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class UpgradeStatusCommands in Upgrade Status 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Commands/UpgradeStatusCommands.php \Drupal\upgrade_status\Commands\UpgradeStatusCommands

Upgrade Status Drush command


Expanded class hierarchy of UpgradeStatusCommands

1 string reference to 'UpgradeStatusCommands' in ./
1 service uses UpgradeStatusCommands
upgrade_status.commands in ./


src/Commands/UpgradeStatusCommands.php, line 16


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class UpgradeStatusCommands extends DrushCommands {

   * The scan result formatter service.
   * @var \Drupal\upgrade_status\ScanResultFormatter
  protected $resultFormatter;

   * The project collector service.
   * @var \Drupal\upgrade_status\ProjectCollector
  protected $projectCollector;

   * The codebase analyzer service.
   * @var \Drupal\upgrade_status\DeprecationAnalyzer
  protected $deprecationAnalyzer;

   * The date formatter service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatterInterface
  protected $dateFormatter;

   * Output mode (format).
   * @var string
  protected $mode = 'ascii';

   * Constructs a new UpgradeStatusCommands object.
   * @param \Drupal\upgrade_status\ScanResultFormatter $result_formatter
   *   The scan result formatter service.
   * @param \Drupal\upgrade_status\ProjectCollector $project_collector
   *   The project collector service.
   * @param \Drupal\upgrade_status\DeprecationAnalyzer $deprecation_analyzer
   *   The codebase analyzer service.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatterInterface $date_formatter
   *   The date formatter service.
  public function __construct(ScanResultFormatter $result_formatter, ProjectCollector $project_collector, DeprecationAnalyzer $deprecation_analyzer, DateFormatterInterface $date_formatter) {
    $this->projectCollector = $project_collector;
    $this->resultFormatter = $result_formatter;
    $this->deprecationAnalyzer = $deprecation_analyzer;
    $this->dateFormatter = $date_formatter;

   * Analyze projects output as XML.
   * @param array $projects
   *   List of projects to analyze.
   * @param array $options
   *   Additional options for the command.
   * @command upgrade_status:checkstyle
   * @option all Analyze all projects.
   * @option skip-existing Return results from a previous scan of a project if available, otherwise start a new one.
   * @option ignore-uninstalled Ignore uninstalled projects.
   * @option ignore-contrib Ignore contributed projects.
   * @option ignore-custom Ignore custom projects.
   * @aliases us-cs
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when one of the passed arguments is invalid or no arguments were provided.
  public function checkstyle(array $projects, array $options = [
    'all' => FALSE,
    'skip-existing' => FALSE,
    'ignore-uninstalled' => FALSE,
    'ignore-contrib' => FALSE,
    'ignore-custom' => FALSE,
  ]) {
    $this->mode = 'checkstyle';
      ->analyze($projects, $options);

   * Analyze projects output as ASCII.
   * @param array $projects
   *   List of projects to analyze.
   * @param array $options
   *   Additional options for the command.
   * @command upgrade_status:analyze
   * @option all Analyze all projects.
   * @option skip-existing Return results from a previous scan of a project if available, otherwise start a new one.
   * @option ignore-uninstalled Ignore uninstalled projects.
   * @option ignore-contrib Ignore contributed projects.
   * @option ignore-custom Ignore custom projects.
   * @aliases us-a
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when one of the passed arguments is invalid or no arguments were provided.
  public function analyze(array $projects, array $options = [
    'all' => FALSE,
    'skip-existing' => FALSE,
    'ignore-uninstalled' => FALSE,
    'ignore-contrib' => FALSE,
    'ignore-custom' => FALSE,
  ]) {

    // Group by type here so we can tell loader what is type of each one of
    // these.
    $extensions = [];
    $invalid_names = [];
    if (empty($projects) && !$options['all']) {
      $message = dt('You need to provide at least one installed project\'s machine_name.');
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);

    // Gather project list grouped by custom and contrib projects.
    $available_projects = $this->projectCollector
    if ($options['all']) {
      foreach ($available_projects as $type => $projects) {
        if (!$options['ignore-' . $type]) {
          foreach ($projects as $name => $project) {
            if (!$options['ignore-uninstalled'] || $project->status !== 0) {
                ->getType()][$name] = $project;
    else {
      foreach ($projects as $name) {
        if (!$options['ignore-custom'] && array_key_exists($name, $available_projects['custom'])) {
          $type = $available_projects['custom'][$name]
          if (!$options['ignore-uninstalled'] || $available_projects['custom'][$name]->status !== 0) {
            $extensions[$type][$name] = $available_projects['custom'][$name];
          else {
            $invalid_names[] = $name;
        elseif (!$options['ignore-contrib'] && array_key_exists($name, $available_projects['contrib'])) {
          $type = $available_projects['contrib'][$name]
          if (!$options['ignore-uninstalled'] || $available_projects['contrib'][$name]->status !== 0) {
            $extensions[$type][$name] = $available_projects['contrib'][$name];
          else {
            $invalid_names[] = $name;
        else {
          $invalid_names[] = $name;
    if (!empty($invalid_names)) {
      if (count($invalid_names) == 1) {
        $message = dt('The project machine name @invalid_name is invalid. Is this a project on this site? (For community projects, use the machine name of the project itself).', [
          '@invalid_name' => $invalid_names[0],
      else {
        $message = dt('The project machine names @invalid_names are invalid. Are these projects on this site? (For community projects, use the machine name of the project itself).', [
          '@invalid_names' => implode(', ', $invalid_names),
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);
    else {
        ->info(dt('Starting the analysis. This may take a while.'));
    foreach ($extensions as $type => $list) {
      foreach ($list as $name => $extension) {
        if ($options['skip-existing']) {
          $scan_result = \Drupal::service('keyvalue')
          if (!empty($scan_result)) {
              ->info(dt('Using previous results for @name.', [
              '@name' => $name,
          ->info(dt('Processing @name.', [
          '@name' => $name,
    if ($this->mode !== 'ascii') {
      $xml = new \SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0'?><checkstyle/>");
    foreach ($extensions as $type => $list) {
      if ($this->mode === 'ascii') {
          ->writeln(str_pad('', 80, '='));
      $track = 0;
      foreach ($list as $name => $extension) {
        $result = $this->resultFormatter
        if (is_null($result)) {
            ->error('Project scan @name failed.', [
            '@name' => $name,
        if ($this->mode === 'ascii') {
          $output = $this
          foreach ($output as $line) {
          if (++$track < count($list)) {
              ->writeln(str_pad('', 80, '='));
        else {
          foreach ($result['data']['files'] as $filepath => $errors) {
            $short_path = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/', '', $filepath);
            $file_xml = $xml
              ->addAttribute('name', $short_path);
            foreach ($errors['messages'] as $error) {
              $severity = 'error';
              if ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'ignore') {
                $severity = 'info';
              elseif ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'later') {
                $severity = 'warning';
              $error_xml = $file_xml
                ->addAttribute('line', $error['line']);
                ->addAttribute('message', $error['message']);
                ->addAttribute('severity', $severity);

   * Format results output for an extension for Drush STDOUT usage.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension $extension
   *   Drupal extension objet.
   * @return array
   *   Scan results formatted for output, per line.
  public function formatDrushStdoutResult(Extension $extension) {
    $table = [];
    $result = $this->resultFormatter
    $info = $extension->info;
    $table[] = $info['name'] . ', ' . (!empty($info['version']) ? ' ' . $info['version'] : '--');
    $table[] = dt('Scanned on @date', [
      '@date' => $this->dateFormatter
    if (isset($result['data']['totals'])) {
      $project_error_count = $result['data']['totals']['file_errors'];
    else {
      $project_error_count = 0;
    if (!$project_error_count || !is_array($result['data']['files'])) {
      $table[] = '';
      $table[] = dt('No known issues found.');
      $table[] = '';
      return $table;
    foreach ($result['data']['files'] as $filepath => $errors) {

      // Remove the Drupal root directory name. If this is a composer setup,
      // then the webroot is in a web/ directory, add that back in for easy
      // path copy-pasting.
      $short_path = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/', '', $filepath);
      if (preg_match('!/web$!', DRUPAL_ROOT)) {
        $short_path = 'web/' . $short_path;
      $short_path = wordwrap(dt('FILE: ') . $short_path, 80, "\n", TRUE);
      $table[] = '';
      $table[] = $short_path;
      $table[] = '';
      $title_level = str_pad(dt('STATUS'), 15, ' ');
      $title_line = str_pad(dt('LINE'), 5, ' ');
      $title_msg = str_pad(dt('MESSAGE'), 60, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
      $table[] = $title_level . $title_line . $title_msg;
      foreach ($errors['messages'] as $error) {
        $table[] = str_pad('', 80, '-');
        $error['message'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error['message']);
        $error['message'] = str_replace('  ', ' ', $error['message']);
        $error['message'] = trim($error['message']);
        $level_label = dt('Check manually');
        if ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'ignore') {
          $level_label = dt('Ignore');
        elseif ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'later') {
          $level_label = dt('Fix later');
        elseif (in_array($error['upgrade_status_category'], [
        ])) {
          $level_label = dt('Fix now');
        $linecount = 0;
        $msg_parts = explode("\n", wordwrap($error['message'], 60, "\n", TRUE));
        foreach ($msg_parts as $msg_part) {
          $msg_part = str_pad($msg_part, 60, ' ');
          if (!$linecount++) {
            $level_label = str_pad(substr($level_label, 0, 15), '15', ' ');
            $line = str_pad($error['line'], 5, ' ');
          else {
            $level_label = str_pad(substr('', 0, 15), '15', ' ');
            $line = str_pad('', 5, ' ');
          $table[] = $level_label . $line . $msg_part;
      $table[] = str_pad('', 80, '-');
    if (!empty($result['plans'])) {
      $table[] = '';
      $table[] = DrupalUtil::drushRender($result['plans']);
    $table[] = '';
    return $table;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
UpgradeStatusCommands::$dateFormatter protected property The date formatter service.
UpgradeStatusCommands::$deprecationAnalyzer protected property The codebase analyzer service.
UpgradeStatusCommands::$mode protected property Output mode (format).
UpgradeStatusCommands::$projectCollector protected property The project collector service.
UpgradeStatusCommands::$resultFormatter protected property The scan result formatter service.
UpgradeStatusCommands::analyze public function Analyze projects output as ASCII.
UpgradeStatusCommands::checkstyle public function Analyze projects output as XML.
UpgradeStatusCommands::formatDrushStdoutResult public function Format results output for an extension for Drush STDOUT usage.
UpgradeStatusCommands::__construct public function Constructs a new UpgradeStatusCommands object.