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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Translation Management Tool 7

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
RecursiveDOMIterator class translators/file/ Class used to iterate through DOMDocument.
TMGMTBaseTestCase class tests/tmgmt.base.test Base class for tests. 12
TMGMTCRUDTestCase class tests/tmgmt.crud.test Basic CRUD tests.
TMGMTDefaultSourcePluginController abstract class plugin/ Default controller class for source plugins. 5
TMGMTDefaultSourceUIController class plugin/ Default ui controller class for source plugin. 4
TMGMTDefaultSourceViewsController class views/ Vies controller class for source plugins. 1
TMGMTDefaultTranslatorPluginController abstract class plugin/ Default controller class for service plugins. 3
TMGMTDefaultTranslatorUIController class plugin/ Default ui controller class for translator plugins. 3
TMGMTEntityDefaultSourceUIController abstract class sources/entity/ Abstract entity ui controller class for source plugin that provides getEntity() method to retrieve list of entities of specific type. It also allows to implement alter hook to alter the entity query for a specific type. 1
TMGMTEntitySourceLanguageNoneTestCase class sources/entity/tmgmt_entity.source.none.test Entity source LANGUAGE_NONE tests.
TMGMTEntitySourceListTestCase class sources/entity/ui/tmgmt_entity_ui.list.test
TMGMTEntitySourcePathAutoTestCase class sources/entity/tmgmt_entity.pathauto.test Tests integration with pathauto.
TMGMTEntitySourcePluginController class sources/entity/ @file Provides the Entity source controller.
TMGMTEntitySourceTestCase class sources/entity/tmgmt_entity.source.test Basic Entity Source tests.
TMGMTEntitySourceUIController class sources/entity/ui/ Generic entity ui controller class for source plugin.
TMGMTEntitySourceUITestCase class sources/entity/ui/tmgmt_entity_ui.test Basic Node Source tests.
TMGMTEntityTestCaseUtility abstract class tests/tmgmt.base.entity.test Utility test case class with helper methods to create entities and their fields with populated translatable content. Extend this class if you create tests in which you need Drupal entities and/or fields. 9
TMGMTException class includes/ TMGMT Exception class
TMGMTFieldCollectionSourceTestCase class sources/field/tmgmt_field_collection.test Basic Field Collection Source tests.
TMGMTFileFormatHTML class translators/file/ Export into HTML.
TMGMTFileFormatInterface interface translators/file/ Interface for exporting to a given file format. 2
TMGMTFileformatXLIFF class translators/file/ Export to XLIFF format.
TMGMTFileTestCase class translators/file/tmgmt_file.test Basic tests for the file translator.
TMGMTFileTranslatorPluginController class translators/file/ File translator plugin controller.
TMGMTFileTranslatorUIController class translators/file/ File translator plugin controller.
TMGMTHelperTestCase class tests/tmgmt.helper.test Test the helper functions in tmgmt.module.
TMGMTI18nStringDefaultSourceUIController class sources/i18n_string/ Class TMGMTI18nStringDefaultSourceUIController
TMGMTI18nStringSourcePluginController class sources/i18n_string/ Translation plugin controller for i18n strings.
TMGMTI18nStringSourceTestCase class sources/i18n_string/tmgmt_i18n_string.test Basic i18n String Source tests.
TMGMTJob class entity/ Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity.
TMGMTJobController class controller/ Controller class for the job entity.
TMGMTJobItem class entity/ Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity.
TMGMTJobItemController class controller/ Controller class for the job item entity.
TMGMTJobItemMetadataController class includes/ Metadata controller for the job item entity.
TMGMTJobItemUICart class ui/includes/ Represents a job item cart.
TMGMTJobItemUIController class ui/includes/ Entity UI controller for the Job Entity.
TMGMTJobItemViewsController class views/ Views controller class for the job item entity.
TMGMTJobMetadataController class includes/ Metadata controller for the job entity.
TMGMTJobUIController class ui/includes/ Entity UI controller for the Job Entity.
TMGMTJobViewsController class views/ Views controller class for the job entity.
TMGMTLocaleSourcePluginController class sources/locale/ Translation plugin controller for locale strings.
TMGMTLocaleSourceTestCase class sources/locale/tmgmt_locale.test Basic Locale Source tests.
TMGMTLocaleSourceUIController class sources/locale/ Class TMGMTI18nStringDefaultSourceUIController
TMGMTLocaleSourceUiTestCase class sources/locale/tmgmt_locale.ui.test Basic Locale Source tests.
TMGMTLocalTask class translators/tmgmt_local/entity/ Entity class for the local task entity.
TMGMTLocalTaskController class translators/tmgmt_local/controller/ Controller class for the local task entity.
TMGMTLocalTaskItem class translators/tmgmt_local/entity/ Entity class for the local task item entity.
TMGMTLocalTaskItemController class translators/tmgmt_local/controller/ Controller class for the local task entity.
TMGMTLocalTaskItemMetadataController class translators/tmgmt_local/includes/ Metadata controller for the local task entity.
TMGMTLocalTaskItemUIController class translators/tmgmt_local/controller/ Entity UI controller for the local task item entity.


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