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function taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update in Taxonomy Manager 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update()
  2. 6 \taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update()

inserts merging information (main_tid - merged_tid ) into taxonomy_manager_merge and updates cache, which is used to reconstructs taxonomy/term pages


$main_tid term if of main term:

$merged_tids array of merged term ids:

1 call to taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update()
taxonomy_manager_merge in ./taxonomy_manager.module
merges terms into another term (main term), all merged term get added to the main term as synonyms. term_node relations are updated automatically (node with one of merging terms gets main term assigned) after all opterions are done (adding of…


./taxonomy_manager.module, line 1320
Taxonomy Manager


function taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update($main_tid, $merged_tids) {
  if (!is_array($merged_tids)) {
    (array) $merged_tids;
  foreach ($merged_tids as $merged_tid) {
    if ($merged_tid != $main_tid) {

      //check if merged term has been a main term once before
      $check_merged = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {taxonomy_manager_merge} WHERE main_tid = %d", $merged_tid));
      if ($check_merged) {
        db_query("UPDATE {taxonomy_manager_merge} SET main_tid = %d WHERE main_tid = %d", $main_tid, $merged_tid);

      //insert into merging history
      db_query("INSERT INTO {taxonomy_manager_merge} (main_tid, merged_tid) VALUES (%d, %d)", $main_tid, $merged_tid);