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function tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_and_redirect in Translation Management Tool 7

Attempts to checkout a number of jobs and prepare the necessary redirects.


array $form_state: Form state array, used to set the initial redirect.

array $jobs: Array of jobs to attempt checkout

See also


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function tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_and_redirect(array &$form_state, array $jobs) {
  $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple($jobs);

  // If necessary, do a redirect.
  if ($redirects) {
    if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {

      // Remove existing destination, as that will prevent us from being
      // redirect to the job checkout page. Set the destination as the final
      // redirect instead.
      tmgmt_ui_redirect_queue_set($redirects, $_GET['destination']);
    else {
      tmgmt_ui_redirect_queue_set($redirects, current_path());
    $form_state['redirect'] = tmgmt_ui_redirect_queue_dequeue();

    // Count of the job messages is one less due to the final redirect.
    drupal_set_message(format_plural(count($redirects), t('One job needs to be checked out.'), t('@count jobs need to be checked out.')));