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10 calls to tft_get_og_nid() in Taxonomy File Tree 7

tft_add_content_links in ./tft.module
Render the add file and add folder links.
tft_ajax_get_folder in ./
Menu function callback for getting the forlder content via AJAX. Returns a JSON object with a 'data' key for the HTML table and a 'parent' key for the parent taxonomy term tid. A 'ops_links' key stores the folder menu.
tft_archive_file_form_submit in ./
Submission callback
tft_archive_term_form_submit in ./
Submission callback
tft_form_alter in ./tft.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter()
tft_get_content in ./tft.module
Get the folder content and return it in an array form for the theme_table call
tft_get_folder_operation_links in ./tft.module
Return an <ul> with links for the current folder. Links include:
tft_is_term_archived in ./tft.module
Checks if the term is already archived.
tft_og_context_handler in ./tft.module
OG Context handler. Determine context for certain internal pages.
tft_term_access in ./tft.module
Check if the user has access to the term. Will first check if the term is part of an OG term tree. If so, it will check if the user has access to the OG. If the term is not part of an OG term tree, it will check against the Tac Lite schemes.