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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Units of Measurement 7.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator abstract class ./units.module Abstract implementation of "mathematical operator" interface. 2
UnitsAbstractUIController abstract class includes/ Abstract Admin UI controller class for units and measures. 2
UnitsConstantMathematicalExpression class ./units.module Implementation of "mathematical expression" interface for a constant.
UnitsDefaultWebTestCase class units_default/units_default.test @file Tests for Units default module.
UnitsEntity class includes/ Units of measurement entity class.
UnitsEntityTranslationHandler class includes/ Entity translation class for units of measurement.
UnitsMathematicalExpression interface ./units.module Interface of "mathematical expression". 3
UnitsMathematicalExpressionDimensionException class ./units.module Exception thrown whenever there is a physical dimension inconsistency.
UnitsMathematicalExpressionMalformedException class ./units.module Exception thrown whenever a units mathematical expression is malformed. 1
UnitsMathematicalExpressionWrapper class ./units.module Wrapper around "mathematical expression" objects for ease of db storage.
UnitsMathematicalOperatorInterface interface ./units.module Interface of mathematical operator. 1
UnitsMathematicalOperatorLinear class ./units.module Implementation of "mathematical operator" interface for a linear operation.
UnitsMathematicalOperatorNonLinear class ./units.module Implementation of "mathematical operator" interface for non-linear operation.
UnitsMeasureUIController class includes/ Admin UI controller class for entity type 'units_measure'.
UnitsUIWebTestCase class ./units_ui.test @file Tests for Units UI module.
UnitsUnitUIController class includes/ Admin UI controller class for entity type 'units_unit'.
UnitsWebTestCase class ./units.test @file Tests for Units module.

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