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function tmgmt_local_translators in Translation Management Tool 7

Gets local translator for given language combination.


string $source_language: (optional) Source language to limit on.

array $target_languages: (optional) List of target languages to limit to.

Return value

array Array of uid => name translators or empty array if there are no translator users.

4 calls to tmgmt_local_translators()
TMGMTLocalTestCase::testCapabilitiesAPI in translators/tmgmt_local/tmgmt_local.test
TMGMTLocalTranslatorUIController::checkoutSettingsForm in translators/tmgmt_local/includes/
Form callback for the checkout settings form.
tmgmt_local_get_translators_for_tasks in translators/tmgmt_local/tmgmt_local.module
Gets translators able to translate all given tasks.
tmgmt_local_task_form in translators/tmgmt_local/includes/
Entity API form the local task entity.


translators/tmgmt_local/tmgmt_local.module, line 772
Main module file for the local translation module.


function tmgmt_local_translators($source_language = NULL, array $target_languages = array()) {
  $translators =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  $key = $source_language . '_' . implode('_', $target_languages);
  if (isset($translators[$key])) {
    return $translators[$key];

  // Get all capabilities keyed by uids for given source language.
  $translators_capabilities = array();
  foreach (tmgmt_local_capabilities($source_language) as $row) {
    $translators_capabilities[$row->uid][] = $row->tmgmt_translation_skills_language_to;

  // Filter out translator uids who's capabilities are not sufficient for given
  // target languages.
  $translators_uids = array();
  foreach ($translators_capabilities as $uid => $translator_capabilities) {

    // In case provided target languages exceed users capabilities exclude.
    if (!empty($target_languages) && count(array_diff($target_languages, $translator_capabilities)) > 0) {
    $translators_uids[] = $uid;

  // Finally build the translators list.
  $translators[$key] = array();
  if (!empty($translators_uids)) {
    foreach (user_load_multiple($translators_uids) as $account) {
      $translators[$key][$account->uid] = entity_label('user', $account);
  return $translators[$key];