tvi.module in Taxonomy Views Integrator 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Enables use of views for taxonomy pages.
tvi.moduleView source
// $Id: tvi.module,v 1.6 2010/01/13 00:20:20 collectivecolors Exp $
* @file
* Enables use of views for taxonomy pages.
* @defgroup constants
* @{
* Default view display name
define('TVI_DEFAULT_DISPLAY', 'default');
* Taxonomy setting types
define('TVI_TYPE_TERM', 'term');
define('TVI_TYPE_VOCAB', 'vocab');
* Used in tvi_get_term_info(...)
define('TVI_DATATYPE_ALL', 'all');
define('TVI_DATATYPE_TERM', 'term');
define('TVI_DATATYPE_VIEW', 'view');
define("TVI_DATATYPE_SETTINGS", 'settings');
* @} End of "defgroup constants".
* @defgroup drupal hooks
* @{
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function tvi_perm() {
return array(
'administer taxonomy view integrator',
* Implements hook_menu().
* @see
function tvi_menu() {
$items = array();
$items['admin/content/taxonomy/tvi'] = array(
'title' => 'TVI settings',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer taxonomy',
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
'file' => 'includes/',
// Define a AHAH views display options callback.
$items['tvi/js/display_options'] = array(
'page callback' => 'tvi_display_options_ahah',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer taxonomy',
'file' => 'includes/',
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implements hook_menu_alter().
* @see
function tvi_menu_alter(&$items) {
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['page callback'] = 'tvi_render_view';
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['page arguments'] = array(
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['access callback'] = 'tvi_render_view_access';
$items['taxonomy/term/%']['access arguments'] = array(
* Implements hook_form_alter().
* Used to add some items to the taxonomy term and vocab edit pages
* @see
function tvi_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
if (user_access('administer taxonomy view integrator')) {
if ($form_id == 'taxonomy_form_term' && !isset($form_state['confirm_delete']) && !isset($form_state['confirm_parents'])) {
elseif ($form_id == 'taxonomy_form_vocabulary') {
* Implements hook_taxonomy().
* @see
function tvi_taxonomy($op, $type, $info = NULL) {
switch ($op) {
// Remove TVI settings when vocabularies and terms are deleted.
case 'delete':
$type = $type == 'vocabulary' ? TVI_TYPE_VOCAB : TVI_TYPE_TERM;
$xid = $type == TVI_TYPE_VOCAB ? $info['vid'] : $info['tid'];
tvi_remove_settings($xid, $type);
* Implements hook_theme().
* @see
function tvi_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return array(
'tvi_title' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'term' => NULL,
'view' => NULL,
'tvi_breadcrumb' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'term' => NULL,
'view' => NULL,
'tvi_term_description' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'term' => NULL,
* @} End of "defgroup drupal hooks".
* @defgroup themeable
* @{
* Returns the taxonomy page title (for active view overrides).
* We just default to letting views take care of that. Override if you wish.
function theme_tvi_title($term, $view) {
return $view
* Returns the taxonomy page breadcrumb (for active view overrides).
* The algorithm we use is based off of $views->get_breadcrumb(), but has a few
* important differences. Override this if you have your own breadcrumb method.
function theme_tvi_breadcrumb($term, $view) {
return tvi_get_breadcrumb($term, $view);
* Returns the taxonomy description (for active view overrides).
function theme_tvi_term_description($term) {
if (is_object($term)) {
return '<div class="tvi-term-desc">' . filter_xss_admin($term->description) . '</div>';
* @} End of "defgroup themeable".
* @defgroup TVI callbacks
* @{
* Checks access for the current taxonomy page.
* We start off by checking view overrides, then take the normal permission for
* taxonomy/term pages, if no view is found.
function tvi_render_view_access($str_tids = '') {
list($view, $display) = tvi_get_view_info($str_tids);
if (is_object($view) && $display) {
if ($view
->access($display)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return user_access('access content');
* Replaces taxonomy page callback
* If more or less than one term is given then pass the request off
* to the original taxonomy module page callback.
* @todo Enable support for > 1 term.
* @todo Enable views to use their own arguments - now only tid and depth are passed in (ln 229, 232)
function tvi_render_view($str_tids = '', $depth = 0, $op = 'page') {
list($view, $display, $term, $settings) = tvi_get_view_info($str_tids);
$desc = $settings->description_enabled ? theme('tvi_term_description', $term) : '';
if (is_object($view) && $display) {
// Using the TVI selected view.
if (is_object($term) && is_object($settings) && $settings->status) {
$depth = tvi_get_view_depth($view, $display);
else {
drupal_set_title(theme('tvi_title', $term, $view));
drupal_set_breadcrumb(theme('tvi_breadcrumb', $term, $view));
// We might be using the default view.
return $desc . $view
// Taxonomy is last resort - used if no standard views are found
module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy', 'taxonomy.pages');
return taxonomy_term_page($str_tids, $depth, $op);
* @} End of "defgroup TVI callbacks".
* @defgroup internal utilities
* @{
* Returns information about the term, view, and settings found for the arguments
* given to the taxonomy term callback.
function tvi_get_view_info($str_tids) {
$terms = taxonomy_terms_parse_string($str_tids);
// Defaults
$term = $view = $settings = NULL;
if (count($terms['tids']) == 1) {
if ($info = tvi_get_term_info($terms['tids'][0], TVI_DATATYPE_ALL)) {
$term = $info->term;
$view = $info->view;
$settings = $info->settings;
else {
$term = $view = $settings = NULL;
if (is_object($view) && is_object($settings) && $settings->status) {
$display = $settings->display;
if (!variable_get('tvi_default_view_skip', 0) && !($view && $display)) {
list($view, $display) = tvi_get_default_view($str_tids);
// Important things to consider:
// * If this is a default view, then $settings will be NULL.
// * The variable $term might be NULL if this is a multi term request.
// * If $view or $display are NULL, then nothing was found.
return array(
* Returns different data sets with the term, view, and settings information for
* a specified term id.
function tvi_get_term_info($tid, $type = TVI_DATATYPE_VIEW) {
static $term_info = array();
if (!array_key_exists($tid, $term_info)) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
// Try using term and vocabulary overrides.
$settings = tvi_load_settings($term->tid, TVI_TYPE_TERM, FALSE);
if (!$settings || !$settings->status) {
// Then vocabulary override.
$settings = tvi_load_settings($term->vid, TVI_TYPE_VOCAB, FALSE);
if ($settings && $settings->view_name) {
$view = views_get_view($settings->view_name);
$term_info[$tid] = array(
'term' => $term,
'settings' => $settings,
'view' => $view,
switch ($type) {
return (object) $term_info[$tid];
return $term_info[$tid]['term'];
return $term_info[$tid]['view'];
return $term_info[$tid]['settings'];
return NULL;
* Finds views in the system that can be used to display the specified taxonomy
* term(s) and are outside of the TVI framework.
* This is a helper function so that we can, in the case there
* is no TVI view, pass the display off to an applicable view
* rather than simply using taxonomy displays alone.
function tvi_get_default_view($str_tids) {
static $default_views = array();
if (!array_key_exists($str_tids, $default_views)) {
$default_views[$str_tids] = array(
$views = views_get_all_views();
foreach ($views as $view) {
if (!$view->disabled) {
foreach ($view->display as $name => $display) {
// Each view can have multiple displays. These may have a path
// specified.
$plugin = $display->display_plugin;
// It has a path or it is not eligable.
if (!in_array($plugin, array(
))) {
$path = $display->display_options['path'];
if (!$path) {
// Exact match
if (preg_match("/^taxonomy\\/term\\/{$str_tids}/", $path)) {
$default_views[$str_tids] = array(
$is_done = TRUE;
// Return immediately
elseif (preg_match("/^taxonomy\\/term\\/%/", $path)) {
$default_views[$str_tids] = array(
if ($is_done) {
return $default_views[$str_tids];
* Views only saves the depth to the default display if it is not overridden
* in other displays.
function tvi_get_view_depth($view, $display) {
// Depth set for preferred display plugin?
$view_depth = !empty($view->display[$display]->display_options['arguments']) && array_key_exists('term_node_tid_depth', $view->display[$display]->display_options['arguments']) ? $view->display[$display]->display_options['arguments']['term_node_tid_depth']['depth'] : NULL;
if (is_null($view_depth)) {
// Depth set for default?
$view_depth = array_key_exists('term_node_tid_depth', $view->display[TVI_DEFAULT_DISPLAY]->display_options['arguments']) ? $view->display[TVI_DEFAULT_DISPLAY]->display_options['arguments']['term_node_tid_depth']['depth'] : FALSE;
if ($view_depth && is_integer($view_depth)) {
return $view_depth;
// Default plugin depth
return 0;
return $view_depth;
// Preferred pugin depth
* Gets the taxonomy page breadcrumb links.
* This is based off of the code for [ $views->get_breadcrumb() ].
* We needed a few modifications and the ability to use views by default, but
* allow for theme overrides of the breadcrumb trail for this module.
* We also filter out links to the current override display page, so that we do
* not get duplicate links, when the view path matches the current taxonomy
* override display path.
* This also allows us to have view hierarchy in our breadcrumb, instead of the
* typical taxonomy breadcrumb that starts with Home, then lists the terms.
* So for example, we might have something like this:
* Home >> Vocab >> Parent term >> This term
function tvi_get_breadcrumb($term, $view) {
$breadcrumb = array();
if (!empty($view->build_info['breadcrumb'])) {
$curr_path = $view
$base = TRUE;
foreach ($view->build_info['breadcrumb'] as $path => $title) {
// Check to see if the frontpage is in the breadcrumb trail; if it
// is, we'll remove that from the actual breadcrumb later.
if ($path == variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node')) {
$base = FALSE;
$title = t('Home');
if ($title && $path != $curr_path) {
$breadcrumb[] = l($title, $path, array(
'html' => true,
if ($base) {
$breadcrumb = array_merge(drupal_get_breadcrumb(), $breadcrumb);
return $breadcrumb;
* Includes various application logic into the module or in other module include
* files.
* Note, that you only have to specify the name of the include.
* tvi_include('admin') : includes -> [ includes/ ]
function tvi_include() {
static $loaded = array();
$args = func_get_args();
$path = './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'tvi') . '/includes';
foreach ($args as $name) {
if (!$loaded[$name]) {
$file = "tvi.{$name}";
require_once "{$path}/{$file}.inc";
$loaded[$name] = TRUE;
* @} End of "defgroup internal utilities".
Name![]() |
Description |
theme_tvi_breadcrumb | Returns the taxonomy page breadcrumb (for active view overrides). |
theme_tvi_term_description | Returns the taxonomy description (for active view overrides). |
theme_tvi_title | Returns the taxonomy page title (for active view overrides). |
tvi_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter(). |
tvi_get_breadcrumb | Gets the taxonomy page breadcrumb links. |
tvi_get_default_view | Finds views in the system that can be used to display the specified taxonomy term(s) and are outside of the TVI framework. |
tvi_get_term_info | Returns different data sets with the term, view, and settings information for a specified term id. |
tvi_get_view_depth | Views only saves the depth to the default display if it is not overridden in other displays. |
tvi_get_view_info | Returns information about the term, view, and settings found for the arguments given to the taxonomy term callback. |
tvi_include | Includes various application logic into the module or in other module include files. |
tvi_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
tvi_menu_alter | Implements hook_menu_alter(). |
tvi_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). |
tvi_render_view | Replaces taxonomy page callback |
tvi_render_view_access | Checks access for the current taxonomy page. |
tvi_taxonomy | Implements hook_taxonomy(). |
tvi_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
Name![]() |
Description |
TVI_DATATYPE_ALL | Used in tvi_get_term_info(...) |
TVI_DEFAULT_DISPLAY | Default view display name |
TVI_TYPE_TERM | Taxonomy setting types |