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Functions in Ubercart 8.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_ucga_display uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.api.php Determines whether e-commerce tracking code should be added to the page.
hook_ucga_item_alter uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.api.php Allows modules to alter items passed to the e-commerce tracking code.
hook_ucga_trans_alter uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.api.php Allows modules to alter the transaction data passed to Google Analytics.
hook_uc_add_to_cart uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Performs extra processing when an item is added to the shopping cart.
hook_uc_add_to_cart_data uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Adds extra information to a cart item's "data" array.
hook_uc_authorizenet_transaction_alter payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.api.php Allows transaction data to be altered before sending to
hook_uc_calculate_tax uc_tax/uc_tax.api.php Calculates tax line items for an order.
hook_uc_cart_checkout_start uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Takes action immediately before bringing up the checkout page.
hook_uc_cart_display uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Controls the display of an item in the cart.
hook_uc_cart_item_delete uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Act on cart item entities when deleted.
hook_uc_cart_item_insert uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Act on cart item entities when inserted.
hook_uc_cart_item_presave uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Act on a cart item before it is about to be created or updated.
hook_uc_cart_item_update uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Act on cart item entities when updated.
hook_uc_checkout_complete uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Takes action when checkout is completed.
hook_uc_checkout_pane_alter uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Alters checkout pane plugin definitions.
hook_uc_download_authorize uc_file/uc_file.api.php Gives clearance to a user to download a file.
hook_uc_file_action uc_file/uc_file.api.php Performs actions on file products.
hook_uc_file_transfer_alter uc_file/uc_file.api.php Makes changes to a file before it is downloaded by the customer.
hook_uc_form_alter uc_store/uc_store.api.php Allows modules to modify forms before Drupal invokes hook_form_alter().
hook_uc_line_item_alter uc_order/uc_order.api.php Alters the line item plugin definitions.
hook_uc_order_actions uc_order/uc_order.api.php Adds links to local tasks for orders on the admin's list of orders.
hook_uc_order_actions_alter uc_order/uc_order.api.php Allows the local task icons for orders to be altered.
hook_uc_order_can_delete uc_order/uc_order.api.php Verifies whether an order may be deleted.
hook_uc_order_pane_alter uc_order/uc_order.api.php Alters order pane plugin definitions.
hook_uc_order_product_alter uc_order/uc_order.api.php Allows modules to alter order products when they're loaded with an order.
hook_uc_order_product_can_ship uc_order/uc_order.api.php Allow modules to specify whether a product is shippable.
hook_uc_order_product_delete uc_order/uc_order.api.php Responds after order product deletion.
hook_uc_order_product_insert uc_order/uc_order.api.php Responds when an order product is inserted.
hook_uc_order_product_load uc_order/uc_order.api.php Acts on order products being loaded from the database.
hook_uc_order_product_presave uc_order/uc_order.api.php Acts on an order product being inserted or updated.
hook_uc_order_product_update uc_order/uc_order.api.php Hook for responding to an order product being updated.
hook_uc_payment_method_alter payment/uc_payment/uc_payment.api.php Alter payment methods.
hook_uc_payment_method_checkout_alter payment/uc_payment/uc_payment.api.php Alter payment methods available at checkout.
hook_uc_product_alter uc_product/uc_product.api.php Make alterations to a specific variant of a product node.
hook_uc_product_description uc_product/uc_product.api.php Returns a structured array representing the given product's description.
hook_uc_product_description_alter uc_product/uc_product.api.php Alters the given product description.
hook_uc_product_models uc_product/uc_product.api.php Notifies core of any SKUs your module adds to a given node.
hook_uc_product_types uc_product/uc_product.api.php Lists node types which should be considered products.
hook_uc_quote_method_alter shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.api.php Alter shipping quote methods.
hook_uc_shipment shipping/uc_fulfillment/uc_fulfillment.api.php Handles additional data and activity for shipments.
hook_uc_shipping_type shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.api.php Defines shipping types for shipping methods.
hook_uc_stock_adjusted uc_stock/uc_stock.api.php Allows modules to take action when a stock level is changed.
hook_uc_store_status uc_store/uc_store.api.php Adds status messages to the "Store administration" page.
hook_uc_update_cart_item uc_cart/uc_cart.api.php Handles requests to update a cart item.
obsolete_uc_fulfillment_shipment_print shipping/uc_fulfillment/uc_fulfillment.module Displays the packing slip and shipping labels for printing.
template_preprocess_uc_cart_block uc_cart/uc_cart.module Prepares variables for the cart block template.
template_preprocess_uc_cart_block_title uc_cart/uc_cart.module Prepares variables for the cart block title template.
template_preprocess_uc_cart_checkout_buttons uc_cart/uc_cart.module Prepares variables for the cart checkout buttons template.
template_preprocess_uc_cart_complete_sale uc_cart/uc_cart.module Prepares variables for the checkout completion template.
template_preprocess_uc_order_invoice uc_order/uc_order.module Preprocesses a formatted invoice with an order's data.


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