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Functions in Twitter 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_twitter_accounts ./twitter.api.php Retrieves what Twitter accounts the given user can post to.
hook_twitter_status_update ./twitter.api.php Called when the status updates are cached.
theme_twitter_account_list_form ./
twitter_account_list_form ./ 1
twitter_account_list_form_submit ./
twitter_actions_action_info twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Implementation of hook_action_info().
twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter twitter_actions/ Implementation of hook_rules_action_info_alter().
twitter_actions_set_status_action twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Implementation of a configurable Drupal action. Sends an email. 1
twitter_actions_set_status_action_form twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module Return a form definition so the Send email action can be configured.
twitter_actions_set_status_action_submit twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module
twitter_actions_set_status_action_validate twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module
twitter_add_account ./ 1
twitter_add_account_submit ./
twitter_add_account_validate ./
twitter_admin_form ./ 1
twitter_authenticate ./ Attempts to authenticate a username/password on 2
twitter_cache_account ./ Saves Twitter account information to the database. 3
twitter_cache_status ./ Saves Twitter status message to the database. 2
twitter_cron ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_cron()
twitter_fetch_account_info ./ Fetch the full information for a account. 2
twitter_fetch_followers ./ Fetch information about users following a given account.
twitter_fetch_friends ./ Fetch information about accounts followed by a given user.
twitter_fetch_statuses ./ Fetch the latest statuses for a account, regardless of privacy. 2
twitter_fetch_timeline ./ Fetch the public timeline for a account. 2
twitter_filter ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_filter().
twitter_filter_tips ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_filter_tips().
twitter_form ./ Generate a twitter posting form for the given user. 1
twitter_form_alter ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
twitter_get_user_accounts ./ User/account relationship code 2
twitter_install ./twitter.install Implementation of hook_install(). 1
twitter_link_filter ./twitter.module This helper function converts Twitter-style @usernames and #hashtags into actual links. 2
twitter_menu ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_meu()
twitter_nodeapi ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
twitter_perm ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_perm()
twitter_schema ./twitter.install Implementation of hook_schema().
twitter_send_dm ./ Send a direct message to another Twitter user.
twitter_set_status ./ Post a message to a account. 2
twitter_shorten_url ./twitter.module Very lightweight helper function to generate a TinyURL for a given post. 2
twitter_theme ./twitter.module
twitter_token_list ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_token_list().
twitter_token_values ./twitter.module Implementation of hook_token_values().
twitter_touch_account ./ Updates the 'last refreshed on' timestamp of a given locally cached Twitter account. 4
twitter_twitter_accounts ./twitter.module An implementation of hook_twitter_accounts. We want to move this into a separate module eventually, but sticking the code here and using a hook lets other modules solve the 'what accounts can a user post with' problem in cleaner ways. 1
twitter_uninstall ./twitter.install
twitter_update_6000 ./twitter.install Previous versions of the Twitter module had no database schema. We're safe just running the basic install for update_1.
twitter_update_6001 ./twitter.install Adding a handful of additional flags on accounts, and saving more metadata when Twitter sends it to us.
twitter_update_6002 ./twitter.install Set the weight a little heavier to allow Pathauto and other modules to do their work on the title, path alias, etc. before the twitter post is sent.
twitter_update_6003 ./twitter.install Twitter status IDs are hitting the rollover point for signed ints. Let's be sure we're ready. See for details.
twitter_update_6004 ./twitter.install Add NOT NULL constraint and DEFAULT value to the screen_name field of the twitter and twitter_user tables per updated schema definition.
twitter_update_6005 ./twitter.install Dear PHP, I hate you so bad. Love, Jeff.


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