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uc_catalog.module in Ubercart 8.4

Ubercart Catalog module.

Provides classification and navigation product nodes using taxonomy. When installed, this module creates a vocabulary named "Product Catalog" and stores the vocabulary id for future use. The user is responsible for maintaining the terms in the taxonomy, though the Catalog will find products not listed in it.


View source

 * @file
 * Ubercart Catalog module.
 * Provides classification and navigation product nodes using taxonomy. When
 * installed, this module creates a vocabulary named "Product Catalog" and
 * stores the vocabulary id for future use. The user is responsible for
 * maintaining the terms in the taxonomy, though the Catalog will find products
 * not listed in it.
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldStorageDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface;
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary;
use Drupal\uc_catalog\TreeNode;

 * Implements hook_help().
function uc_catalog_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {
    case 'uc_catalog.orphans':
      return '<p>' . t('Orphaned products are products that you have created but not yet assigned to a category in your product catalog. All such products will appear as links below that you can follow to edit the product listings to assign them to categories.') . '</p>';
    case 'uc_catalog.settings':
      if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()
        ->moduleExists('views_ui')) {
        return '<p>' . t('<a href=":modules">Enable the Views UI module</a> to edit the catalog display.', [
          ':modules' => Url::fromRoute('system.modules_list', [], [
            'fragment' => 'edit-modules-views',
        ]) . '</p>';

 * Implements hook_theme().
function uc_catalog_theme() {
  return [
    'uc_catalog_block' => [
      'variables' => [
        'menu_tree' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
      'function' => 'theme_uc_catalog_block',
    'uc_catalog_item' => [
      'variables' => [
        'here' => NULL,
        'link' => NULL,
        'lis' => NULL,
        'expand' => NULL,
        'inpath' => NULL,
        'count_children' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
      'function' => 'theme_uc_catalog_item',

 * Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy_vocabulary_form().
function uc_catalog_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  $vid = \Drupal::config('uc_catalog.settings')
  $vocabulary = $form_state
  if ($vid == $vocabulary
    ->id()) {
    $form['help_catalog_vocab'] = [
      '#markup' => t('This is the designated product catalog vocabulary. It cannot be deleted until the Catalog module is uninstalled. The machine name of this vocabulary may not be changed.'),
      '#weight' => -1,

    // @todo - does the 'hierarchy' element do anything?
    // Catalog vocabulary always has single hierarchy.
    $form['hierarchy']['#value'] = TAXONOMY_HIERARCHY_SINGLE;

    // Do not allow the catalog vocabulary to be deleted.
    $form['actions']['delete']['#access'] = FALSE;

    // Do not allow the catalog vid to be changed.
    $form['vid']['#disabled'] = TRUE;

 * Preprocesses the catalog block output.
function uc_catalog_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
  if ($variables['plugin_id'] == 'uc_catalog_block' && $variables['label'] && $variables['configuration']['link_title']) {
    $variables['label'] = Link::createFromRoute($variables['label'], 'view.uc_catalog.page_1');

 * Implements hook_uc_store_status().
 * Provides status information about the "Product Catalog" and products not
 * listed in the catalog.
function uc_catalog_uc_store_status() {
  $connection = \Drupal::database();
  $field = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('node', 'taxonomy_catalog');
  if (!$field) {
    return [
        'status' => 'error',
        'title' => t('Catalog field'),
        'desc' => t('The catalog taxonomy reference field is missing. <a href=":url">Click here to create it</a>.', [
          ':url' => Url::fromRoute('')
  $statuses = [];
  $cat_id = \Drupal::config('uc_catalog.settings')
  $catalog = Vocabulary::load($cat_id);
  if ($catalog) {

    // Don't display a status if the taxonomy_index table has no data.
    if (\Drupal::config('taxonomy.settings')
      ->get('maintain_index_table')) {
      $statuses[] = [
        'status' => 'ok',
        'title' => t('Catalog vocabulary'),
        'desc' => t('Vocabulary @name has been identified as the Ubercart catalog.', [
          '@name' => Link::createFromRoute($catalog
            ->label(), 'entity.taxonomy_vocabulary.edit_form', [
            'taxonomy_vocabulary' => $catalog
      $product_types = uc_product_types();
      $types = array_intersect($product_types, $field
      $result = $connection
        ->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT n.nid) FROM {node} n LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_index} ti ON n.nid = ti.nid LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} td ON ti.tid = td.tid WHERE n.type IN (:types[]) AND ti.tid IS NULL AND td.vid = :vid", [
        ':types[]' => $types,
        ':vid' => $catalog
      if ($excluded = $result
        ->fetchField()) {
        $description = \Drupal::translation()
          ->formatPlural($excluded, 'There is 1 product not listed in the catalog.', 'There are @count products not listed in the catalog.') . t('Products are listed by assigning a category from the <a href=":cat_url">Product Catalog</a> vocabulary to them.', [
          ':cat_url' => Url::fromRoute('entity.taxonomy_vocabulary.edit_form', [
            'taxonomy_vocabulary' => $catalog->machine_name,
        $terms = $connection
          ->query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {taxonomy_term_data} WHERE vid = :vid", [
          ':vid' => $catalog
        if ($terms) {
          $description .= ' ' . Link::createFromRoute(t('Find orphaned products here.'), 'uc_product.orphans')
        else {
          $description .= ' ' . Link::createFromRoute(t('Add terms for the products to inhabit.'), 'entity.taxonomy_vocabulary.add_form', [
            'taxonomy_vocabulary' => $catalog
        $statuses[] = [
          'status' => 'warning',
          'title' => t('Unlisted products'),
          'desc' => $description,
  else {
    $statuses[] = [
      'status' => 'error',
      'title' => t('Catalog vocabulary'),
      'desc' => t('No vocabulary has been recognized as the Ubercart catalog. Choose one on <a href=":admin_catalog">this page</a> or add one on the <a href=":admin_vocab">taxonomy admin page</a> first, if needed.', [
        ':admin_catalog' => Url::fromRoute('uc_catalog.settings')
        ':admin_vocab' => Url::fromRoute('entity.taxonomy_vocabulary.collection')
  return $statuses;

 * Implements hook_node_type_insert().
 * Adds product node types to the catalog vocabulary as they are created.
function uc_catalog_node_type_insert(NodeTypeInterface $type) {
  $settings = $type
  if (!empty($settings['product'])) {

 * Emulates Drupal's menu system, but based around the catalog taxonomy.
 * @param \Drupal\uc_catalog\TreeNode $branch
 *   A TreeNode object. Determines if the URL points to itself, or possibly one
 *   of its children, if present. If the URL points to itself or one of its
 *   products, it displays its name and expands to show its children, otherwise
 *   displays a link and a count of the products in it. If the URL points to
 *   one of its children, it still displays a link and product count, but must
 *   still be expanded. Otherwise, it is collapsed and a link.
 * @return array
 *   An array whose first element is true if the TreeNode is in hierarchy of
 *   the URL path. The second element is the HTML of the list item of itself
 *   and its children.
function _uc_catalog_navigation(TreeNode $branch) {
  static $types;
  if (empty($types)) {
    $types = uc_product_types();
  $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
    ->condition('type', $types, 'IN')
    ->condition('status', TRUE)
    ->condition('taxonomy_catalog.target_id', $branch
  $num = $query
  $branch_path = uc_catalog_path($branch);

  // Determine if the URL points to this term.
  $here = Url::fromRoute('<current>')
    ->toString() == $branch_path;

  // Determine whether to expand menu item.
  $inpath = $here;
  $request = \Drupal::request();
  if ($request->attributes
    ->has('node')) {
    $node = $request->attributes
    if (isset($node->taxonomy_catalog)) {
      $inpath = FALSE;
      $parents = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      foreach ($parents as $parent) {
        if ($parent
          ->id() == $branch
          ->getTid()) {
          $inpath = TRUE;
  $lis = [];
  $expand = \Drupal::config('uc_catalog.settings')
  if ($expand || count($branch
    ->getChildren())) {
    foreach ($branch
      ->getChildren() as $twig) {

      // Expand if children are in the menu path. Capture their output.
      list($child_in_path, $lis[], $child_num) = _uc_catalog_navigation($twig);
      $num += $child_num;
      if ($child_in_path) {
        $inpath = $child_in_path;

  // No nodes in category or descendants. Not in path and display nothing.
  if (!$num) {
    return [

  // Checks to see if node counts are desired in navigation.
  $num_text = '';
  if (\Drupal::config('uc_catalog.settings')
    ->get('block_nodecount')) {
    $num_text = ' (' . $num . ')';
  $link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($branch
    ->getName() . $num_text, Url::fromUri('base:/' . $branch_path))
  $output = theme_uc_catalog_item([
    'here' => $here,
    'link' => $link,
    'lis' => $lis,
    'expand' => $expand,
    'inpath' => $inpath,
    'count_children' => count($branch

  // Tell parent category your status, and pass on output.
  return [

 * Creates paths to the catalog from taxonomy term.
function uc_catalog_path($term) {
  return Url::fromRoute('view.uc_catalog.page_1')
    ->toString() . '/' . $term

 * Adds a catalog taxonomy reference field to the specified node type.
function uc_catalog_add_node_type($type) {
  $vid = \Drupal::config('uc_catalog.settings')
  if (!FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('node', 'taxonomy_catalog')) {
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'field_name' => 'taxonomy_catalog',
      'type' => 'entity_reference',
      'settings' => [
        'target_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
      'cardinality' => FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
  if (!FieldConfig::loadByName('node', $type, 'taxonomy_catalog')) {
      'field_name' => 'taxonomy_catalog',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => $type,
      'label' => t('Catalog'),
      'settings' => [
        'handler_settings' => [
          'target_bundles' => [
            $vid => $vid,
          'auto_create' => TRUE,

  // Make sure catalog field shows up on node edit form.
    ->getFormDisplay('node', $type)
    ->setComponent('taxonomy_catalog', [
    'type' => 'options_select',

  // Display catalog value on node view.
    ->getViewDisplay('node', $type)
    ->setComponent('taxonomy_catalog', [
    'type' => 'entity_reference_label',

 * Sets up a default image field on the Catalog vocabulary.
function uc_catalog_add_image_field() {
  if (!FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('taxonomy_term', 'uc_catalog_image')) {
      'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
      'field_name' => 'uc_catalog_image',
      'type' => 'image',

  // Only add the instance if it doesn't exist. Don't overwrite any changes.
  if (!FieldConfig::loadByName('taxonomy_term', 'catalog', 'uc_catalog_image')) {
      'field_name' => 'uc_catalog_image',
      'entity_type' => 'taxonomy_term',
      'bundle' => 'catalog',
      'label' => t('Image'),
      ->getFormDisplay('taxonomy_term', 'catalog')
      ->setComponent('uc_catalog_image', [
      'type' => 'image_image',
      ->getViewDisplay('taxonomy_term', 'catalog')
      ->setComponent('uc_catalog_image', [
      'label' => 'hidden',
      'type' => 'image',
      'settings' => [
        'image_link' => 'content',
        'image_style' => 'uc_category',


Namesort descending Description
uc_catalog_add_image_field Sets up a default image field on the Catalog vocabulary.
uc_catalog_add_node_type Adds a catalog taxonomy reference field to the specified node type.
uc_catalog_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_form_alter Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy_vocabulary_form().
uc_catalog_help Implements hook_help().
uc_catalog_node_type_insert Implements hook_node_type_insert().
uc_catalog_path Creates paths to the catalog from taxonomy term.
uc_catalog_preprocess_block Preprocesses the catalog block output.
uc_catalog_theme Implements hook_theme().
uc_catalog_uc_store_status Implements hook_uc_store_status().
_uc_catalog_navigation Emulates Drupal's menu system, but based around the catalog taxonomy.