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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Ubercart Addresses 6.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
UcAddressesAddress class class/UcAddressesAddress.class.php The main address class used by uc_addresses (and extension modules).
UcAddressesAddressBook class class/UcAddressesAddressBook.class.php The address book class
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminAllTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminEditTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewDefTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerBasicTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerDeleteTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerEditTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewDefTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase abstract class tests/uc_addresses.addressbook.test Base class for test cases for the address book component. 9
UcAddressesAddressNameFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for the address name field.
UcAddressesApiTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.api.test Test cases for the api component.
UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.checkout.test Test cases for checkout.
UcAddressesDateFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for the created/modified field.
UcAddressesDbException class class/ UcAddressesDbException.
UcAddressesDefaultAddressFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for default address field.
UcAddressesExampleTextFieldHandler class uc_addresses_example/handlers/ Handler for a simple text field.
UcAddressesException class class/ UcAddressException class. 7
UcAddressesFieldHandler abstract class handlers/UcAddressesFieldHandler.class.php Base class for fields used in Ubercart Addresses. 8
UcAddressesHiddenFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for aid/uid field (which can not be set directly).
UcAddressesIncompatibleHandlerException class class/ UcAddressesIncompatibleHandlerException.
UcAddressesInvalidFieldException class class/ UcAddressesInvalidFieldException.
UcAddressesInvalidParameterException class class/ UcAddressesInvalidParameterException.
UcAddressesMissingFieldHandler class handlers/ Handler for a missing handler.
UcAddressesNameCollisionException class class/ UcAddressesNameCollisionException.
UcAddressesOrderTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.order.test Test cases order administration.
UcAddressesPermissions class class/UcAddressesPermissions.class.php The permission class: UcAddressesPermissions.
UcAddressesSchemaAddress class class/UcAddressesSchemaAddress.class.php The schema address class. 1
UcAddressesTestCase abstract class tests/UcAddressesTestCase.test Base class for Ubercart Addresses tests. 5
UcAddressesTestModuleTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.test.test Test cases for the test module.
UcAddressesTestTextFieldHandler class tests/handlers/ Handler for a text field used by the uc_addresses_test module.
UcAddressesTextFieldHandler class handlers/ Handler for a simple text field. 1
UcAddressesUcCountryFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for the Ubercart country field.
UcAddressesUcFieldHandler abstract class handlers/ Base class for Ubercart core address fields 3
UcAddressesUcTextFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for an Ubercart core address text field.
UcAddressesUcZoneFieldHandler class handlers/ Class for the Ubercart zone field.
UcAddressesUndefinedFunctionException class class/ UcAddressesUndefinedFunctionException.
UcAddressesUnownedException class class/ UcAddressesUnownedException.
UcAddressesUserRegistrationTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.register.test Test cases for registering with an address.
UcAddressesViewsTestCase class tests/uc_addresses.views.test Test cases for Views integration.
uc_addresses_handler_field_uc_addresses_link class views/ Field handler to present a link to the address. 2
uc_addresses_handler_field_uc_addresses_link_delete class views/ Field handler to present a link to delete an address.
uc_addresses_handler_field_uc_addresses_link_edit class views/ Field handler to present a link edit an address.
uc_addresses_handler_filter_access class views/ A handler to filter a view by checking address access.
uc_addresses_views_access class views/ Access plugin that provides access control based on custom PHP code.
uc_addresses_views_plugin_argument_address_access class views/ Checks if the current user has access to addresses of the given user.
uc_addresses_views_plugin_argument_user_address_access class views/ Checks if the current user has access to addresses of the given user.
uc_addresses_views_plugin_row_address_view class views/ Plugin which performs a address_view on the resulting object.

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