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14 calls to tmgmt_flatten_data() in Translation Management Tool 7

TMGMTFileFormatHTML::export in translators/file/
Return the file content for the job data.
TMGMTFileformatXLIFF::addItem in translators/file/
Adds a job item to the xml export.
TMGMTFileTestCase::testXLIFF in translators/file/tmgmt_file.test
Tests import and export for the XLIFF format.
TMGMTI18nStringSourcePluginController::saveTranslation in sources/i18n_string/
Saves a translation.
TMGMTJobItem::addTranslatedData in entity/
Adds translated data to a job item.
TMGMTJobItem::recalculateStatistics in entity/
Recalculate statistical word-data: pending, translated, reviewed, accepted.
TMGMTLocalTaskItemController::save in translators/tmgmt_local/controller/
@todo Eliminate the need to flatten and unflatten the TaskItem data.
TMGMTTestTranslatorPluginController::requestTranslation in tests/
TMGMTUITestCase::testReview in ui/tmgmt_ui.test
Tests of the job item review process.
tmgmt_local_translation_form in translators/tmgmt_local/includes/
Form callback for translating a job item.
tmgmt_local_update_7001 in translators/tmgmt_local/tmgmt_local.install
Create local task items.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_defaults in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Form wrapper callback for the job item review form.
tmgmt_update_7000 in ./tmgmt.install
Merge the content of the 'translation' field into the 'data' field.
tmgmt_update_7004 in ./tmgmt.install
Replace the [#translation][#finished] attribute with [#status].