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Functions in Ubercart 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_add_to_cart docs/hooks.php Do extra processing when an item is added to the shopping cart.
hook_add_to_cart_data docs/hooks.php Add extra information to a cart item's "data" array.
hook_calculate_tax docs/hooks.php Calculate tax line items for an order.
hook_cart_display docs/hooks.php Control the display of an item in the cart.
hook_cart_item docs/hooks.php Add extra data about an item in the cart.
hook_cart_pane docs/hooks.php Register callbacks for a cart pane.
hook_checkout_pane docs/hooks.php Register callbacks for a checkout pane.
hook_download_authorize docs/hooks.php Give clearance to a user to download a file.
hook_file_action docs/hooks.php Perform actions on file products.
hook_file_transfer_alter docs/hooks.php Make changes to a file before it is downloaded by the customer.
hook_line_item docs/hooks.php Used to define line items that are attached to orders.
hook_order docs/hooks.php Perform actions on orders.
hook_order_actions docs/hooks.php Add links to local tasks for orders on the admin's list of orders.
hook_order_pane docs/hooks.php Register callbacks for an order pane.
hook_payment_gateway docs/hooks.php Register payment gateway callbacks.
hook_payment_method docs/hooks.php Register callbacks for payment methods.
hook_product_class docs/hooks.php Perform actions on product classes.
hook_product_types docs/hooks.php List node types which should be considered products.
hook_shipment docs/hooks.php Handle additional data for shipments.
hook_shipping_method docs/hooks.php Define callbacks and service options for shipping methods.
hook_shipping_type docs/hooks.php Define shipping types for shipping methods.
hook_store_status docs/hooks.php Add status messages to the "Store administration" page.
hook_uc_message docs/hooks.php Convenience function to display large blocks of text in several places.
hook_update_cart_item docs/hooks.php Handle requests to update a cart item.
op_admin_comments_view_table uc_order/ 2
op_order_comments_view_table uc_order/ 2
op_products_customer_table uc_order/ 2
op_products_edit_table uc_order/uc_order.module 2
op_products_view_table uc_order/ Build the order view products table. 2
test_gateway_charge payment/uc_payment/test_gateway.module 2
test_gateway_payment_gateway payment/uc_payment/test_gateway.module
theme_address_pane uc_cart/
theme_cart_review_table uc_cart/
theme_uc_admin_dashboard uc_store/uc_store.module
theme_uc_attribute uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module Display formatted of data associated with attributes
theme_uc_attribute_options uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module Format an attribute and its options.
theme_uc_cart_block_content uc_cart/uc_cart.module Theme the shopping cart block content.
theme_uc_cart_block_title uc_cart/uc_cart.module Theme the shopping cart block title
theme_uc_cart_checkout_form uc_cart/uc_cart.module
theme_uc_cart_checkout_review uc_cart/uc_cart.module Theme the checkout review order page.
theme_uc_cart_pane_quotes shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module Display the formatted quote cart pane.
theme_uc_cart_view_form uc_cart/uc_cart.module
theme_uc_catalog_block_end uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module Theme the end of the catalog block.
theme_uc_catalog_block_start uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module Theme the beginning of the catalog block.
theme_uc_catalog_browse uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module Display a formatted catalog page.
theme_uc_catalog_item uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module Display a formatted link in the catalog block.
theme_uc_catalog_products uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module Display a formatted list of products.
theme_uc_catalog_product_grid uc_catalog/uc_catalog.module
theme_uc_empty_cart uc_cart/uc_cart.module
theme_uc_file_downloads_token uc_file/uc_file.module Theme file download links token


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