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function uc_recurring_fee_cancel in Ubercart 5

Cancels a user's recurring fee by setting remaining intervals to 0.


$rfid: The recurring fee's ID.

3 calls to uc_recurring_fee_cancel()
uc_authorizenet_arb_admin_cancel_form_submit in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
uc_authorizenet_arb_user_cancel_form_submit in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
uc_recurring_user_cancel_form_submit in payment/uc_recurring/uc_recurring.module


payment/uc_recurring/uc_recurring.module, line 997
Allows you to add a recurring fee to a product/SKU to handle subscription type services.


function uc_recurring_fee_cancel($rfid) {
  db_query("UPDATE {uc_recurring_users} SET remaining_intervals = 0 WHERE rfid = %d", $rfid);