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function _uc_importer_export_products in Ubercart 5

Export products as XML.

1 call to _uc_importer_export_products()
uc_importer_export in uc_importer/uc_importer.module
Constructs the XML representation of the store from the ids given.


uc_importer/uc_importer.module, line 559
XML product importer and exporter.


function _uc_importer_export_products($products) {
  $xml = '<products>';
  foreach ($products as $nid) {
    $xml .= '<product>';
    $product = node_load($nid);
    $xml .= '<unique_hash>' . $product->unique_hash . '</unique_hash>';
    $xml .= '<id>' . $product->nid . '</id>';
    $xml .= '<type>' . $product->type . '</type>';
    $xml .= '<name>' . htmlspecialchars($product->title, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</name>';
    $xml .= '<description>' . htmlspecialchars($product->body, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</description>';
    $xml .= '<model>' . htmlspecialchars($product->model, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</model>';
    if (module_exists('uc_manufacturer')) {
      $manufacturer = uc_product_get_manufacturer($product->nid);
      $xml .= isset($manufacturer->tid) ? '<manufacturer>' . htmlspecialchars($manufacturer->name, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</manufacturer>' : '';
    $xml .= isset($product->list_price) ? '<list_price>' . $product->list_price . '</list_price>' : '';
    $xml .= isset($product->cost) ? '<cost>' . $product->cost . '</cost>' : '';
    $xml .= '<sell_price>' . $product->sell_price . '</sell_price>';
    $xml .= '<weight>' . $product->weight . '</weight>';
    $xml .= '<weight_units>' . $product->weight_units . '</weight_units>';
    $xml .= '<length>' . $product->length . '</length>';
    $xml .= '<width>' . $product->width . '</width>';
    $xml .= '<height>' . $product->height . '</height>';
    $xml .= '<length_units>' . $product->length_units . '</length_units>';
    $xml .= '<pkg_qty>' . $product->pkg_qty . '</pkg_qty>';
    $xml .= '<default_qty>' . $product->default_qty . '</default_qty>';
    $xml .= '<shippable>' . $product->shippable . '</shippable>';
    if (isset($product->field_image_cache) && file_exists($product->field_image_cache[0]['filepath'])) {
      foreach ($product->field_image_cache as $image) {
        $xml .= '<image>';
        $xml .= '<path>' . $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' . dirname($image['filepath']) . '/' . rawurlencode(basename($image['filepath'])) . '</path>';
        if (!empty($image['alt'])) {
          $xml .= '<alt>' . $image['alt'] . '</alt>';
        if (!empty($image['title'])) {
          $xml .= '<title>' . $image['title'] . '</title>';
        $xml .= '</image>';
    if (module_exists('content')) {
      $type = content_types($product->type);
      if (count($type['fields'])) {
        $field_xml = '';
        foreach ($type['fields'] as $field) {
          if ($field['field_name'] != 'field_image_cache') {
            $node_field = isset($product->{$field}['field_name']) ? $product->{$field}['field_name'] : array();
            if (count($node_field)) {
              $field_xml .= '<field>';
              $field_xml .= '<name>' . $field['field_name'] . '</name>';
              foreach ($node_field as $columns) {
                $field_xml .= '<delta>';
                foreach ($columns as $name => $value) {
                  $field_xml .= '<' . $name . '>' . $value . '</' . $name . '>';
                $field_xml .= '</delta>';
              $field_xml .= '</field>';
        if ($field_xml) {
          $xml .= "<fields>{$field_xml}</fields>";
    if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
      $terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms($product->nid);
      $xml .= '<categories>';
      foreach ($terms as $term) {
        $xml .= '<category>';
        $xml .= '<id>' . $term->tid . '</id>';
        $xml .= '</category>';
      $xml .= '</categories>';
    if (module_exists('uc_attribute')) {
      $attributes = uc_product_get_attributes($product->nid);
      if (!empty($attributes)) {
        $xml .= '<attributes>';
        foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
          $xml .= '<attribute>';
          $xml .= '<id>' . $attribute->aid . '</id>';
          $xml .= '<name>' . htmlspecialchars($attribute->name, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</name>';
          $xml .= '<ordering>' . $attribute->ordering . '</ordering>';
          $xml .= '<default_option>' . $attribute->default_option . '</default_option>';
          if (!empty($attribute->options)) {
            $xml .= '<options>';
            foreach ($attribute->options as $option) {
              $xml .= '<option>';
              $xml .= '<id>' . $option->oid . '</id>';
              $xml .= '<name>' . htmlspecialchars($option->name, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</name>';
              $xml .= '<price>' . $option->price . '</price>';
              $xml .= '<weight>' . $option->weight . '</weight>';
              $xml .= '<ordering>' . $option->ordering . '</ordering>';
              $xml .= uc_importer_invoke('export', 'product-option', $product->nid, $option->oid);
              $xml .= '</option>';
            $xml .= '</options>';
          $xml .= uc_importer_invoke('export', 'product-attribute', $product->nid, $attribute->aid);
          $xml .= '</attribute>';
        $xml .= '</attributes>';
      $result = db_query("SELECT combination, model FROM {uc_product_adjustments} WHERE nid = %d", $product->nid);
      if (db_num_rows($result)) {
        $xml .= '<adjustments>';
        while ($adjustment = db_fetch_object($result)) {
          $xml .= '<adjustment>';
          $xml .= '<combination>' . htmlspecialchars($adjustment->combination, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</combination>';
          $xml .= '<model>' . htmlspecialchars($adjustment->model, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . '</model>';
          $xml .= uc_importer_invoke('export', 'adjustment', $adjustment, $product->nid);
          $xml .= '</adjustment>';
        $xml .= '</adjustments>';
    $xml .= uc_importer_invoke('export', 'product', $product->nid);
    $xml .= '</product>';
  $xml .= '</products>';
  return $xml;