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function hook_tmgmt_file_format_plugin_info in Translation Management Tool 7

Provide information about available file format to export to and import from.

Return value

An array of available file format plugin definitions. The key is the file extension for that format. It is therefore currently not possible to have two file formats which share the same file extension as there needs to be a way to identify them for the import. Each plugin info array then consists of a label and a plugin controller class, which needs to implement TMGMTFileFormatInterface.

See also


1 function implements hook_tmgmt_file_format_plugin_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

tmgmt_file_tmgmt_file_format_plugin_info in translators/file/tmgmt_file.module
Implements hook_tmgmt_file_format_info().


translators/file/tmgmt_file.api.php, line 21


function hook_tmgmt_file_format_plugin_info() {
  return array(
    'xlf' => array(
      'label' => t('XLIFF'),
      'plugin controller class' => 'TMGMTFileFormatXLIFF',
    'html' => array(
      'label' => t('HTML'),
      'plugin controller class' => 'TMGMTFileFormatHTML',