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function taxonomy_facets_get_term_id_from_url_alias in Taxonomy Facets 7.2

Get term id.

For a given taxonomy term name return the term id.


integer $term: Taxonomy term name.

Return value

integer Return the term id. return null if no term with this name found.

1 call to taxonomy_facets_get_term_id_from_url_alias()
_taxonomy_facets_get_selected_filters in ./taxonomy_facets.module
Utility function to get filters.


./taxonomy_facets.module, line 835
Taxo Faceted Navigation module code.


function taxonomy_facets_get_term_id_from_url_alias($term) {
  $result = db_query('SELECT source FROM {url_alias} WHERE alias = :alias', array(
    'alias' => $term,
  foreach ($result as $record) {

    // Record in the form taxonomy/term/no, for example taxonomy/term/21,
    // so we just return 21.
    $source = explode('/', $record->source);
    return $source[2];

  // If there were no records, i.e no term with this name, we return null.
  return NULL;