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updates_checklist.yml in Thunder 8.5


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  1. v3.0:
  2. '#title': 'Updates fo Thunder 3'
  3. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  4. v3.2:
  5. '#title': 'Update to version v3.2'
  6. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  7. thunder_update_8302:
  8. '#title': 'Change replace button to remove button on image paragraph form.'
  9. '#description': '<p>The replace button can interfere with ajax requests, to prevent such bad behavior, we use the remove button instead.</p>'
  10. '#description_successful': '<p>The replace button has been successfully changed.</p>'
  11. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>The replace button could not be changed to the remove button. Please check the image paragraphs widget settings.</strong><p>'
  12. configure_page: { '#text': 'Paragraph configuration', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/paragraphs_type/image/form-display' }
  13. thunder_update_8303:
  14. '#title': 'Enable "Autosave Form" module'
  15. '#description': '<p>The "Autosave Form" module provides automatic perodical saving on content entity forms.</p>'
  16. '#description_successful': '<p>The "Autosave Form" module has been installed.</p>'
  17. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.<p>'
  18. extension_page: { '#text': 'Extension page', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  19. configure_page: { '#text': 'Autosave Form configuration', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/autosave_form' }
  20. module_page: { '#text': 'Autosave Form module page', '#url': '' }
  21. v4.2:
  22. '#title': 'Update to version v4.2'
  23. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  24. thunder_update_8304:
  25. '#title': 'Enable "Autofill" module'
  26. '#description': '<p>The "Autofill" module automatically fills the values from one textfield to another while typing.</p>'
  27. '#description_successful': '<p>The "Autofill" module has been installed.</p>'
  28. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.<p>'
  29. extension_page: { '#text': 'Extension page', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  30. configure_page: { '#text': 'Article form configuration', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display' }
  31. module_page: { '#text': 'Autofill module page', '#url': '' }
  32. v4.3:
  33. '#title': 'Update to version v4.3'
  34. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  35. thunder_update_8305:
  36. '#title': 'Disable paragraphs drag & drop action button'
  37. '#description': '<p>This configuration update will update site configuration to newly provided configuration</p>'
  38. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  39. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed. To manually change your configuration visit your paragraphs widget configurations and select or deselect the show drag & drop button option.</strong><p>'
  40. v4.4:
  41. '#title': 'Update to version v4.4'
  42. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  43. thunder_update_8306:
  44. '#title': 'Adjust the order of paragraph types in add dialog for taxonomy terms of bundles news and tags to be consistent across the system.'
  45. '#description': '<p>This configuration update will update site configuration to newly provided configuration</p>'
  46. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  47. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed. The order of paragraph types can be aligned manually in field_paragraphs field configuration for taxonomy terms of bundles news and tags.</strong><p>'
  48. v4.5:
  49. '#title': 'Update to version v4.5'
  50. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  51. thunder_update_8307:
  52. '#title': 'Update and reconfigure entity browser widget.'
  53. '#description': '<p>The entity browser configuration in paragraphs has changed. We do not use the inline entity forms field widget anymore, and use the rendered entity instead. We recommend to manually check all paragraphs, that use the inline entity form field widget for media entities. Make sure those widgets are changed to rendered entity.</p>'
  54. v4.6:
  55. '#title': 'Update to version v4.6'
  56. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  57. thunder_update_8308:
  58. '#title': 'Let paragraph preview image style use the focal point.'
  59. '#description': '<p>This configuration update will update site configuration to newly provided configuration</p>'
  60. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  61. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  62. v5.3:
  63. '#title': 'Update to version v5.3'
  64. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  65. thunder_update_8310:
  66. '#title': 'Preparation for Thunder Search.'
  67. '#description': '<p>This update will make the content view ready for the config selector.</p>'
  68. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  69. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  70. v5.7:
  71. '#title': 'Update to version v5.7.0'
  72. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  73. thunder_update_8311:
  74. '#title': 'Enable bulk editing for media images.'
  75. '#description': '<p>This configuration update will update site configuration to newly provided configuration</p>'
  76. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  77. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'