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function uc_cart_user_login in Ubercart 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 uc_cart/uc_cart.module \uc_cart_user_login()

Implements hook_user_login().

Updates cart to include items from the user's anonymous session.


uc_cart/uc_cart.module, line 202
Handles all things concerning Ubercart's shopping cart.


function uc_cart_user_login($account) {
  $session = \Drupal::service('session');
  if (!$session
    ->has('uc_cart_id')) {

    // No anonymous cart, so nothing to do here.

  // If there are items in the anonymous cart, consolidate them.
  $cart_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_cart.manager');
  $anonymous_cart = $cart_manager
  if ($items = $anonymous_cart
    ->getContents()) {

    // Remove the anonymous cart items.

    // Merge the anonymous items into the user cart.
    $user_cart = $cart_manager
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        ->addItem($item->nid->target_id, $item->qty->value, $item->data
        ->toArray(), FALSE);

    // Unset the anonymous cart ID, it's no longer needed.