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function hook_ucga_trans_alter in Ubercart 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.api.php \hook_ucga_trans_alter()
  2. 7.3 uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.api.php \hook_ucga_trans_alter()

Allows modules to alter transaction info before it's added to the UC Google Analytics e-commerce tracking code.

The UC Google Analytics module constructs function calls that work through the Google Analytics JS API to report order information for e-commerce tracking purposes. The module builds the argument list for the transaction and uses this hook to give other modules a chance to alter what gets reported to Google Analytics.


$trans: An array of arguments being passed to Google Analytics representing the transaction, including order_id, store, total, tax, shipping, city, state, and country.

$order: The order object being reported to Google Analytics.

Return value

Nothing should be returned. Hook implementations should receive the $trans array by reference and alter it directly.

1 invocation of hook_ucga_trans_alter()
uc_googleanalytics_ecommerce_js in uc_googleanalytics/uc_googleanalytics.module
Build the e-commerce JS passed to Google Analytics for order tracking.


docs/hooks.php, line 1845
These are the hooks that are invoked by the Ubercart core.


function hook_ucga_trans_alter(&$trans, $order) {

  // Example implementation: prefix all orders with "UC-".
  $trans['order_id'] = 'UC-' . $trans['order_id'];