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function term_merge_batch_finished in Term Merge 7

Batch 'finished' callback.

Process results of Term Merge batch.

2 string references to 'term_merge_batch_finished'
term_merge in ./term_merge.module
Merge terms one into another using batch API.
term_merge_duplicates_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for 'term_merge_duplicates_form'.


./, line 94
Batch process callbacks for Term Merge module.


function term_merge_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) {
  if ($success) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The terms have been successfully merged.'));
  else {

    // An error happened. We have to notify the user.
    drupal_set_message(t('An error occurred. We are sorry, please, report this error to the maintainers of Term Merge module.'), 'error');