |
_video_image_thumbnail_debug | |
_video_image_view |