function uc_recurring_cron in Ubercart 5
Implementation of hook_cron().
- payment/
uc_recurring/ uc_recurring.module, line 204 - Allows you to add a recurring fee to a product/SKU to handle subscription type services.
function uc_recurring_cron() {
$successes = 0;
$fails = 0;
// Look for any fees ready for a charge that are reference transactions
// routed through the core recurring system.
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_recurring_users} WHERE fee_handler LIKE 'uc_recurring_byref:%%' AND remaining_intervals > 0 AND next_charge <= %d", time());
while ($fee = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$handler = explode(':', $fee['fee_handler']);
$fee['data'] = unserialize($fee['data']);
// Attempt to process the reference transaction.
if (uc_recurring_charge($fee)) {
// Update the fee in the database.
if ($fee['remaining_intervals'] == 1) {
$next_charge = time();
else {
$next_charge = strtotime('+' . $fee['regular_interval'], $fee['next_charge']);
db_query("UPDATE {uc_recurring_users} SET next_charge = %d, remaining_intervals = remaining_intervals - 1, charged_intervals = charged_intervals + 1 WHERE rfid = %d", $next_charge, $fee['rfid']);
else {
if ($successes > 0 || $fails > 0) {
watchdog('uc_recurring', t('!successes recurring fees processed successfully; !fails failed.', array(
'!successes' => $successes,
'!fails' => $fails,