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Functions in Taxonomy Facets 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
redirect_if_no_filters ./taxonomy_facets.module Somtimes if there are no filters on the site, the site admin wants to redirect to a specific page, or to home page, this is setting in admin page 1
taxonomy_facets_add_block_form ./taxonomy_facets.module Menu callback: display the taxo faceted block addition form. 1
taxonomy_facets_add_block_form_submit ./taxonomy_facets.module Save the new taxo faceted block. 1
taxonomy_facets_admin_settings ./ Provides admin page. 1
taxonomy_facets_admin_settings_validate ./ Validate the configuration form.
taxonomy_facets_block_configure ./taxonomy_facets.module Implements hook_block_configure().
taxonomy_facets_block_info ./taxonomy_facets.module Implements hook_block_info().
taxonomy_facets_block_save ./taxonomy_facets.module Implements hook_block_save(). 1
taxonomy_facets_block_view ./taxonomy_facets.module Generate blocks with menu items used for filtering.
taxonomy_facets_build_url_alias ./taxonomy_facets.module Build a URL to be used in the menu item. 2
taxonomy_facets_configure_form ./taxonomy_facets.module Returns the configuration form. 1
taxonomy_facets_display_meny_item_check ./taxonomy_facets.module When building menu tree we check if we want to display a menu item depending on various user preferences 1
taxonomy_facets_firstarg_exsists_in_menu_router ./ Check the menu_router, url_alias table and see if the keyword exsits. 1
taxonomy_facets_get_array_element ./taxonomy_facets.module Utility function to extract filter from array of filters. 1
taxonomy_facets_get_menu_tree ./taxonomy_facets.module Print out menu tree for each vocab selected to be taxo faceted filter. 1
taxonomy_facets_get_nodes_based_on_intersect_of_terms ./taxonomy_facets.module Get nodes tagged by given terms. 2
taxonomy_facets_get_selected_filters ./taxonomy_facets.module Get all selected filters from the url. 3
taxonomy_facets_get_subnodes ./taxonomy_facets.module Examine term and test for any children nodes. 1
taxonomy_facets_get_term_id_from_url_alias ./taxonomy_facets.module Get term id. 1
taxonomy_facets_get_term_name_from_id ./taxonomy_facets.module Get term name using term id. 2
taxonomy_facets_get_term_url_alias_from_tid ./taxonomy_facets.module Get taxonomy term url alias from term id. 1
taxonomy_facets_menu ./taxonomy_facets.module Implements hook_menu().
taxonomy_facets_permission ./taxonomy_facets.module Implements hook_permission().
taxonomy_facets_prepend_language_prefix ./taxonomy_facets.module Some sites will opt out to not prepend language prefix to the url produced with this module 1
taxonomy_facets_preprocess_node ./taxonomy_facets.module Preprocess node url and append argument to it.
taxonomy_facets_print_landing_page ./taxonomy_facets.module Print the page that displays list of nods when filters are applied. 2
taxonomy_facets_print_names_string ./taxonomy_facets.module Formats string at the top of the page, i.e. "Filters: Sony, LCD monitors ..." 1
taxonomy_facets_taxonomy_term_get_parent ./taxonomy_facets.module Check if taxonomy term has parent. 1
taxonomy_facets_taxonomy_term_get_siblings ./taxonomy_facets.module Get siblings of taxonomy term.
taxonomy_facets_theme ./taxonomy_facets.module Hook_theme, provides 3 theme files for theming filters
taxonomy_facets_uninstall ./taxonomy_facets.install Implements hook_uninstall().
taxo_faceted_get_node_types ./taxonomy_facets.module Get available node types. 1
_taxonomy_facets_get_menu_tree ./taxonomy_facets.module Helper function for taxonomy_facets_get_menu_tree. 1
_taxonomy_facets_get_selected_filters ./taxonomy_facets.module Utility function to get filters. 1

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