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Functions in Twitter 6.4

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_twitter_accounts ./twitter.api.php Loads Twitter accounts for a user.
hook_twitter_status_save ./twitter.api.php Notifies of a saved tweet.
theme_twitter_account_list_form ./ Themes the list of Twitter accounts.
theme_twitter_signin_button twitter_signin/twitter_signin.module themable function for an image link for signing in with twitter
twitter_account_form ./ Form to add a Twitter account. 1
twitter_account_form_submit ./ Implements hook_FORM_ID_submit()
twitter_account_form_validate ./ Form validation for adding a new Twitter account.
twitter_account_list_form ./ 1
twitter_account_list_form_submit ./ Form submit handler for altering the list of Twitter accounts.
twitter_account_load ./ 6
twitter_account_save ./ Saves a TwitterUser object to {twitter_account} 4
twitter_actions_action_info twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Implementation of hook_action_info().
twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter twitter_actions/ Implementation of hook_rules_action_info_alter().
twitter_actions_set_status_action twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Implementation of a configurable Drupal action. Sends an email. 1
twitter_actions_set_status_action_form twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Return a form definition so the Send email action can be configured.
twitter_actions_set_status_action_submit twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Implements hook_actions_set_status_action_submit()
twitter_admin_form ./ Form builder; Twitter settings form. 1
twitter_connect ./ Connect to the API. 2
twitter_cron ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_cron() 1
twitter_edit_access ./twitter.module Access callback for twitter account editing. 1
twitter_fetch_user_timeline ./ Fetches a user's timeline 1
twitter_filter ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_filter().
twitter_filter_tips ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
twitter_get_user_accounts ./twitter.module Get a list of twitter accounts available to the current user. 1
twitter_include_token_fields twitter_post/twitter_post.module Add token help fields to the passed form. 2
twitter_install ./twitter.install Implementation of hook_install(). 1
twitter_link_filter ./twitter.module This helper function converts Twitter-style @usernames and #hashtags into actual links. 2
twitter_menu ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_meu()
twitter_mock_disable tests/twitter_mock.module Implements hook_disable().
twitter_mock_enable tests/twitter_mock.module Implements hook_enable().
twitter_mock_menu tests/twitter_mock.module Implementation of hook_menu().
twitter_mock_user_show tests/twitter_mock.module Menu page callback. Returns HTTP status and data based on url params. 1
twitter_mock_user_timeline tests/twitter_mock.module Callback for returning tweets of a Twitter account 1
twitter_nodeapi twitter_post/twitter_post.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
twitter_oauth_callback ./ Callback to process the response from the Twitter authentication. 2
twitter_oauth_callback_submit ./ Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_submit()
twitter_oauth_callback_validate ./
twitter_perm ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_perm()
twitter_post_admin_settings twitter_post/ Settings form callback 1
twitter_post_content_extra_fields twitter_post/twitter_post.module Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields().
twitter_post_form twitter_post/twitter_post.module Generate a twitter posting form for the given user. 1
twitter_post_form_alter twitter_post/twitter_post.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
twitter_post_menu twitter_post/twitter_post.module Implementation of hook_menu().
twitter_post_perm twitter_post/twitter_post.module Implementation of hook_perm()
twitter_profile_url ./twitter.module Helper function to generate twitter profile URLs. 1
twitter_requirements ./twitter.install Implements hook_requirements()
twitter_schema ./twitter.install Implementation of hook_schema()
twitter_set_status ./ Post a message to twitter 2
twitter_shorten_url ./twitter.module Very lightweight helper function to generate a TinyURL for a given post. 2
twitter_signin_admin_settings twitter_signin/ Addmin settings form for Twitter Signin 1


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