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function taxonomy_manager_merge in Taxonomy Manager 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \taxonomy_manager_merge()
  2. 6 \taxonomy_manager_merge()

merges terms into another term (main term), all merged term get added to the main term as synonyms. term_node relations are updated automatically (node with one of merging terms gets main term assigned) after all opterions are done (adding of hierarchies, relations is optional) merging terms get deleted


$main_term: id of term where other terms get merged into

$merging_terms: array of term ids, which get merged into main term and afterwards deleted

$options: array with additional options, possible values: 'collect_parents': if true, all parents of merging terms get added to main term (only possible with multi hierarchies) 'collect_children': if true, all children of merging terms get added to main term 'collect_relations': if true, all relations of merging terms are transfered to main term

1 call to taxonomy_manager_merge()
taxonomy_manager_form_submit in ./taxonomy_manager.module
submits the taxonomy manager form
2 string references to 'taxonomy_manager_merge'
taxonomy_manager_merge_get_main_term in ./taxonomy_manager.module
helper function for getting out the main term of former merged term (which no long exists)
taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update_cache in ./taxonomy_manager.module
sets / updates cache for merging history


./taxonomy_manager.module, line 1231
Taxonomy Manager


function taxonomy_manager_merge($main_term, $merging_terms, $options = array(), $new_inserted = TRUE) {
  $vid = db_result(db_query("SELECT vid FROM {term_data} WHERE tid = %d", $main_term));
  $voc = taxonomy_get_vocabulary($vid);
  $merging_terms_parents = array();
  if ($voc->hierarchy == 2 && $new_inserted && $options['collect_parents']) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {term_hierarchy} WHERE parent = 0 AND tid = %d", $main_term);

  //TODO: add hook, so that other modules can consider changes
  foreach ($merging_terms as $merge_term) {
    if ($merge_term != $main_term) {

      //update node-relations
      $sql = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {term_node} WHERE tid = %d", $merge_term);
      while ($obj = db_fetch_object($sql)) {
        $nid = $obj->nid;
        db_query("DELETE FROM {term_node} WHERE tid = %d AND nid = %d", $merge_term, $nid);
        if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_node} WHERE tid = %d AND nid = %d", $main_term, $nid))) {
          db_query("INSERT INTO {term_node} (tid, nid) VALUES (%d, %d)", $main_term, $nid);
      if ($voc->hierarchy == 1) {

        //sinlge hierarchy
        $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($merge_term);
        $parent = array_shift($parents);
        $merging_terms_parents[$parent->tid] = $parent->tid;
      if ($options['collect_parents']) {
        $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($merge_term);
        foreach ($parents as $parent_tid => $parent_term) {
          if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_hierarchy} WHERE tid = %d AND parent = %d", $main_term, $parent_tid))) {
            db_query("INSERT INTO {term_hierarchy} (tid, parent) VALUES (%d, %d)", $main_term, $parent_tid);
      if ($options['collect_children']) {
        $children = taxonomy_get_children($merge_term);
        foreach ($children as $child_tid => $child_term) {
          if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_hierarchy} WHERE tid = %d AND parent = %d", $child_tid, $main_term))) {
            db_query("INSERT INTO {term_hierarchy} (tid, parent) VALUES (%d, %d)", $child_tid, $main_term);
      if ($options['collect_relations']) {
        $relations = taxonomy_get_related($merge_term);
        foreach ($relations as $related_tid => $relation) {
          if ($relation->tid1 == $merge_term) {
            if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_relation} WHERE tid1 = %d AND tid2 = %d", $main_term, $related_tid))) {
              db_query("INSERT INTO {term_relation} (tid1, tid2) VALUES (%d, %d)", $main_term, $related_tid);
          else {
            if ($relation->tid2 == $merge_term) {
              if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_relation} WHERE tid2 = %d AND tid1 = %d", $main_term, $related_tid))) {
                db_query("INSERT INTO {term_relation} (tid2, tid1) VALUES (%d, %d)", $main_term, $related_tid);

      //save merged term (and synonomys of merged term) as synonym
      $term = taxonomy_get_term($merge_term);
      $merge_term_synonyms = taxonomy_get_synonyms($merge_term);
      $merge_term_synonyms[] = $term->name;
      foreach ($merge_term_synonyms as $syn) {
        if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {term_synonym} WHERE tid = %d AND name = '%s'", $main_term, $syn))) {
          db_query("INSERT INTO {term_synonym} (tid, name) VALUES (%d, '%s')", $main_term, $syn);
  if ($voc->hierarchy == 1 && count($merging_terms_parents) == 1 && $new_inserted) {
    db_query("UPDATE {term_hierarchy} SET parent = %d WHERE tid = %d", array_shift($merging_terms_parents), $main_term);
  taxonomy_manager_merge_history_update($main_term, $merging_terms);