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function UserpointsBaseTestCase::addPoints in User Points 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/userpoints_api.test \UserpointsBaseTestCase::addPoints()

Add points through the admin form.


$points: Amount of points to add.

$user: User object for which to grant points for.

$total: Amount of points the user should have after the points have been added. If not NULL, the confirmation string is checked and so is userpoints_get_current_points().

Return value

The most recent transaction id, assuming that this belongs to this transaction.

4 calls to UserpointsBaseTestCase::addPoints()
UserpointsAdminTestCase::testAddEditPoints in ./userpoints.test
UserpointsAPITestCase::testUserpermissions in ./userpoints.test
Test user permissions
UserpointsAPITestCase::testUserTransactionLinksPermissions in ./userpoints.test
Test user transactions links permissions on users profile.
UserpointsAPITestCase::testUserTransactionPermissions in ./userpoints.test
Test user userpoints transactions permissions


./userpoints.test, line 32
Contains test classes for userpoints module.


Userpoints base test class with various helper functions.


function addPoints($points, $user, $total = NULL, $additional = array()) {
  $edit = array(
    'txn_user' => $user->name,
    'points' => $points,
  ) + $additional;
    ->drupalPost('admin/config/people/userpoints/add', $edit, t('Save'));
  if ($total !== NULL) {
    $categories = userpoints_get_categories();
    $tid = userpoints_get_default_tid();
    $category = $categories[$tid];
      ->assertText(t('@name just earned @points points and now has @total points in the @category category.', array(
      '@name' => $user->name,
      '@points' => $points,
      '@total' => $total,
      '@category' => $category,
    )), t('Correct confirmation message displayed.'));
      ->assertEqual($total, userpoints_get_current_points($user->uid, $tid), t('User has the correct total amount of points.'));
  return db_query('SELECT MAX(txn_id) FROM {userpoints_txn} WHERE uid = :uid', array(
    ':uid' => $user->uid,