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function hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure in Translation Management Tool 7

Extract translatable text elements from a field.


$entity_type: The type of $entity.

$entity: The entity being extracted.

$field: The field structure.

$instance: The field instance.

$langcode: The language associated with $items.

$items: Array of values for this field.

Return value

An array of translatable text elements, keyed by the schema name of the field.

See also


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2 functions implement hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

field_collection_tmgmt_source_translation_structure in sources/field/
Implements hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure().
text_tmgmt_source_translation_structure in sources/field/tmgmt_field.module
Implements hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure().
2 invocations of hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure()
field_collection_tmgmt_source_translation_structure in sources/field/
Implements hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure().
tmgmt_field_get_source_data in sources/field/tmgmt_field.module
Helper function for retrieving all translatable field values from an entity.


sources/field/tmgmt_field.api.php, line 48


function hook_tmgmt_source_translation_structure($entity_type, $entity, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items) {