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function term_merge in Term Merge 7

Merge terms one into another using batch API.


array $term_branch: A single term tid or an array of term tids to be merged, aka term branches

int $term_trunk: The tid of the term to merge term branches into, aka term trunk

array $merge_settings: Array of settings that control how merging should happen. Currently supported settings are:

  • term_branch_keep: (bool) Whether the term branches should not be deleted, also known as "merge only occurrences" option
  • merge_fields: (array) Array of field names whose values should be merged into the values of corresponding fields of term trunk (until each field's cardinality limit is reached)
  • keep_only_unique: (bool) Whether after merging within one field only unique taxonomy term references should be kept in other entities. If before merging your entity had 2 values in its taxonomy term reference field and one was pointing to term branch while another was pointing to term trunk, after merging you will end up having your entity referencing to the same term trunk twice. If you pass TRUE in this parameter, only a single reference will be stored in your entity after merging
  • redirect: (int) HTTP code for redirect from $term_branch to $term_trunk, 0 stands for the default redirect defined in Redirect module. Use constant TERM_MERGE_NO_REDIRECT to denote not creating any HTTP redirect. Note: this parameter requires Redirect module enabled, otherwise it will be disregarded
  • synonyms: (string) Optional field name of trunk term into which branch terms should be added as synonyms (until field's cardinality limit is reached). Note: this parameter requires Synonyms module enabled, otherwise it will be disregarded
  • step: (int) How many term branches to merge per script run in batch. If you are hitting time or memory limits, decrease this parameter
1 call to term_merge()
term_merge_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for term_merge_form(). Merge terms one into another.
10 string references to 'term_merge'
SynonymsTermMergeWebTestCase::setUp in ./term_merge.test
SetUp method.
TermMergeWebTestCase::setUp in ./term_merge.test
SetUp method.
term_merge_action in ./term_merge.module
Action function. Perform action "Term Merge".
term_merge_action_form in ./term_merge.module
Generate the configuration form for action "Term merge".
term_merge_add_entity_as_synonym in ./term_merge.module
Allow to merge $synonym_entity as a synonym into $trunk_entity.

... See full list


./term_merge.module, line 630
Provide functionality for merging taxonomy terms one into another.


function term_merge($term_branch, $term_trunk, $merge_settings = array()) {

  // Older versions of this module had another interface of this function,
  // as backward capability we still support the older interface, instead of
  // supplying a $merge_settings array, it was supplying all the settings as
  // additional function arguments.
  // @todo: delete this backward capability at some point.
  if (!is_array($merge_settings)) {
    $merge_settings = array(
      'term_branch_keep' => $merge_settings,

  // Create an array of sources if it isn't yet.
  if (!is_array($term_branch)) {
    $term_branch = array(

  // Creating a skeleton for the merging batch.
  $batch = array(
    'title' => t('Merging terms'),
    'operations' => array(
    'finished' => 'term_merge_batch_finished',
    'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'term_merge') . '/',

  // Initialize the batch process.