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function _uc_authorizenet_curl_check in Ubercart 5

2 calls to _uc_authorizenet_curl_check()
uc_authorizenet_charge in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
uc_authorizenet_xml_api in payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module
Sends an XML API Request to Authorize.Net.


payment/uc_authorizenet/uc_authorizenet.module, line 1337
Process payments using Supports AIM and ARB.


function _uc_authorizenet_curl_check() {

  // Check to see if a known cURL function exists.
  if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The Authorize.Net module requires cURL.  Please talk to your system administrator to get this configured.'));
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;