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Classes, traits, and interfaces in User Points 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
UserpointsAdminTestCase class ./userpoints.test Administration UI tests
UserpointsAPITestCase class ./userpoints.test API Tests.
UserpointsBaseTestCase class ./userpoints.test Userpoints base test class with various helper functions. 4
UserpointsChangeException class ./ This exception is thrown when a property is changed after a saved transaction has been approved or declined.
UserpointsFieldsTestCase class ./userpoints.test Tests for fields integration.
UserpointsGrantPointsTestCase class ./userpoints.test API Tests.
UserpointsInvalidArgumentException class ./ Thrown when trying to set a property to an invalid value.
UserpointsInvalidPropertyException class ./ This exception is thrown when trying to access an unknown property through the magic UserpointsTransaction::__get() method.
UserpointsRulesTestCase class userpoints_rules/userpoints_rules.test @file Tests for Userpoints Services integration.
UserpointsServiceTestCase class userpoints_service/userpoints_service.test
UserpointsTransaction class ./ A Userpoints transaction.
UserpointsTransactionController class ./ Userpoints transaction controller.
UserpointsTransactionIncompleteException class ./ Thrown when trying to save a transaction without points, uid or operation.
UserpointsTransactionMetadataController class ./ Extends property metadata for the Userpoints Transaction entity.
UserpointsTransactionType class ./ Transaction type.
UserpointsTransactionTypeUIController class ./ Transaction type UI.
UserpointsUpdate7200AlternateTestCase class ./userpoints.test Tests for update 7200: bundles. Alternate.
UserpointsUpdate7200TestCase class ./userpoints.test Tests for update 7200: bundles.
userpoints_views_handler_argument_category class views/ Argument handler to accept a userpoints category.
userpoints_views_handler_field_category class views/ Field handler for categories.
userpoints_views_handler_filter_category class views/ Filter by category

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