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tmgmt_ui.test in Translation Management Tool 7


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 * @file
 * Contains tests for the default user interface.

 * Test the UI of tmgmt, for example the checkout form.
class TMGMTUITestCase extends TMGMTBaseTestCase {
  static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'UI tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies basic functionality of the user interface',
      'group' => 'Translation Management',
  function setUp() {

   * Test the page callbacks to create jobs and check them out.
  function testCheckoutForm() {

    // Add a first item to the job. This will auto-create the job.
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', '');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.

    // Add two more job items.
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 2);
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 3);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.

    // @todo: Test ajax functionality.
    // Attempt to translate into greek.
    $edit = array(
      'target_language' => 'el',
      'settings[action]' => 'translate',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('@translator can not translate from @source to @target.', array(
      '@translator' => 'Test translator (auto created)',
      '@source' => 'English',
      '@target' => 'Greek',

    // Job still needs to be in state new.
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);
    $edit = array(
      'target_language' => 'es',
      'settings[action]' => 'translate',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));

    // Job needs to be in state active.
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);
    foreach ($job
      ->getItems() as $job_item) {

      /* @var $job_item TMGMTJobItem */
      ->assertText(t('Test translation created'));
      ->assertNoText(t('Test translator called'));

    // Test redirection.
      ->assertText(t('Job overview'));

    // Another job.
    $previous_tjid = $job->tjid;
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', '');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);
      ->assertNotEqual($job->tjid, $previous_tjid);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');
    $edit = array(
      'target_language' => 'es',
      'settings[action]' => 'submit',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('Test submit'));
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);

    // Another job.
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', 'es');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');
    $edit = array(
      'settings[action]' => 'reject',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('This is not supported'));
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);

    // Check displayed job messages.
    $args = array(
      '@view' => 'view-tmgmt-ui-job-messages',
      ->assertEqual(2, count($this
      ->xpath('//div[contains(@class, @view)]//tbody/tr', $args)));

    // Check that the author for each is the current user.
    $message_authors = $this
      ->xpath('////div[contains(@class, @view)]//td[contains(@class, @field)]/span', $args + array(
      '@field' => 'views-field-name',
      ->assertEqual(2, count($message_authors));
    foreach ($message_authors as $message_author) {
        ->assertEqual((string) $message_author, $this->translator_user->name);

    // Make sure that rejected jobs can be re-submitted.
    $edit = array(
      'settings[action]' => 'translate',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('Test translation created'));

    // Another job.
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', 'es');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');
    $edit = array(
      'settings[action]' => 'fail',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('Service not reachable'));
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);

    // Verify that we are still on the form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');

    // Another job.
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', 'es');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');
    $edit = array(
      'settings[action]' => 'not_translatable',
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));

    // @todo Update to correct failure message.
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);

    // Test default settings.
    $this->default_translator->settings['action'] = 'reject';
    $job = tmgmt_job_match_item('en', 'es');
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Check checkout form.
      ->assertText('You can provide a label for this job in order to identify it easily later on.');

    // The action should now default to reject.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Submit to translator'));
      ->assertText(t('This is not supported.'));
    $job = entity_load_unchanged('tmgmt_job', $job->tjid);

   * Tests the tmgmt_ui_job_checkout() function.
  function testCheckoutFunction() {
    $job = $this

    // Check out a job when only the test translator is available. That one has
    // settings, so a checkout is necessary.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(
    $uri = $job
      ->assertEqual($uri['path'], $redirects[0]);

    // Hide settings on the test translator.
    $default_translator = tmgmt_translator_load('test_translator');
    $default_translator->settings = array(
      'expose_settings' => FALSE,
    $job = $this
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // A job without target language needs to be checked out.
    $job = $this
      ->createJob('en', '');
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(
    $uri = $job
      ->assertEqual($uri['path'], $redirects[0]);

    // Create a second file translator. This should check
    // out immediately.
    $job = $this
    $second_translator = $this
    $second_translator->settings = array(
      'expose_settings' => FALSE,
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(
    $uri = $job
      ->assertEqual($uri['path'], $redirects[0]);

   * Tests of the job item review process.
  public function testReview() {
    $job = $this
    $job->translator = $this->default_translator->name;
    $job->settings = array();
    $item = $job
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);
    $data = tmgmt_flatten_data($item
    $keys = array_keys($data);
    $key = $keys[0];
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/items/' . $item->tjiid);

    // Testing the result of the
    // TMGMTTranslatorUIControllerInterface::reviewDataItemElement()
      ->assertText(t('Testing output of review data item element @key from the testing translator.', array(
      '@key' => $key,

    // Test the review tool source textarea.
      ->assertFieldByName('dummy|deep_nesting[source]', $data[$key]['#text']);

    // Save translation.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'dummy|deep_nesting[translation]' => $data[$key]['#text'] . 'translated',
    ), t('Save'));
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/items/' . $item->tjiid);

    // Check if translation has been saved.
      ->assertFieldByName('dummy|deep_nesting[translation]', $data[$key]['#text'] . 'translated');

   * Tests the UI of suggestions.
  public function testSuggestions() {

    // Prepare a job and a node for testing.
    $job = $this
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 7);

    // Go to checkout form.
    $redirects = tmgmt_ui_job_checkout_multiple(array(

    // Load all suggestions.
    $commands = $this
      ->drupalPostAJAX(NULL, array(), array(
      'op' => t('Load suggestions'),
      ->assertEqual(count($commands), 4, 'Found 4 commands in AJAX-Request.');

    // Check each command for success.
    foreach ($commands as $command) {

      // No checks against the settings because we not use ajax to save.
      if ($command['command'] == 'settings') {
      else {
        if ($command['command'] == 'insert') {

          // This should be the tableselect javascript file for the header.
          if ($command['method'] == 'prepend' && $command['selector'] == 'head') {
              ->assertTrue(substr_count($command['data'], 'misc/tableselect.js'), 'Javascript for Tableselect found.');
          else {
            if ($command['method'] == NULL && $command['selector'] == NULL) {
                ->assertTrue(substr_count($command['data'], '</th>') == 5, 'Found five table header.');
                ->assertTrue(substr_count($command['data'], '</tr>') == 3, 'Found two suggestion and one table header.');
                ->assertTrue(substr_count($command['data'], '<td>11</td>') == 2, 'Found 10 words to translate per suggestion.');
                ->assertTrue(substr_count($command['data'], 'value="Add suggestions"'), 'Found add button.');
            else {
              if ($command['method'] == 'prepend' && $command['selector'] == NULL) {
                  ->assertTrue(empty($command['data']), 'No content will be prepended.');
              else {
                  ->fail('Unknown method/selector combination.');
        else {
            ->fail('Unknown command.');
      ->assertText('Test suggestion for test source 1');
      ->assertText('Test suggestion for test source 7');

    // Add the second suggestion.
    $edit = array(
      'suggestions_table[2]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Add suggestions'));

    // Total word count should now include the added job.

    // The suggestion for 7 was added, so there should now be a suggestion
    // or the suggestion instead.
      ->assertNoText('Test suggestion for test source 7');

   * Test the process of aborting and resubmitting the job.
  function testAbortJob() {
    $job = $this
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 1);
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 2);
      ->addItem('test_source', 'test', 3);
    $edit = array(
      'target_language' => 'es',
      'settings[action]' => 'translate',
      ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $job->tjid, $edit, t('Submit to translator'));

    // Abort job.
      ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $job->tjid, array(), t('Abort job'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Confirm'));

    // Reload job and check its state.

    /** @var TMGMTJob $job */
    $job = tmgmt_job_load($job->tjid);
    foreach ($job
      ->getItems() as $item) {

    // Resubmit the job.
      ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $job->tjid, array(), t('Resubmit'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Confirm'));

    // Test for the log message.
      ->assertRaw(t('This job is a duplicate of the previously aborted job <a href="@url">#@id</a>', array(
      '@url' => url('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $job->tjid),
      '@id' => $job->tjid,

    // Load the resubmitted job and check for its status and values.
    $url_parts = explode('/', $this
    $resubmitted_job = tmgmt_job_load(array_pop($url_parts));
      ->assertEqual($job->translator, $resubmitted_job->translator);
      ->assertEqual($job->source_language, $resubmitted_job->source_language);
      ->assertEqual($job->target_language, $resubmitted_job->target_language);
      ->assertEqual($job->settings, $resubmitted_job->settings);

    // Test if job items were duplicated correctly.

    /** @var TMGMTJobItem $item */
    foreach ($job
      ->getItems() as $item) {

      // We match job items based on "id #" string. This is not that straight
      // forward, but it works as the test source text is generated as follows:
      // Text for job item with type #type and id #id.
      $_items = $resubmitted_job
        'data' => array(
          'value' => '%id ' . $item->item_id . '%',
          'operator' => 'LIKE',
      $_item = reset($_items);

      /** @var TMGMTJobItem $_item */
        ->assertNotEqual($_item->tjid, $item->tjid);
        ->assertEqual($_item->plugin, $item->plugin);
        ->assertEqual($_item->item_id, $item->item_id);
        ->assertEqual($_item->item_type, $item->item_type);

      // Make sure counts have been recalculated.
        ->assertTrue($_item->word_count > 0);
        ->assertTrue($_item->count_pending > 0);
        ->assertEqual($_item->count_translated, 0);
        ->assertEqual($_item->count_accepted, 0);
        ->assertEqual($_item->count_reviewed, 0);

    // Navigate back to the aborted job and check for the log message.
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $job->tjid);
      ->assertRaw(t('Job has been duplicated as a new job <a href="@url">#@id</a>.', array(
      '@url' => url('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $resubmitted_job->tjid),
      '@id' => $resubmitted_job->tjid,
    $elements = $this
      ->xpath('//table[contains(@class, @view)]//td[contains(., @text)]', array(
      '@view' => 'views-table',
      '@text' => t('N/A'),
    $status = $elements[0];
      ->assertEqual(trim((string) $status), t('N/A'));

   * Test the cart functionality.
  function testCart() {
    $job_items = array();

    // Create a few job items and add them to the cart.
    for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) {
      $job_item = tmgmt_job_item_create('test_source', 'test', $i);
      $job_items[$i] = $job_item;
    foreach ($job_items as $job_item) {
        ->drupalGet('tmgmt-add-to-cart/' . $job_item->tjiid);

    // Check if the items are displayed in the cart.
    foreach ($job_items as $job_item) {

    // Test the remove items from cart functionality.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'items[1]' => TRUE,
      'items[4]' => TRUE,
    ), t('Remove selected'));
      ->assertText(t('Job items were removed from the cart.'));

    // Test that removed job items from cart were deleted as well.
    $existing_items = tmgmt_job_item_load_multiple(NULL);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Empty cart'));
      ->assertText(t('All job items were removed from the cart.'));

    // No remaining job items.
    $existing_items = tmgmt_job_item_load_multiple(NULL);
    $language_sequence = array(
    for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
      $job_item = tmgmt_job_item_create('test_source', 'test', $i);
      $job_items[$i] = $job_item;
      $languages[$job_items[$i]->tjiid] = $language_sequence[$i - 1];
    variable_set('tmgmt_test_source_languages', $languages);
    foreach ($job_items as $job_item) {
        ->drupalGet('tmgmt-add-to-cart/' . $job_item->tjiid);
      ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/cart', array(
      'items[' . $job_items[1]->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'items[' . $job_items[2]->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'items[' . $job_items[3]->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'items[' . $job_items[4]->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'items[' . $job_items[5]->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'target_language[]' => array(
    ), t('Request translation'));
      ->assertText(t('@count jobs need to be checked out.', array(
      '@count' => 4,

    // We should have four jobs with following language combinations:
    // [fr, fr] => [en]
    // [de] => [en]
    // [en, en] => [de]
    // [fr, fr] => [de]
    $jobs = entity_load('tmgmt_job', FALSE, array(
      'source_language' => 'fr',
      'target_language' => 'en',
    $job = reset($jobs);
      ->getItems()), 2);
    $jobs = entity_load('tmgmt_job', FALSE, array(
      'source_language' => 'de',
      'target_language' => 'en',
    $job = reset($jobs);
      ->getItems()), 1);
    $jobs = entity_load('tmgmt_job', FALSE, array(
      'source_language' => 'en',
      'target_language' => 'de',
    $job = reset($jobs);
      ->getItems()), 2);
    $jobs = entity_load('tmgmt_job', FALSE, array(
      'source_language' => 'fr',
      'target_language' => 'de',
    $job = reset($jobs);
      ->getItems()), 2);

    // Both fr and one de items must be gone.

    // One de item is in the cart as it was not selected for checkout.

   * Test if the source is able to pull content in requested language.
  function testCartEnforceSourceLanguage() {
    $content_type = $this
    $node_sk = $this
      'title' => $this
      'language' => 'sk',
      'body' => array(
        'sk' => array(
      'type' => $content_type->type,
      'title' => $this
      'language' => 'en',
      'tnid' => $node_sk->nid,
      'body' => array(
        'en' => array(
      'type' => $content_type->type,
    $node_cs = $this
      'title' => $this
      'language' => 'cs',
      'body' => array(
        'cs' => array(
      'type' => $content_type->type,
    $job_item_sk = tmgmt_job_item_create('node', 'node', $node_sk->nid);
      ->drupalGet('tmgmt-add-to-cart/' . $job_item_sk->tjiid);
    $job_items_data[$job_item_sk->item_id] = $job_item_sk->item_type;
    $job_item_cs = tmgmt_job_item_create('node', 'node', $node_cs->nid);
      ->drupalGet('tmgmt-add-to-cart/' . $job_item_cs->tjiid);
    $job_items_data[$job_item_cs->item_id] = $job_item_cs->item_type;
      ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/cart', array(
      'enforced_source_language' => TRUE,
      'source_language' => 'en',
      'items[' . $job_item_cs->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'items[' . $job_item_sk->tjiid . ']' => TRUE,
      'target_language[]' => array(
    ), t('Request translation'));
      ->assertText(t('One job needs to be checked out.'));
      ->assertRaw(t('One item skipped. @language translation unavailable.', array(
      '@language' => 'English',
    $args = explode('/', $this
    $tjid = array_pop($args);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Submit to translator'));

    // We cannot test for the item data as items without a job are not able to
    // get the data in case the source language is overridden. Therefore only
    // testing for item_id and item_type values.
    foreach (tmgmt_job_load($tjid)
      ->getItems() as $job_item) {
        ->assertEqual($job_items_data[$job_item->item_id], $job_item->item_type);



Namesort descending Description
TMGMTUITestCase Test the UI of tmgmt, for example the checkout form.