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function _tmgmt_plugin_controller in Translation Management Tool 7

Determines the controller class for a given plugin type.


$type: The type of the plugin. Can be 'translator' or 'source'.

$plugin: (Optional) The machine-readable name of a source plugin.

Return value

TMGMTPluginBaseInterface The controller object for the given plugin or an array containing all available plugin controller objects if no plugin name was given.

6 calls to _tmgmt_plugin_controller()
tmgmt_file_format_controller in translators/file/tmgmt_file.module
Returns the file format plugin controller.
tmgmt_source_plugin_controller in ./tmgmt.module
Get the plugin controller class for a given source plugin.
tmgmt_source_ui_controller in ./tmgmt.module
Get the ui controller class for a given source plugin.
tmgmt_source_views_controller in ./tmgmt.module
Get the views controller class for a given source plugin.
tmgmt_translator_plugin_controller in ./tmgmt.module
Determines the controller class for a given service plugin.

... See full list

1 string reference to '_tmgmt_plugin_controller'
TMGMTI18nStringSourceTestCase::testI18nStringSourceMenu in sources/i18n_string/tmgmt_i18n_string.test


./tmgmt.module, line 1265
Main module file for the Translation Management module.


function _tmgmt_plugin_controller($type, $plugin = NULL, $controller = 'plugin', $default = NULL) {
  $key = $controller . ' controller class';
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($plugin) && !isset($cache[$type][$controller])) {
    $cache[$type][$controller] = array();
    foreach (_tmgmt_plugin_info($type) as $name => $info) {
      if (!isset($cache[$type][$controller][$name])) {
        $class = isset($default) && !isset($info[$key]) ? $default : $info[$key];
        $cache[$type][$controller][$name] = new $class($type, $name);
  elseif (isset($plugin) && !isset($cache[$type][$controller][$plugin])) {
    $info = _tmgmt_plugin_info($type, $plugin);
    if (empty($info[$key]) && empty($default)) {
      $cache[$type][$controller][$plugin] = FALSE;
    else {
      $class = empty($info[$key]) ? $default : $info[$key];
      $cache[$type][$controller][$plugin] = new $class($type, $plugin);
  if (isset($plugin)) {
    return $cache[$type][$controller][$plugin];
  else {
    return array_filter($cache[$type][$controller]);