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updates_checklist.yml in Thunder 8.2


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  1. v2.0:
  2. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2'
  3. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  4. v1_1__responsive_preview:
  5. '#title': 'Responsive Theme Preview'
  6. '#description': '<p>With this module, you can see what the site will look like on different devices, in upright or landscape orientation.</p>'
  7. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  8. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  9. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Responsive Theme Preview', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  10. configuration_page: { '#text': 'Configure module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/user-interface/responsive-preview' }
  11. v1_1__access_unpublished:
  12. '#title': 'Access Unpublish'
  13. '#description': '<p>With this module, you can share unpublished articles with people who don’t have access to your editorial backend by creating a unique and temporary URL.</p>'
  14. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  15. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  16. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Access Unpublish', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  17. configuration_page: { '#text': 'Configure module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/access_unpublished' }
  18. v1_1__shariff:
  19. '#title': 'Shariff'
  20. '#description': '<p>This module provides highly customizable social buttons.</p>'
  21. '#description_successful': '<p><strong>Please note:</strong> We enabled that module for you and placed the social buttons in your article, so the display of your article might have changed. Instead of using a field, it is also possible to add a block with social buttons.</p>'
  22. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information. After manual installation of the module you can: <ul><li>Place social buttons as a block in <a href="/admin/structure/block">block layout</a></li><li>Add social buttons as a field to your <a href="/admin/structure/types/manage/article/display">article</a></li></ul></p>'
  23. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  24. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Shariff', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  25. configuration_page: { '#text': 'Configure module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/services/shariff' }
  26. content_type_page: { '#text': 'Configure article display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/types/manage/article/display' }
  27. block_page: { '#text': 'Place a Shariff share buttons block', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/block' }
  28. v1_1__remove_entity_browser_language_filter:
  29. '#title': 'Remove language filter from media browsers'
  30. '#description': '<p>With this configuration change, we removed the language filter from media browsers. Since media entities do not have relation to language, this filter was useless.</p>'
  31. '#description_failed': '<p>We tried to remove the language filter but failed. Please do it on your own: <ol><li>Visit the <a href="/admin/structure/views">views administration page</a>.</li><li>Search for the entity browser view that you want to edit</li><li>Click <strong>Edit</strong> to modify the view.</li><li>On the view editing page, go to <strong>FILTER CRITERIA</strong> and find the link <strong>Media: Translation language (exposed)</strong>. Click on it and a new window opens</li><li>In the pop-up dialog, click <strong>Remove</strong> at the bottom.</li><li>Save the view changes by clicking the <strong>Save</strong> button</li></ol>Repeat the steps 3-6 for all views you need to change.</p>'
  32. views_page: { '#text': 'Views administration page', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/views' }
  33. v1_1__metatag_facebook:
  34. '#title': 'Meta tags for Facebook'
  35. '#description': '<p>Within the Metatag module, we added a set of meta tags specially for controlling advanced functionality with Facebook.</p>'
  36. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  37. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  38. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Metatag module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  39. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/search/metatag' }
  40. v1_1__config_update:
  41. '#title': 'Configuration Update Manager'
  42. '#description': '<p>This module provides basic revert and update functionality for other modules. We use this module in the Thunder update hooks, so it should never be disabled.</p>'
  43. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  44. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Configuration Update module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  45. v1_1__image_video_paragraph:
  46. '#title': 'Installation of image and video paragraph type'
  47. '#description': '<p>For making working with paragraphs easier for editors, we divided the media paragraph into two separate paragraphs for images and videos.</p>'
  48. '#description_successful': '<p>We installed that in an update hook for you. If you want to stay with the media paragraph, you can change these settings at the article paragraph <a href="/admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/node.article.field_paragraphs">field settings</a>.</p>'
  49. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  50. v1_1__instagram_edit_preview:
  51. '#title': 'Adjusted Instagram preview'
  52. '#description': '<p>The Instagram module now provides thumbnails of Instagram cards which are used for the preview.</p>'
  53. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update</strong>, please check the error logs for more information. To manually update the configuration go to <a href="/admin/structure/media/manage/instagram/display/thumbnail">Configure instagram preview</a> and use the Thumbnail field with image style "Media thumbnail" instead of the URL field.<p>'
  54. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  55. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure instagram preview', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/instagram/display/thumbnail' }
  56. v1_1__diff:
  57. '#title': 'Diff'
  58. '#description': '<p>This module allows the user to compare two revisions of an article.</p>'
  59. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  60. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  61. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Diff module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  62. v1_1__thunder_riddle:
  63. '#title': 'Improved Riddle integration'
  64. '#description': '<p>With this improved Riddle integration, you can select riddles from the entity browser. This makes the process user-friendlier.</p>'
  65. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update.</strong> We were not able to convert you current riddles into new media_entity based ones, please check the error logs for more informations.<p>'
  66. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  67. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Thunder Riddle integration module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  68. v1_1__paragraphs_modal:
  69. '#title': 'In-between placing of paragraphs.'
  70. '#description': '<p>We introduced this functionality to the paragraph module so users can easily add paragraphs between two existing ones.</p>'
  71. '#description_success': '<p>You can switch to the former paragraph style by configuring your paragraphs’ fields form widget.</p>'
  72. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update.</strong> We were not able to activate the new modal mode. Check the form displays where paragraph fields are used and select the modal mode on your own<p>'
  73. form_article_page: { '#text': 'Article form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display' }
  74. form_channel_page: { '#text': 'Channel form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/channel/overview/form-display' }
  75. form_tags_page: { '#text': 'Tags form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview/form-display' }
  76. v1_1__thunder_liveblog:
  77. '#title': 'Liveblog'
  78. '#description': '<p>With this module, we added a liveblog to Thunder. Since this module is optional, we did not enable it automatically. To do this manually, go to the <a href="/admin/modules">Extend</a> page and enable the <strong>Thunder Liveblog</strong> module.</p><p>You will also need to register a Pusher account at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Create a new app and note down your keys and cluster</p><p>You can provide them at the <a href="/admin/config/content/liveblog">Liveblog configuration</a> page.</p>'
  79. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  80. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Thunder Liveblog module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  81. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/liveblog' }
  82. v1_1__thunder_amp:
  83. '#title': 'Accelerated Mobile Pages by Google (AMP)'
  84. '#description': '<p>This module optimizes your articles for Google AMP. They load very fast on mobile devices and can be viewed directly on Google.</p><p>To use it, go to <a href="/admin/appearance">Appearance</a> and activate the <strong>Thunder AMP theme</strong>. This will install all necessary modules, themes, and configs to use it with Thunder. If you want to make your own AMP theme, please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank">README</a> of the Thunder AMP theme.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> If you are not using a composer workflow, you have to download the AMP library manually due to licensing issues. With composer installed, execute the command `composer require lullabot/amp` in the docroot of your installation.</p>'
  85. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  86. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable theme', '#url': 'internal:/admin/appearance' }
  87. amp_library: { '#text': 'AMP library', '#url': '' }
  88. thunder_amp: { '#text': 'Thunder AMP theme README', '#url': '' }
  89. v2.4:
  90. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.4'
  91. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  92. v1_1__thunder_admin_ux:
  93. '#title': 'New Thunder Admin UX'
  94. '#description': "<p>Thunder now comes with new improved administration user interface.</p>"
  95. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update.</strong> New Thunder Admin UX require plenty new configurations to be adjusted and imported in order to use it properly. We suggest you to take a look at execution of update hook for enabling new administration theme and manually adjust missing configurations.<p>'
  96. v1_1__media_paragraph:
  97. '#title': 'Updated media paragraph'
  98. '#description': "<p>This is the last update of media paragraph to be compatible with thunder admin theme. <strong>The media paragraph is now considered deprecated and will not get any updates in the future</strong>.</p>"
  99. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update.</strong> We tried to update the now deprecated media paragraph, but failed. If you do not have the media paragraph, everything is fine. If you modified the paragraph yourself it might be possible, that the form display is not correct, please compare with the form display of the image paragraph to get the correct display. <strong>The media paragraph is now considered deprecated and will not get any updates in the future</strong>.<p>'
  100. v2.5:
  101. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.5'
  102. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  103. v1_1__content_lock:
  104. '#title': 'Install content locking'
  105. '#description': "<p>This module provides locking of entity types. We enabled locking for articles by default. Of course, you can enable it for other entity types.</p>"
  106. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  107. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  108. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure content lock', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/contentlocksettings' }
  109. v1_1__empty_fields:
  110. '#title': 'Install empty fields'
  111. '#description': "<p>This module is used to show empty fields in the paragraph previews.</p>"
  112. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  113. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  114. v2.6:
  115. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.6'
  116. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  117. v1_1__media_entity_pinterest:
  118. '#title': 'Install pinterest paragraph'
  119. '#description': "<p>This update provides pinterest integration. It adds an media entity and a new paragraph type.</p>"
  120. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  121. handbook_page: { '#text': 'Module information', '#url': '' }
  122. v2.8:
  123. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.8'
  124. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  125. thunder_media_update_8106:
  126. '#title': 'Update url field labels in media entities'
  127. '#description': "<p>This update changes the labels of url field for instagram, twitter and pinterest entities.</p>"
  128. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check the error logs for more information.</p>'
  129. configure_page_instagram: { '#text': 'Configure instagram form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/instagram/form-display' }
  130. configure_page_twitter: { '#text': 'Configure twitter form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/twitter/form-display' }
  131. configure_page_pinterest: { '#text': 'Configure pinterest form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/pinterest/form-display' }
  132. thunder_taxonomy_update_8002:
  133. '#title': 'Enable pinterest paragraph type on taxonomy terms'
  134. '#description': "<p>This update enables pinterest paragraph type on taxonomy terms.</p>"
  135. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>There was a problem during the update.</strong> We were not able to activate the pinterest paragraphs type. Please check the field settings and update the available paragraph types below.<p>'
  136. configure_page_channel: { '#text': 'Configure paragraphs field in channel taxonomy', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/channel/overview/fields/taxonomy_term.tags.field_paragraphs' }
  137. configure_page_tags: { '#text': 'Configure paragraphs field in tags taxonomy', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview/fields/taxonomy_term.tags.field_paragraphs' }
  138. v2.9:
  139. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.9'
  140. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  141. thunder__thunder_update_8115:
  142. '#title': 'Move "URL alias" out of the media forms.'
  143. '#description': "<p>Drupal 8.4 introduces 'URL alias' for all media forms. This updates moves them in the hidden region.</p>"
  144. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, move "URL alias" field form the media form if you want.</p>'
  145. configure_page_instagram: { '#text': 'Configure instagram form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/instagram/form-display' }
  146. configure_page_twitter: { '#text': 'Configure twitter form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/twitter/form-display' }
  147. configure_page_gallery: { '#text': 'Configure gallery form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/gallery/form-display' }
  148. configure_page_image: { '#text': 'Configure image form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/image/form-display' }
  149. configure_page_pinterest: { '#text': 'Configure pinterest form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/pinterest/form-display' }
  150. configure_page_video: { '#text': 'Configure video form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/video/form-display' }
  151. configure_page_riddle: { '#text': 'Configure riddle form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/media/manage/riddle/form-display' }
  152. v2.10:
  153. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.10'
  154. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  155. thunder__thunder_update_8116:
  156. '#title': 'Enable "Inline Form Errors" module.'
  157. '#description': "<p>Places error messages adjacent to form inputs, for improved usability and accessibility.</p>"
  158. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.</p>'
  159. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Inline form errors', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  160. v2.12:
  161. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.12'
  162. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  163. thunder__thunder_update_8117:
  164. '#title': 'Enable "Paragraphs split text" module.'
  165. '#description': "<p>'Paragraphs split text' enables the editor to split one text paragraph in two separate text paragraphs.</p>"
  166. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.</p>'
  167. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Paragraphs split text', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  168. thunder__thunder_update_8118:
  169. '#title': 'Enable "Admin Toolbar Links Access Filter" module.'
  170. '#description': "<p>The Admin Toolbar Links Access Filter module Provides a workaround for the common problem that users with 'Use the administration pages and help' permission see menu links they don't have access permission for.</p>"
  171. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.</p>'
  172. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Admin Toolbar Links Access Filter', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  173. thunder_media_update_8108:
  174. '#title': 'Use blazy for lazy loading.'
  175. '#description': '<p>Slick has been configured to use blazy for lazy loading of images in galleries.</p>'
  176. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Slick could not be configured to use blazy for lazy loading of images in galleries.</strong> Enable the Slick UI module and configure your option sets to use blazy for lazy loading<p>'
  177. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable the Slick UI module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  178. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure your option sets', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/media/slick' }
  179. v2.13:
  180. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.13'
  181. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  182. thunder_article_update_8102:
  183. '#title': 'Enable "Length Indicator" module'
  184. '#description': '<p>The "Length Indicator" module provides a visual feedback for editors, to decide if they have written too less, enough, or too much.</p>'
  185. '#description_successful': '<p>It was activated for the field "SEO Title" in the article.</p>'
  186. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.<p><p>Afterwards visit the form display configuration of the article to activate it, e.g. for the field "SEO Title".</p>'
  187. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable the Length Indicator module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  188. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure the form display of the article', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display' }
  189. thunder__thunder_update_8119:
  190. '#title': 'Enable "Redirect" module.'
  191. '#description': "<p>Allows users to redirect from old URLs to new URLs.</p>"
  192. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.</p>'
  193. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable Redirect', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  194. v2.14:
  195. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.14'
  196. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  197. thunder_post_update_install_config_selector:
  198. '#title': 'Enable "Configuration Selector" module'
  199. '#description': '<p>The "Configuration Selector" module is a developer focused module that allows Thunder to provide multiple versions of the same configuration.</p>'
  200. '#description_successful': '<p>The installation was successful.</p>'
  201. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.<p>'
  202. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable the Configuration Selector module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  203. v2.16:
  204. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.16'
  205. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  206. thunder_article_move_scheduler_to_content_list:
  207. '#title': 'Update locked content view and move scheduler tab to local tasks'
  208. '#description': '<p>From now on we will not add functionality for content lists to the existing content list but will create a separate content list for each use-case.</p><p>We have replaced the current locked content view with a new one. The old one can still be reached under views.view.locked_content_old.</p><p>The scheduler tab has also been moved to the local tasks of the content list. This change can be undone under the menu item "Thunder article configuration".</p>'
  209. '#description_successful': '<p>The installation was successful.</p>'
  210. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong><p>'
  211. thunder_article_config: { '#text': 'Move scheduler link back from local tasks to menu tab', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/thunder_article/configuration' }
  212. v2.19:
  213. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.19'
  214. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  215. thunder_media_update_8109:
  216. '#title': 'Update twitter image style dimensions'
  217. '#description': '<p>Increase the image style dimensions for twitter to be in-line with the Twitter best practices.</p>'
  218. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  219. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of image style dimension has failed</strong>, visit the image style page to adjust it on your own.<p>'
  220. image_page: { '#text': 'Edit "twitter" image style', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/media/image-styles/manage/twitter' }
  221. v2.20:
  222. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.20'
  223. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  224. thunder__thunder_update_8121:
  225. '#title': 'Enable "Paragraphs features" module.'
  226. '#description': "<p>All new features for experimental widget are provided in the paragraphs features module and it should be enabled.</p>"
  227. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check that the paragraphs features module is successfully installed.</p>'
  228. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable the paragraphs features module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  229. configure_page: { '#text': 'Configure the paragraphs features module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/paragraphs_features' }
  230. thunder__thunder_update_8122:
  231. '#title': 'Change to paragraphs experimental widget.'
  232. '#description': "<p>In order to get the new shiny paragraphs features, we are changing to paragraphs experimental widget.</p>"
  233. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, please check that all your paragraphs widgets are using the experimental widget.</p>'
  234. thunder__thunder_update_8123:
  235. '#title': 'Removing the old paragraph split text solution.'
  236. '#description': "<p>Since we have switched to the experimental paragraphs widget and split text feature is provided with paragraphs features module, we are removing old split text functionality and module.</p>"
  237. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Uninstalling failed</strong>, please check that split text plugin for CKEditor is not used anymore and the paragraph split text module is uninstalled.</p>'
  238. configure_page: { '#text': 'Remove split text plugin from editors', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/formats' }
  239. extension_page: { '#text': 'Disable the paragraph split text module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  240. v2.21:
  241. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.21'
  242. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  243. thunder_paragraphs_update_8102:
  244. '#title': 'Enable replace button for media entities.'
  245. '#description': '<p>The replace button for media entities in the image paragraph has been enabled.</p>'
  246. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>It was not possible to enable the replace button for the image field in the image paragraph. If you want to use the replace button for the entity browser on your fields, visit the form display settings of the entity browser field and configure the replace button.</strong><p>'
  247. thunder__thunder_update_8124:
  248. '#title': 'Granting Editor and SEO role for access unpublished permissions.'
  249. '#description': "<p>Permissions for deleting and renewing access tokens is granted.</p>"
  250. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the permissions page and grant the roles manually.</p>'
  251. permission_page: { '#text': 'Permission page', '#url': 'internal:/admin/people/permissions' }
  252. thunder__thunder_update_8125:
  253. '#title': 'Enable seven theme in preparation for Thunder admin theme update.'
  254. '#description': "<p>The seven theme has been successfully enabled, you can update the admin theme now.</p>"
  255. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong> please enable the seven theme manually to be able to use the admin theme version >=2.0.</p>'
  256. theme_page: { '#text': 'Theme page', '#url': 'internal:/admin/appearance' }
  257. v2.24:
  258. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.24'
  259. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  260. thunder__thunder_update_8127:
  261. '#title': 'Enable "select2" module.'
  262. '#description': "<p>Provide Select2 field widgets for forms and views filters.</p>"
  263. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Installation failed</strong>, visit the extension page and try to enable the module manually.</p>'
  264. extension_page: { '#text': 'Enable "select2" module', '#url': 'internal:/admin/modules' }
  265. v2.32:
  266. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.32'
  267. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  268. thunder__thunder_update_8128:
  269. '#title': 'Set "metatag" fields translatable per default.'
  270. '#description': 'The metatag field was not translatable in Thunder so far.'
  271. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  272. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Setting "metatag" fields translatable failed</strong>, see log for more details. Set metatag fields translatable on content language settings page.<p>'
  273. content_language_page: { '#text': 'Content language settings.', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/regional/content-language' }
  274. thunder__thunder_update_8129:
  275. '#title': 'Structure media edit forms.'
  276. '#description': 'We updated the media forms to have the same look and feel like the node edit forms.'
  277. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  278. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  279. v2.34:
  280. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.34'
  281. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  282. thunder__thunder_update_8130:
  283. '#title': 'Hide content lock messages on other forms than node edit.'
  284. '#description': 'Content lock messages were shown on other forms then the edit form which is confusing for the editor.'
  285. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  286. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  287. v2.35:
  288. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.35'
  289. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  290. thunder__thunder_update_8131:
  291. '#title': 'Change the base table of the scheduler view.'
  292. '#description': '<p>The old scheduler view was based on the node table. That means, scheduled drafts are not shown in the view. Because drafts are not the default revision of a node.</p>'
  293. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  294. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  295. v2.36:
  296. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.36'
  297. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  298. thunder__thunder_update_8132:
  299. '#title': 'Update image and video browser views configuration.'
  300. '#description': '<p>Change div to span in field override, use type id instead of label for css class.</p>'
  301. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  302. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of image and video browser views configuration has failed.</strong><p>'
  303. thunder_updater_update_8001:
  304. '#title': 'Switch to Update Helper module.'
  305. '#description': '<p>We have switched to use Update Helper module instead of Thunder Updater.</p>'
  306. '#description_successful': '<p>Switching to Update Helper was successfully.</p>'
  307. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Switching to Update Helper has failed.</strong><p>'
  308. thunder_update_8133:
  309. '#title': 'Update configurations related to previously used Thunder Updater'
  310. '#description': '<p>After the switch to update helper, there are still some configurations that should be changed afterward.</p>'
  311. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration related with replacement of Thunder Updater with Update helper is successfully applied.</p>'
  312. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Configuration changes related with replacement of Thunder Updater with Update Helper are not properly applied.</strong><p>'
  313. thunder_update_8134:
  314. '#title': 'Use select2 widget for author field.'
  315. '#description': '<p>Switch to the select2 widget for the author field in order to provide a better UX</p>'
  316. '#description_successful': '<p><strong>Configuration is successfully updated.</strong></p>'
  317. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed.</strong></p><p>Switch manually to the select2 widget for the "Author by" field on all node and media types.</p>'
  318. node_article_manage_form_page: { '#text': 'Node "article" manage form display', '#url': 'internal:/admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display' }
  319. thunder_update_8135:
  320. '#title': 'Updating the filter weights.'
  321. '#description': '<p>The weights of the text format filters were the same. This led to different orders in some languages.</p>'
  322. '#description_successful': '<p><strong>Configuration is successfully updated.</strong></p>'
  323. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Adjust the order to your needs and save the page. If the order is already correct displayed, move one item for and back before saving.</strong><p>'
  324. filter_page: { '#text': 'Text formats and editors', '#url': 'internal:/admin/config/content/formats' }
  325. v2.43:
  326. '#title': 'Update to Thunder 2.43'
  327. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  328. thunder__thunder_update_8136:
  329. '#title': 'Add permissions to access the tokens overview page.'
  330. '#description': '<p>Adds the "access tokens overview" permission for Editor, Restricted Editor and SEO.</p>'
  331. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  332. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Updating the permissions has failed.</strong><p>'
  333. v2.53:
  334. '#title': 'Update to version v2.53'
  335. '#description': '<h3>These are the new features for this release:</h3>'
  336. thunder_update_8140:
  337. '#title': 'Disable paragraphs drag & drop action button'
  338. '#description': '<p>This configuration update will update site configuration to newly provided configuration</p>'
  339. '#description_successful': '<p>Configuration is successfully updated.</p>'
  340. '#description_failed': '<p><strong>Update of configuration has failed. To manually change your configuration visit your paragraphs widget configurations and select or deselect the show drag & drop button option.</strong><p>'