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function units_get_operator_by_sign in Units of Measurement 7.2

Retrieve information about a cTools plugin - units operator.

The search is conducted by sign symbol of all operators.


string $operator: Sign of a particular units operator plugin to return. If skipped, an array of all available units operators will be returned

Return value

array Depending on whether $operator is provided it will be either a single array of information about provided $operator units operator plugin or array of information aon all available units operator plugins, keyed by their signs

3 calls to units_get_operator_by_sign()
units_mathematical_expression_create_from_infix in ./units.module
Create mathematical expression object from infix notation.
units_mathematical_expression_create_from_postfix in ./units.module
Create mathematical expression object from postfix (reverse polish) notation.
units_mathematical_expression_recreate_stored_functions in ./units.module
Initialize DB stored functions necessary for the module.


./units.module, line 447
Provide API for managing and converting units of measurement.


function units_get_operator_by_sign($operator = NULL) {
  $return = array();
  foreach (ctools_get_plugins('units', 'operator') as $plugin) {
    $return[$plugin['sign']] = $plugin;
  return isset($operator) ? $return[$operator] : $return;