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function UserpointsAPITestCase::testUserpermissions in User Points 7.2

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  1. 7 tests/userpoints_api.test \UserpointsAPITestCase::testUserpermissions()

Test user permissions


./userpoints.test, line 335
Contains test classes for userpoints module.


API Tests.


function testUserpermissions() {
  $this->non_admin_username = 'test';
  $points = 10;

  // check permission with admin user.
  $this->admin_user = $this
    'administer userpoints',

  // check access page.
  $content = $this
  $content = strstr($content, 'Access denied');
    ->assertTrue($content == FALSE, t("Successful navigated to the page modify points"));

  // check modify points.
    ->addPoints($points, $this->admin_user);

  // Check database.
    ->getTxnPoints($this->admin_user->uid, $points), $points, t("Successful verified that points were added into database."));

  // logout and change user.

  // check permission with view user.
  $view_user = $this
    'view userpoints',

  // check access page.
    ->assertResponse(403, t("Successful verified that a user without admin userpoints permissions can not access the admin interface."));