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function taxonomy_access_help in Taxonomy Access Control 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 taxonomy_access.module \taxonomy_access_help()
  2. 5 taxonomy_access.module \taxonomy_access_help()
  3. 7 taxonomy_access.module \taxonomy_access_help()

Implements hook_help().


./taxonomy_access.module, line 1070
Allows administrators to specify how each category (in the taxonomy) can be used by various roles.


function taxonomy_access_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#taxonomy_access':
      $message = '';
      $message .= '' . '<p>' . t('The Taxonomy Access Control module allows users to specify how each category can be used by various roles.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('Permissions can be set differently for each user role. Be aware that setting Taxonomy Access permissions works <em>only within one user role</em>.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('(For users with multiple user roles, see section <a href="#good-to-know">Good to know</a> below.)') . '</p><hr /><br />' . "<h3>" . t("On this page") . "</h3>" . "<ol>" . '<li><a href="#grant">' . t("Grant types") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#perm">' . t("Permission options") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#defaults">' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#good-to-know">' . t("Good to know") . '</a></li>' . "</ol><hr /><br />" . '<h3 id="grant">' . t("Grant types") . '</h3>' . '<p>' . t('On the category permissions page for each role, administrators can configure five types of permission for each term: <em>View, Update, Delete, Add tag</em> (formerly <em>Create</em>), and <em>View tag</em> (formerly <em>List</em>):') . '</p>' . _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() . '<p>' . t('<em>View</em>, <em>Update</em>, and <em>Delete</em> control the node access system.  <em>View Tag</em> and <em>Add Tag</em> control the terms themselves.  (Note: In previous versions of Taxonomy Access Control, there was no <em>View Tag</em> permission its functionality was controlled by the <em>View</em> permission.)') . '</p><hr /><br />' . '<h3 id="perm">' . t("Permission options") . "</h3>" . '<p>' . t('<strong><em>View</em>, <em>Update</em>, and <em>Delete</em> have three options for each term:</strong> <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>), <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>), and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>).  Indicate which rights each role should have for each term.  If a node is tagged with multiple terms:') . '</p>' . "<ul>\n" . "<li>" . t('<em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) overrides <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) within a role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('Both <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) override <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>) within a role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('If a user has <strong>multiple roles</strong>, an <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) from one role <strong>will</strong> override a <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) in another.  (For more information, see section <a href="#good-to-know">Good to know</a> below.)') . "</li>" . "</ul>\n\n" . '<p>' . t('<strong><em>Add Tag</em> and <em>View Tag</em> have only two options for each term:</strong>  <em>Yes</em> (selected) or <em>No</em> (deselected).  Indicate what each role should be allowed to do with each term.') . '</p>' . "<h4>" . t("Important notes") . "</h4>" . "<ol>" . "<li>" . t('Custom roles <strong>will</strong> inherit permissions from the <em>authenticated user</em> role.  Be sure to <a href="@url">configure
the authenticated user</a> properly.', array(
        "@url" => url("admin/user/taxonomy_access/edit/2"),
      )) . "</li>\n" . '<li>' . "<p>" . t('The <em>Deny</em> directives are processed after the <em>Allow</em> directives. (<strong><em>Deny</em> overrides <em>Allow</em></strong>.)</em>  So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "A" and "B" and a user has <em>Allow</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in Category "A" and <em>Deny</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in Category "B", then the user will NOT be permitted to <em>View</em> the node.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('<em>Access is denied by default.</em> So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "C" and "D" and a user has <em>Ignore</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in both Category "C" and "D", then the user will <strong>not</strong> be permitted to view the node.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('(If you are familiar with Apache mod_access, this permission system works similar to directive: <em>ORDER ALLOW, DENY</em>)') . '</p>' . "</li>" . "</ol>" . "<hr /><br />" . '<h3 id="defaults">' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . "</h3>" . '<p>' . t('This option, just underneath the vocabulary title, <em>sets the permission that will automatically be given</em> to the role, <em>for any new terms</em> that are added within the vocabulary.  This includes terms that are added via free tagging.') . '</p><hr /><br />' . '<h3 id="good-to-know">' . t('Good to know') . '</h3>' . '<ol>' . '<li>' . '<p>' . t('<strong>Users with multiple user roles:</strong> Allow/Ignore/Deny options are interpreted <em>only within one user role</em>. When a user belongs to multiple user roles, then <strong>the user gets access if <em>any</em> of his/her user roles have the access granted.</strong>') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('In this case, permissions for the given user are calculated so that the <em>permissions of ALL of his user roles are "OR-ed" together</em>, which means that <em>Allow</em> in one role will take precedence over <em>Deny</em> in the other. This is different from how node access permissions (for multi-category nodes) are handled <em>within one user role</em>, as noted above.') . '</p>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<p>' . t('<strong>Input formats:</strong>  <em>Node editing/deleting is blocked</em>, even when the user has <em>Update</em> or <em>Delete</em> permission to the node, <em>when the user is not allowed to use a filter format</em> that the node was saved at.') . '</p>' . '</li>' . '</ol>' . '<hr /><br />';
      return $message;