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uc_addresses.addressbook.test in Ubercart Addresses 6.2

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Test cases for the address book component.


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 * @file
 * Test cases for the address book component.

// Ensure UcAddressesTestCase is available.
require_once 'UcAddressesTestCase.test';

 * Base class for test cases for the address book component.
abstract class UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase extends UcAddressesTestCase {

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Does basic tests for viewing, editing and deleting own addresses.
   * @param object $account
   *   The user to do tests for.
   * @param boolean $may_view_own_default
   *   If the user may view it's own default addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_view_own
   *   If the user may view it's own addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_edit_own
   *   If the user may edit it's own addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_delete_own
   *   If the user may delete it's own addresses.
   * @return void
  protected function doOwnAddressTests($account, $may_view_own_default, $may_view_own, $may_edit_own, $may_delete_own) {

    // Tell the address book we want to load multiple addresses.

    // Check if this user has any addresses, if not create one.
    $query = "SELECT COUNT(aid) FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE uid=%d";
    $number_of_addresses = db_result(db_query($query, $account->uid));
    if ($number_of_addresses < 1) {
        ->viewAddressBook($this->adminUser, TRUE);

      // Ensure there are no addresses displayed.
        ->assertText(t('No addresses have been saved.'));

      // Create one address.
      $aid = $this
        ->verbose(t('Address with ID %aid created', array(
        '%aid' => $aid,

    // Make sure nothing is loaded for the address book.
      ->viewAddressBook($account, $may_view_own_default);

    // Check if this user has a default billing address.
    if ($default_address = UcAddressesAddressBook::get($account->uid)
      ->getDefaultAddress('billing')) {

      // Address is the default billing.
    elseif ($default_address = UcAddressesAddressBook::get($account->uid)
      ->getDefaultAddress('shipping')) {

      // Address is the default shipping.
    if ($default_address) {

      // Test if the default address may viewed, edited or deleted.
      // Default addresses may never be deleted!
        ->doCrudTests($account, $default_address
        ->getId(), $may_view_own_default, $may_edit_own, FALSE);

    // Try to add an address.
    $aid = $this
      ->createAddress($account, $may_edit_own);
    if ($aid) {
        ->doCrudTests($account, $aid, $may_view_own, $may_edit_own, $may_delete_own);

   * Does basic tests for viewing, editing and deleting other ones addresses.
   * @param object $account
   *   The user to do tests for.
   * @param boolean $may_view_default
   *   If the user may view all default addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_view_all
   *   If the user may view all addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_edit_all
   *   If the user may edit all addresses.
   * @param boolean $may_delete_all
   *   If the user may delete all addresses.
   * @return void
  protected function doOtherUsersAddressTests($account, $may_view_default, $may_view_all, $may_edit_all, $may_delete_all) {

    // First make sure that there is an user with three addresses.
    $addressBook = UcAddressesAddressBook::get($this->basicUser->uid);

    // Setup
    db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE uid = %d", $this->basicUser->uid);

    // Create an address named 'temp_name'.
    $temp_name_aid = $this
      ->createAddress($this->basicUser, TRUE, array(
      'address_name' => 'temp_name',

    // Create default billing/shipping addresses.
    $default_billing_aid = $this
      ->createAddress($this->basicUser, TRUE, array(
      'default_billing' => TRUE,
    $default_shipping_aid = $this
      ->createAddress($this->basicUser, TRUE, array(
      'default_shipping' => TRUE,

    // Make sure nothing is loaded for the address book.
      ->viewAddressBook($this->basicUser, $may_view_default);

    // Test the default billing address
    if ($default_billing_address = $addressBook
      ->getAddressById($default_billing_aid)) {
        ->isDefault('billing'), t('The address is the default billing address.'));
        ->doCrudTests($this->basicUser, $default_billing_address
        ->getId(), $may_view_default, $may_edit_all, FALSE);
    else {
        ->fail(t('There is no default billing address.'));

    // Test the default shipping address
    if ($default_shipping_address = $addressBook
      ->getAddressById($default_shipping_aid)) {

      // Ensure it is the default shipping
        ->isDefault('shipping'), t('The address is the default shipping address.'));
        ->doCrudTests($this->basicUser, $default_shipping_address
        ->getId(), $may_view_default, $may_edit_all, FALSE);
    else {
        ->fail(t('There is no default shipping address.'));

    // Test the address named 'temp_name'.
    if ($address = $addressBook
      ->getAddressByName('temp_name')) {
        ->doCrudTests($this->basicUser, $address
        ->getId(), $may_view_all, $may_edit_all, $may_delete_all, array(
        'address_name' => 'temp_name',
    else {
        ->fail(t('There is no address named %name', array(
        '%name' => 'temp_name',

    // Try to add an address
    $aid = $this
      ->createAddress($this->basicUser, $may_edit_all);
    if ($aid) {
        ->doCrudTests($this->basicUser, $aid, $may_view_all, $may_edit_all, $may_delete_all);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerBasicTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Customer Basic',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a customer with no privileges is able to view, edit and delete
   * addresses.
  public function testCustomerBasic() {
    $customerBasic = $this
      ->doOwnAddressTests($customerBasic, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($customerBasic, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewDefTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Customer View Defaults',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a customer who only may view it's own default addresses is able to
   * view, edit and delete addresses.
  public function testCustomerViewDef() {
    $customerViewDef = $this
      'view own default addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($customerViewDef, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($customerViewDef, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Customer View',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a customer who only may view it's own addresses is able to view,
   * edit and delete addresses.
  public function testCustomerView() {
    $customerView = $this
      'view own addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($customerView, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($customerView, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerEditTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Customer Edit',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a customer who only may view it's own addresses is able to view,
   * edit and delete addresses.
  public function testCustomerEdit() {
    $customerEdit = $this
      'add/edit own addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($customerEdit, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($customerEdit, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerDeleteTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Customer Delete',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a customer who may view, edit and delete it's own addresses is able
   * to view, edit and delete addresses.
  public function testCustomerDelete() {
    $customerDelete = $this
      'add/edit own addresses',
      'delete own addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($customerDelete, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($customerDelete, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewDefTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Admin View Defaults',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a admin who may only view default addresses is able to view, edit
   * and delete addresses.
  public function testAdminViewDef() {
    $adminViewDef = $this
      'view all default addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($adminViewDef, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($adminViewDef, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Admin View',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a admin who may view all addresses is able to view, edit and delete
   * addresses.
  public function testAdminView() {
    $adminView = $this
      'view all addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($adminView, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($adminView, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookAdminEditTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Admin Edit',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a admin who may view and edit all addresses is able to view, edit
   * and delete addresses.
  public function testAdminEdit() {
    $adminEdit = $this
      'add/edit all addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($adminEdit, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($adminEdit, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);


 * Test cases for the address book component.
class UcAddressesAddressBookAdminAllTestCase extends UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase {

   * Describes this test.
   * @return array
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Address book: Admin All',
      'description' => 'Tests for the address book: view, edit and delete addresses.',
      'group' => 'Ubercart Addresses',
      'dependencies' => array(

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // TESTS
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Test if a admin with all uc_addresses privileges is able to view, edit and
   * delete addresses.
  public function testAdminAll() {
    $adminAll = $this
      'add/edit all addresses',
      'delete all addresses',
      ->doOwnAddressTests($adminAll, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
      ->doOtherUsersAddressTests($adminAll, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

   * Test if double addresses are not saved.
  public function testDoubleAddresses() {
    $adminAll = $this
      'add/edit all addresses',
      'delete all addresses',
    $values = self::getEditAddressValues(array(
    ), array(), 'address_form');

    // Create first address.
      ->createAddress($adminAll, TRUE, $values['values']);

    // Now try to create an address with the same values.
    // A (form) error should be displayed about that the address already exists.
      ->constructAddressUrl($adminAll) . 'add', $values['form_values'], t('Save address'));
      ->assertText(t('This address already appears in your address book. A new address was not added.'), t('The address already appeared in the address book.'));

    // Create an other address.
    $aid = $this
      ->createAddress($adminAll, TRUE);

    // Now try to edit this same address, but with the values from the first address.
    // This should also result into a (form) error, though with a different message
    // than the first.
      ->constructAddressUrl($adminAll, $aid) . 'edit', $values['form_values'], t('Save address'));
      ->assertText(t('The revised address is already in your address book. Your change was not made.'), t('The revised address already appeared in the address book.'));



Namesort descending Description
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminAllTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminEditTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewDefTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookAdminViewTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerBasicTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerDeleteTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerEditTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewDefTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookCustomerViewTestCase Test cases for the address book component.
UcAddressesAddressBookTestCase Base class for test cases for the address book component.