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function tvi_get_default_view in Taxonomy Views Integrator 6

Finds views in the system that can be used to display the specified taxonomy term(s) and are outside of the TVI framework.

This is a helper function so that we can, in the case there is no TVI view, pass the display off to an applicable view rather than simply using taxonomy displays alone.

1 call to tvi_get_default_view()
tvi_get_view_info in ./tvi.module
Returns information about the term, view, and settings found for the arguments given to the taxonomy term callback.


./tvi.module, line 345
Enables use of views for taxonomy pages.


function tvi_get_default_view($str_tids) {
  static $default_views = array();
  if (!array_key_exists($str_tids, $default_views)) {
    $default_views[$str_tids] = array(
    $views = views_get_all_views();
    foreach ($views as $view) {
      if (!$view->disabled) {
        foreach ($view->display as $name => $display) {

          // Each view can have multiple displays. These may have a path
          // specified.
          $plugin = $display->display_plugin;

          // It has a path or it is not eligable.
          if (!in_array($plugin, array(
          ))) {
            $path = $display->display_options['path'];
            if (!$path) {

            // Exact match
            if (preg_match("/^taxonomy\\/term\\/{$str_tids}/", $path)) {
              $default_views[$str_tids] = array(
              $is_done = TRUE;

              // Return immediately
            elseif (preg_match("/^taxonomy\\/term\\/%/", $path)) {
              $default_views[$str_tids] = array(
      if ($is_done) {
  return $default_views[$str_tids];