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taxonomy_access.module in Taxonomy Access Control 6

Allows administrators to specify how each category (in the taxonomy) can be used by various roles.


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// Based on original taxonomy_access.module made by pyromanfo

 * @file
 * Allows administrators to specify how each category (in the taxonomy) can be used by various roles.

 * Maximum number of nodes for which to update node access within the module.
 * If it's greater, then node_access_needs_rebuild() will be set instead.

 * Cache a list of all roles.
 * @return
 *    An array of roles from user_roles().
function _taxonomy_access_user_roles() {
  static $roles;
  if (!is_array($roles)) {
    $roles = user_roles();
  return $roles;


/*************************** HOOK IMPLEMENTATIONS ****************************/


 * Implements hook_enable().
 * Housekeeping: while we were away, did you delete any terms/vocabs/roles?
 * 1: delete ta rows for missing terms
 * 2: delete tad rows for missing vocabs
 * 3: delete ta, tad rows for missing roles
 * 4: rebuild node_access
function taxonomy_access_enable() {
  global $db_type;
  switch ($db_type) {
    case 'mysql':
    case 'mysqli':

       * @todo
       *     Test our PostgreSQL code with MySQL and replace this DB-specific
       *     code with it, if it works.
      db_query('DELETE ta FROM {term_access} ta LEFT JOIN {term_data} td ON ta.tid = td.tid WHERE ta.tid <> 0 AND ISNULL(td.tid)');
      db_query('DELETE tad FROM {term_access_defaults} tad LEFT JOIN {vocabulary} v ON tad.vid = v.vid WHERE tad.vid <> 0 AND ISNULL(v.vid)');
      db_query('DELETE ta FROM {term_access} ta LEFT JOIN {role} r ON ta.rid = r.rid WHERE ISNULL(r.rid)');
      db_query('DELETE tad FROM {term_access_defaults} tad LEFT JOIN {role} r ON tad.rid = r.rid WHERE ISNULL(r.rid)');
    case 'pgsql':
      $queries = array(
        'tax' => "SELECT ta.tid,ta.rid FROM {term_access} ta LEFT JOIN {term_data} td ON ta.tid = td.tid WHERE ta.tid <> 0 AND td.tid IS NULL",
        'tadx' => "SELECT tad.vid,tad.rid FROM {term_access_defaults} tad LEFT JOIN {vocabulary} v ON tad.vid = v.vid WHERE tad.vid <> 0 AND v.vid IS NULL",
        'tar' => "SELECT ta.tid,ta.rid FROM {term_access} ta LEFT JOIN {role} r ON ta.rid = r.rid WHERE r.rid IS NULL",
        'tadr' => "SELECT tad.vid,tad.rid FROM {term_access_defaults} tad LEFT JOIN {role} r ON tad.rid = r.rid WHERE r.rid IS NULL",
      foreach ($queries as $type => $sql) {
        $result = db_query($sql);
        while ($args = db_fetch_array($result)) {
          if ($args) {
            if ($type == 'tax' || $type == 'tar') {
              db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access} WHERE tid = %d AND rid = %d", $args);
            else {
              db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access_defaults} WHERE vid = %d AND rid = %d", $args);

 * Implements hook_init().
function taxonomy_access_init() {
  if (arg(0) == 'admin') {

    // Only include administrative callbacks and css if we are viewing an admin page.
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_access');
    include_once $path . '/';
    drupal_add_css($path . '/admin.css');

 * Implements hook_theme().
function taxonomy_access_theme() {
  return array(
    'taxonomy_access_admin_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,

 * Implements hook_menu().
function taxonomy_access_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/user/taxonomy_access'] = array(
    'title' => 'Taxonomy access permissions',
    'description' => 'Taxonomy-based access control for content',
    'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_admin',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer permissions',
  $items['admin/user/taxonomy_access/delete'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer permissions',
  $items['admin/user/taxonomy_access/edit'] = array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer permissions',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_taxonomy().
function taxonomy_access_taxonomy($op, $type, $array = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'delete':

      // See taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter()
      // and taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_alter().
      // Use static variables so they are available when children use the hook.
      static $del_vocab;
      static $del_term;
      static $affected_nodes;
      static $descendants;

      // Check for flags & node list from our admin form submit overrides.
      if (!isset($del_vocab)) {
        $del_vocab = _taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary();
      if (!isset($del_term)) {
        $del_term = _taxonomy_access_del_term();
      if (!isset($affected_nodes)) {
        $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes();
      if (!isset($descendants) && $del_term) {
        $descendants = _taxonomy_access_get_descendants($del_term);

      // Clean our data for the term or vocab.
      if ($type == 'term') {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access} WHERE tid = '%d'", $array['tid']);
      if ($type == 'vocabulary') {
        db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access_defaults} WHERE vid = '%d'", $array['vid']);

      // Determine if and how to update node access.
      // If the user deleted a vocabulary on the admin form, use cached data.
      if ($del_vocab) {

        // Only trigger node access update on the vocab deletion itself,
        // after all the terms have been deleted.
        if ($type == 'vocabulary') {
      elseif ($del_term) {

        // Main term is first one to invoke the hook.
        // To ensure that update runs only once after all descendants have
        // been processed, unset each when it invokes the hook.
        $key = array_search($array['tid'], $descendants);
        if (!($key === FALSE)) {

          // Might be zero.

        // If there are no descendants left, process updates.
        if (sizeof($descendants) == 0) {
      else {

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * @todo
 *     Move control of "create" op here
 * @todo
 *     Look at feasability to eliminate _restore_terms and _preserve_terms
 *     by simply setting the '#access' attribute for those terms.
function taxonomy_access_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form['#id'] == 'node-form' && is_numeric($form['nid']['#value'])) {
    $form['tac_protected_terms'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => taxonomy_access_preserve_terms($form['#node']),

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy-form-term.
 * Overriding the term deletion form's submit handler allows us to determine
 * which {node_access} entries must be updated before the {term_data} and
 * {term_node} records are deleted from the database.
function taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['#submit'] = array(

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy-vocabulary-confirm-delete.
 * Overriding the vocabulary deletion form's submit handler allows us to
 * determine which {node_access} entries must be updated before the
 * {term_data} and {term_node} records are deleted from the database.
function taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['#submit'] = array(

 * Submit handler for term deletions.
 * Overrides term deletion handling to determine what node access to update.
 * @return
 *     Confirmation form, or nothing, as appropriate.
function taxonomy_access_term_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // If we are deleting a term, override the default behavior.
  if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] == t('Delete')) {

    // If the user has already confirmed deletion, proceed.
    if ($form_state['values']['delete'] === TRUE) {
      $tid = $form_state['values']['tid'];

      // Determine which nodes belong to this term and its children and cache.
      $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_term($tid, TRUE);

      // Proceed with term deletion.
      return taxonomy_term_confirm_delete_submit($form, $form_state);

    // Otherwise, rebuild the form to confirm deletion as in default handler.
    $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE;
    $form_state['confirm_delete'] = TRUE;
  else {
    taxonomy_form_term_submit($form, $form_state);

 * Submit handler for vocabulary deletions.
 * Overrides vocab deletion handling to determine what node access to update.
function taxonomy_access_vocabulary_delete_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $vid = $form_state['values']['vid'];

  // Determine which nodes belong to this vocabulary and cache.
  $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_vocabulary($vid);

  // Proceed with vocabulary deletion.
  return taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_submit($form, $form_state);

 * Implements hook_node_grants().
 * Gives access to taxonomies based on the taxonomy_access table.
function taxonomy_access_node_grants($user, $op) {
  return array(
    'term_access' => array_keys(is_array($user->roles) ? $user->roles : array(
      1 => 'anonymous user',

 * Implements hook_node_access_records().
 * @todo
 *    Get 1st query to behave properly when no term or vocab record is present.
function taxonomy_access_node_access_records($node) {
  $grants = array();
  $result = db_query('SELECT tadg.rid,
     BIT_OR(COALESCE( ta.grant_view, tad.grant_view, tadg.grant_view )) AS grant_view,
     BIT_OR(COALESCE( ta.grant_update, tad.grant_update, tadg.grant_update )) AS grant_update,
     BIT_OR(COALESCE( ta.grant_delete, tad.grant_delete, tadg.grant_delete )) AS grant_delete
     FROM {term_node} tn
     INNER JOIN {term_data} t ON t.tid = tn.tid
     INNER JOIN {term_access_defaults} tadg ON tadg.vid = 0
     LEFT JOIN {term_access_defaults} tad ON tad.vid = t.vid AND tad.rid = tadg.rid
     LEFT JOIN {term_access} ta ON ta.tid = t.tid AND ta.rid = tadg.rid
     WHERE tn.vid = %d
     GROUP BY tadg.rid', $node->vid);

  // First query returns no rows if there is no {term_node} data for the node.
  // In that scenario, use the global default.
  if (!db_affected_rows($result)) {

    // Use the default for nodes with no category
    $result = db_query('SELECT n.nid, tadg.rid AS rid, tadg.grant_view AS grant_view, tadg.grant_update AS grant_update, tadg.grant_delete AS grant_delete
       FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {term_access_defaults} tadg ON tadg.vid = 0
       WHERE n.nid = %d', $node->nid);

  // Ignore => 0, Allow => 1, Deny => 2 ('10' in binary).
  // Only a value of 1 is considered an 'Allow';
  // with an 'Allow' and no 'Deny', the value from the BIT_OR will be 1.
  // If a 'Deny' is present, the value will then be 3 ('11' in binary).
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $grants[] = array(
      'realm' => 'term_access',
      'gid' => $row['rid'],
      'grant_view' => $row['grant_view'] == 1 ? 1 : 0,
      'grant_update' => $row['grant_update'] == 1 ? 1 : 0,
      'grant_delete' => $row['grant_delete'] == 1 ? 1 : 0,
      'priority' => 0,
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_nodeapi().
function taxonomy_access_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $arg = 0) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'presave':
    case 'update':

      // restore terms that the user shouldn't have access to delete
      taxonomy_access_restore_terms($node->nid, $node->vid, $node->tac_protected_terms);
    case 'delete':

      // Remove our entries for this node from table {node_access}.

      //INFO: node_access_write_grants($node, $grants, $realm = NULL, $delete = TRUE)
      node_access_write_grants($node, array(), 'term_access');

 * Implements hook_db_rewrite_sql().
function taxonomy_access_db_rewrite_sql($query, $table, $field) {
  if (!user_access('administer taxonomy') && ($field == 'vid' || $field == 'tid')) {

    // Table {node_revisions} also has a vid (revision, not vocabulary)
    if ($table == 'node_revisions') {
      return array();
    global $user;
    if (arg(0) == "admin") {
      $op = arg(1) == 'node' && (arg(2) == 'add' || arg(3) == 'edit') ? 'create' : 'list';
    else {
      $op = arg(0) == 'node' && (arg(1) == 'add' || arg(2) == 'edit') ? 'create' : 'list';

    // let's cache
    static $taxonomy_access_sql_clause;
    $clause = array();
    if (!isset($taxonomy_access_sql_clause)) {
      $taxonomy_access_sql_clause = array();
    if (!isset($taxonomy_access_sql_clause[$op][$field])) {
      if (isset($user) && is_array($user->roles)) {
        $rids = array_keys($user->roles);
      else {
        $rids[] = 1;
      $sql = db_query('SELECT t.tid AS tid, t.vid AS vid FROM {term_data} t
         INNER JOIN {term_access_defaults} tdg ON tdg.vid=0
         LEFT JOIN {term_access_defaults} td ON td.vid=t.vid AND td.rid=tdg.rid
         LEFT JOIN {term_access} ta ON ta.tid=t.tid AND ta.rid=tdg.rid
         WHERE tdg.rid IN (' . db_placeholders($rids, 'int') . ')
         GROUP BY t.tid, t.vid
                                ta.' . db_escape_table("grant_{$op}") . ',
                                td.' . db_escape_table("grant_{$op}") . ',
                                tdg.' . db_escape_table("grant_{$op}") . '
                               )) > 0', $rids);
      $tids = array();
      $vids = array();
      while ($result = db_fetch_object($sql)) {
        $tids[] = $result->tid;
        $vids[$result->vid] = $result->vid;

      // Insert required vocabularies to avoid skipping of validation at node submission
      if ($op == 'create') {
        $sql = db_query('SELECT vid FROM {vocabulary} WHERE required = 1 OR tags = 1');
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($sql)) {
          $vids[$row['vid']] = $row['vid'];

      // Typecast $tids and $vids as ints to sanitize.
      foreach ($tids as $key => $tid) {
        $tids[$key] = (int) $tid;
      foreach ($vids as $key => $vid) {
        $vids[$key] = (int) $vid;
      $clause[$op]['tid'] = isset($tids) ? implode("','", $tids) : '';
      $clause[$op]['vid'] = isset($vids) ? implode("','", $vids) : '';
      $taxonomy_access_sql_clause = $clause;
    else {
      $clause[$op][$field] = $taxonomy_access_sql_clause[$op][$field];
    $return = array();
    if ($clause[$op][$field]) {
      $return['where'] = db_escape_table($table) . "." . db_escape_table($field) . " IN ('" . $clause[$op][$field] . "')";
    else {
      $return['where'] = db_escape_table($table) . "." . db_escape_table($field) . " IS NULL";
    return $return;
  else {
    return array();

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function taxonomy_access_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_access') . '/includes',


/*********************** NODE ACCESS UPDATE MECHANISM ************************/


 * Updates node access grants for a set of nodes.
 * @param $nids
 *    An array of node ids for which to acquire access permissions.
function _taxonomy_access_node_access_update($nids) {

  // Proceed only if node_access_needs_rebuild() is not already flagged.
  if (!node_access_needs_rebuild()) {

    // Set node_access_needs_rebuild() until we succeed below.

    // Remove any duplicate nids from the array.
    $nids = array_unique($nids);

    // If the number of nodes is small enough, update node access for each.
    if (sizeof($nids) < TAXONOMY_ACCESS_MAX_UPDATE) {
      foreach ($nids as $node) {
        $loaded_node = node_load($node, NULL, TRUE);
        if (!empty($loaded_node)) {

      // If we make it here our update was successful; unflag rebuild.
  return TRUE;

 * Cache and retrieve nodes affected by a taxonomy change.
 * @param $affected_nodes
 *    If we are caching, the list of nids to cache.
 * @return
 *    The cached list of nodes.
function _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes($affected_nodes = NULL) {
  static $nodes = array();

  // If we were passed a list of nodes, cache.
  if (isset($affected_nodes)) {
    $nodes = array_merge($nodes, $affected_nodes);
  else {
    return $nodes;

 * Gets node ids associated with the given role.
 * @param $rid
 *    The role id.
 * @return
 *    An array of node ids associated with terms or vocabularies that are
 *    controlled for the role.
function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_role($rid) {
  $nids = array();
  $result = db_query('SELECT n.nid
     FROM {term_node} n
     LEFT JOIN {term_data} d ON n.tid = d.tid
     LEFT JOIN {term_access} a ON n.tid = a.tid
     LEFT JOIN {term_access_defaults} ad on ad.vid = d.vid
     WHERE a.rid = %d OR ad.rid = %d', $rid, $rid);
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $nids[] = $node->nid;
  return $nids;

 * Gets node ids associated with a given vocabulary.
 * @param $vid
 *    The vocabulary id for which to retrieve associated node ids.
 * @param $rid
 *    The role id for which to retrieve node ids, if any.
 *    This argument has the effect of filtering out nodes in terms that
 *    are already controlled invidually for the role.
 * @return
 *    An array of node ids associated with the given vocabulary.
function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_vocabulary($vid, $rid = NULL) {
  $nids = array();
  $query = "SELECT n.nid FROM {term_node} n\n      LEFT JOIN {term_data} d ON n.tid = d.tid\n      WHERE d.vid = %d ";
  $args = array(
  if (!is_null($rid)) {

    // Get terms in the vocabulary that are controlled for this role.
    $r = db_query("SELECT a.tid FROM {term_access} a\n       INNER JOIN {term_data} d ON d.tid = a.tid\n       WHERE a.rid = %d AND d.vid = %d", $rid, $vid);
    $tids = array();
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($r)) {
      $tids[] = $row->tid;
    if (!empty($tids)) {

      // Exclude nodes with those terms from the results.
      $query .= " AND n.tid NOT IN (" . db_placeholders($tids, 'int') . ")";
      $args = array_merge($args, $tids);
  $result = db_query($query, $args);
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $nids[] = $node->nid;
  return $nids;

 * Gets node ids associated with a given term.
 * @param $tid
 *    The term id for which to retrieve associated nodes.
 * @param $get_children
 *    Whether to recursively get nodes tagged with the term's children as well.
 * @return
 *    An array of node ids associated with the given term.
function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_term($tid, $get_children = FALSE) {
  $nids = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {term_node} WHERE tid = %d", $tid);
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $nids[] = $node->nid;

  // If requested, get nodes tagged with all children as well.
  if ($get_children) {
    $child_tids = _taxonomy_access_get_descendants($tid);
    if (sizeof($child_tids) > 0) {
      $child_r = db_query('SELECT nid FROM {term_node} WHERE tid IN ' . '(' . db_placeholders($child_tids, 'int') . ')', $child_tids);
      while ($node = db_fetch_object($child_r)) {
        $nids[] = $node->nid;
  return $nids;

 * Get term IDs for all descendants of the given term.
 * @param $tid
 *    The term ID for which to fetch children
 * @return
 *    An array of the IDs of the term's descendants.
function _taxonomy_access_get_descendants($tid) {
  static $descendants = array();
  if (!isset($descendants[$tid])) {
    $descendants[$tid] = array();
    $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
    $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($term->vid, $tid);
    foreach ($tree as $term) {
      $descendants[$tid][] = $term->tid;
  return $descendants[$tid];


/******************************* DELETION API ********************************/


 * Flag indicating whether we are processing a vocab deletion via admin form.
 * @param $vid
 *    The vid being deleted.
 * @return
 *    The cached vid, or false if none is cached.
function _taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary($vid = NULL) {
  static $deleted_vid = FALSE;

  // If the vid was passed, cache.
  if (isset($vid)) {
    $deleted_vid = $vid;
  else {
    return $deleted_vid;

 * Flag indicating whether we are processing a term deletion via admin form.
 * @param $tid
 *    The tid being deleted.
 * @return
 *    The cached tid, or false if none is cached.
function _taxonomy_access_del_term($tid = NULL) {
  static $deleted_tid = FALSE;

  // If the tid was passed, cache.
  if (isset($tid)) {
    $deleted_tid = $tid;
  else {
    return $deleted_tid;


/******************************** UPDATE API *********************************/


 * Updates permissions for a role for a term.
 * Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache.
 * Callers should run  _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on
 * _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
 * @param $tid
 *   The term to add the permission for.
 * @param $rid
 *   The role id to add the permission for.
 * @param $grants
 *   A hash of the grants in the form of $grants['perm'] = boolean
 *   A value of 1 will grant the permission for this user and term.
 * @param $skip_nodes
 *   A flag indicating whether to skip node updates when processing.
function taxonomy_access_set_term_grants($tid, $rid = NULL, $grants = NULL, $skip_nodes = FALSE) {
  if (!isset($tid) or !is_numeric($rid)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Assemble a $row object for Schema API.
  $row = new stdClass();
  $row->tid = $tid;
  if (isset($rid)) {
    $row->rid = $rid;
  if (isset($grants) && is_array($grants)) {
    foreach ($grants as $op => $value) {
      if (is_numeric($value)) {
        $grant_name = "grant_{$op}";
        $row->{$grant_name} = $value;
  if (!$skip_nodes) {
    $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_term($tid);

  // Delete old entries.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access} WHERE tid=%d AND rid=%d", $tid, $rid);

  // Insert new entries.
  drupal_write_record('term_access', $row);

  // Add any affected nodes to the cache to be updated by the submit handler.
  if (!empty($affected_nodes)) {

 * Recursively updates permissions for a role for a term.
 * @param $tid
 *   The term to add the permission for.
 * @param $rid
 *   The role id to add the permission for.
 * @param $grants
 *   A hash of the grants in the form of $grants['perm'] = boolean
 *   A value of 1 will grant the permission for this user and term.
function taxonomy_access_set_recursive_grants($tid, $rid = NULL, $grants = NULL) {

  // First, process the original.
  taxonomy_access_set_term_grants($tid, $rid, $grants);

  // Process the children.
  $ran_tids = array();

  // tids that have been processed.
  $run_tids = array(

  // tids that are in the queue to be processed.
  while (count($run_tids) > 0) {
    foreach ($run_tids as $run_key => $run_tid) {

      // Some basic loop protection.
      if (!(array_search($run_tid, $ran_tids) === FALSE)) {
        drupal_set_message(t("Loop detected for tid %run_tid. Stopping.", array(
          '%run_tid' => $run_tid,
        $run_tids = array();

        // stop the execution
      else {
        $result = db_query('SELECT th.tid FROM {term_hierarchy} th WHERE th.parent = %d', $run_tid);

        // If this tid has children, update grants and queue the children
        while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {
          taxonomy_access_set_term_grants($row['tid'], $rid, $grants);
          $run_tids[] = $row['tid'];

        // Remove this tid from the queue and mark as processed,
        $ran_tids[] = $run_tid;

 * Updates default permissions for a role for a vocabulary.
 * Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache.
 * Callers should run  _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on
 * _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
 * @param $vid
 *   The vocab to add the permission for.
 * @param $rid
 *   The role id to add the permission to.
 * @param $grants
 *   A hash of the grants in the form of $grants['perm'] = boolean
 *   A value of 1 will grant the permission for this user and term.
 * @param $skip_nodes
 *   A flag indicating whether to skip node updates when processing.
function taxonomy_access_set_default_grants($vid, $rid = NULL, $grants = NULL, $skip_nodes = FALSE) {
  if (!is_numeric($vid) || isset($rid) && !is_numeric($rid)) {
    return FALSE;

  // Assemble $row object for Schema API.
  $row = new stdClass();
  $row->vid = $vid;
  $row->rid = $rid;
  if (isset($grants) && is_array($grants)) {
    foreach ($grants as $op => $value) {
      if (is_numeric($value)) {
        $grant_name = "grant_{$op}";
        $row->{$grant_name} = $value;
  if (!$skip_nodes) {

    // If we are updating the global default, flag node access for rebuild.
    if ($vid === 0) {
      drupal_set_message(t("You have modified a global default, so you should see a message indicating that content access permissions need to be rebuilt.  However, you can wait to do this until you have finished any other changes you wish to make to the Taxonomy Access Permissions."), 'warning');
    else {
      $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_vocabulary($vid, $rid);

  // Delete old entries.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {term_access_defaults} WHERE vid = %d AND rid = %d", $vid, $rid);

  // Insert new entries.
  drupal_write_record('term_access_defaults', $row);

  // Add any affected nodes to the cache to be updated by the submit handler.
  if (!empty($affected_nodes)) {


/******************************* NODE ACCESS *********************************/



/******************************* TERM ACCESS *********************************/


 * Used to preserve terms deleted by taxonomy_node_delete()
 * that the user shouldn't have access to delete.
 * See and
 * @todo
 *     Should be possible to replace this with #access per term-field.
function taxonomy_access_preserve_terms($node) {
  $nid = $node->nid;

  // prepare/cache return value
  static $tids = array();

  // a valid numeric nid is required
  if (!is_numeric($nid)) {
    return array();

  // use cached values if possible
  if (isset($tids[$nid])) {
    return $tids[$nid];

  // get a list of terms this user has access to/over
  // (invokes hook_db_rewrite_sql() to limit access)
  $user_terms = taxonomy_node_get_terms($node);

  // get a list of all terms this node is in regardless of user's
  // access settings. Don't use db_rewrite_sql() api call here (or
  // any other API call, the taxonomy API functions all use
  // db_rewrite_sql() so we must query the database tables directly)
  $result = db_query('SELECT tid FROM {term_node} WHERE vid = %d', $node->vid);
  $tids[$nid] = array();
  while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) {

    // only include those terms the current user does not have access to
    if (!isset($user_terms[$row['tid']])) {
      $tids[$nid][$row['tid']] = $row['tid'];

  // return only terms current user does not have access
  // to and therefore need restoring after edit/update
  return $tids[$nid];

 * Used to restore terms deleted by taxonomy_node_delete()
 * that the user shouldn't have access to delete.
 * See and
function taxonomy_access_restore_terms($nid, $vid, $protected_terms) {
  if (isset($protected_terms)) {
    $terms = $protected_terms;
    if (count($terms)) {
      $args = array(
      $args = array_merge($args, $terms);
      db_query('DELETE FROM {term_node} WHERE nid = %d AND vid = %d
                  AND tid IN (' . db_placeholders($terms, 'int') . ')', $args);
      foreach ($terms as $tid) {

        // Create row for Schema API.
        $row = new stdClass();
        $row->nid = $nid;
        $row->vid = $vid;
        $row->tid = $tid;
        drupal_write_record('term_node', $row);

 * Gets permissions for a given role.
 * @param $rid
 *   The role id to retrieve the permissions for.
 * @return
 *   A two dimensional hash of the form $grants[tid][grant] where
 *   tid is the term id and grant is the permission
 *   ('view','delete', etc.).
 *   This entry in the hash is true if permission is granted, false otherwise.
function taxonomy_access_get_grants($rid) {
  if (!isset($rid)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($rid) && !is_numeric($rid)) {
    $rid = db_result(db_query("SELECT rid FROM {role} WHERE name='%s'", $rid));
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {term_access} WHERE rid=%d", $rid);
  $grants = array();
  while ($grant = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $tid = $grant['tid'];
    foreach ($grant as $key => $grant_val) {
      if (strpos($key, 'grant_') !== FALSE) {
        $grant_name = '';
        $grant_name = str_replace('grant_', '', $key);
        if (!isset($grants[$tid][$grant_name]) || !$grants[$tid][$grant_name]) {

          // If there's conflicting DB rules, take the most lenient
          $grants[$tid][$grant_name] = $grant_val;
  return $grants;

 * Gets default permissions for a given role.
 * @param $rid
 *   The role id to retrieve the permissions for.
 * @return
 *   A two dimensional hash of the form $grants[vid][grant] where
 *   vid is the vocab id and
 *   grant is the permission (i.e. 'view','delete',ect.)
 *   this entry in the hash is true if permission is granted, false otherwise
function taxonomy_access_get_default_grants($rid) {
  if (!is_numeric($rid)) {
    return FALSE;
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {term_access_defaults} WHERE rid=%d", $rid);
  $grants = array();
  while ($grant = db_fetch_array($result)) {
    $vid = $grant['vid'];
    foreach ($grant as $key => $grant_val) {
      if (strpos($key, 'grant_') !== FALSE) {
        $grant_name = '';
        $grant_name = str_replace('grant_', '', $key);
        if (!isset($grants[$vid][$grant_name]) || !$grants[$vid][$grant_name]) {

          // If there's conflicting DB rules, take the most lenient
          $grants[$vid][$grant_name] = $grant_val;
  return $grants;

 * Implements hook_help().
function taxonomy_access_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#taxonomy_access':
      $message = '';
      $message .= '' . '<p>' . t('The Taxonomy Access Control module allows users to specify how each category can be used by various roles.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('Permissions can be set differently for each user role. Be aware that setting Taxonomy Access permissions works <em>only within one user role</em>.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('(For users with multiple user roles, see section <a href="#good-to-know">Good to know</a> below.)') . '</p><hr /><br />' . "<h3>" . t("On this page") . "</h3>" . "<ol>" . '<li><a href="#grant">' . t("Grant types") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#perm">' . t("Permission options") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#defaults">' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . '</a></li>' . '<li><a href="#good-to-know">' . t("Good to know") . '</a></li>' . "</ol><hr /><br />" . '<h3 id="grant">' . t("Grant types") . '</h3>' . '<p>' . t('On the category permissions page for each role, administrators can configure five types of permission for each term: <em>View, Update, Delete, Add tag</em> (formerly <em>Create</em>), and <em>View tag</em> (formerly <em>List</em>):') . '</p>' . _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() . '<p>' . t('<em>View</em>, <em>Update</em>, and <em>Delete</em> control the node access system.  <em>View Tag</em> and <em>Add Tag</em> control the terms themselves.  (Note: In previous versions of Taxonomy Access Control, there was no <em>View Tag</em> permission its functionality was controlled by the <em>View</em> permission.)') . '</p><hr /><br />' . '<h3 id="perm">' . t("Permission options") . "</h3>" . '<p>' . t('<strong><em>View</em>, <em>Update</em>, and <em>Delete</em> have three options for each term:</strong> <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>), <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>), and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>).  Indicate which rights each role should have for each term.  If a node is tagged with multiple terms:') . '</p>' . "<ul>\n" . "<li>" . t('<em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) overrides <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) within a role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('Both <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) and <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) override <em>Ignore</em> (<acronym title="Ignore">I</acronym>) within a role.') . "</li>" . "<li>" . t('If a user has <strong>multiple roles</strong>, an <em>Allow</em> (<acronym title="Allow">A</acronym>) from one role <strong>will</strong> override a <em>Deny</em> (<acronym title="Deny">D</acronym>) in another.  (For more information, see section <a href="#good-to-know">Good to know</a> below.)') . "</li>" . "</ul>\n\n" . '<p>' . t('<strong><em>Add Tag</em> and <em>View Tag</em> have only two options for each term:</strong>  <em>Yes</em> (selected) or <em>No</em> (deselected).  Indicate what each role should be allowed to do with each term.') . '</p>' . "<h4>" . t("Important notes") . "</h4>" . "<ol>" . "<li>" . t('Custom roles <strong>will</strong> inherit permissions from the <em>authenticated user</em> role.  Be sure to <a href="@url">configure
the authenticated user</a> properly.', array(
        "@url" => url("admin/user/taxonomy_access/edit/2"),
      )) . "</li>\n" . '<li>' . "<p>" . t('The <em>Deny</em> directives are processed after the <em>Allow</em> directives. (<strong><em>Deny</em> overrides <em>Allow</em></strong>.)</em>  So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "A" and "B" and a user has <em>Allow</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in Category "A" and <em>Deny</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in Category "B", then the user will NOT be permitted to <em>View</em> the node.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('<em>Access is denied by default.</em> So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "C" and "D" and a user has <em>Ignore</em> permissions for <em>View</em> in both Category "C" and "D", then the user will <strong>not</strong> be permitted to view the node.') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('(If you are familiar with Apache mod_access, this permission system works similar to directive: <em>ORDER ALLOW, DENY</em>)') . '</p>' . "</li>" . "</ol>" . "<hr /><br />" . '<h3 id="defaults">' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . "</h3>" . '<p>' . t('This option, just underneath the vocabulary title, <em>sets the permission that will automatically be given</em> to the role, <em>for any new terms</em> that are added within the vocabulary.  This includes terms that are added via free tagging.') . '</p><hr /><br />' . '<h3 id="good-to-know">' . t('Good to know') . '</h3>' . '<ol>' . '<li>' . '<p>' . t('<strong>Users with multiple user roles:</strong> Allow/Ignore/Deny options are interpreted <em>only within one user role</em>. When a user belongs to multiple user roles, then <strong>the user gets access if <em>any</em> of his/her user roles have the access granted.</strong>') . '</p>' . '<p>' . t('In this case, permissions for the given user are calculated so that the <em>permissions of ALL of his user roles are "OR-ed" together</em>, which means that <em>Allow</em> in one role will take precedence over <em>Deny</em> in the other. This is different from how node access permissions (for multi-category nodes) are handled <em>within one user role</em>, as noted above.') . '</p>' . '</li>' . '<li>' . '<p>' . t('<strong>Input formats:</strong>  <em>Node editing/deleting is blocked</em>, even when the user has <em>Update</em> or <em>Delete</em> permission to the node, <em>when the user is not allowed to use a filter format</em> that the node was saved at.') . '</p>' . '</li>' . '</ol>' . '<hr /><br />';
      return $message;

 * Assemble a table explaining each grant type for use in help documentation.
 * @return
 *     Themed table.
function _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() {
  $header = array();
  $rows = array();
  $rows[] = array(
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => t("View"),
    "<p>" . t('Grants this role the ability to view nodes with the term.  (Users must also have this permission to see <em class="perm">nodes</em> with the term listed in Views.)') . "</p>" . "<p>" . t('The role must <strong>have</strong> <em class="perm">access content</em> permission on the <a href="@path">permissions administration form</a>.', array(
      '@path' => url('admin/user/permissions', array(
        'fragment' => 'module-node',
  $rows[] = array(
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => t("Update") . ", " . t("Delete"),
    "<p>" . t("Grants this role the ability to edit or delete nodes with the term, respectively.") . "</p>" . "<p>" . t('The role must <strong>not</strong> have <em class="perm">edit any [type] content</em> or <em class="perm">delete any [type] content</em> permission on the <a href="@path">permissions administration form</a> if you wish to control them here.', array(
      '@path' => url('admin/user/permissions', array(
        'fragment' => 'module-node',
    )) . "</p>",
  $rows[] = array(
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => t("Add Tag"),
    "<p>" . t("Grants this role the ability to add the term to a node when creating or updating it.") . "</p>" . "<p>" . t('(Formerly <em>Create</em>.)  This does <strong>not</strong> give the role the ability to create nodes by itself; the role must <strong>have</strong> <em class="perm">create [type] content</em> permission on the <a href="@path">permissions administration form</a> in order to create new nodes.', array(
      '@path' => url('admin/user/permissions', array(
        'fragment' => 'module-node',
    )) . "</p>",
  $rows[] = array(
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => t("View Tag"),
    "<p>" . t("(Formerly <em>List</em>).  Whether this role can see the term listed on node pages and in lists, and whether the user can view the %taxonomy-term-page page for the term.", array(
      '%taxonomy-term-page' => "taxonomy/term/x",
    )) . "</p>" . "<p>" . t("This does <strong>not</strong> control whether the role can see the <em>nodes</em> listed in Views, only the <em>term</em>.") . "</p>",
  return theme('table', $header, $rows, array(
    'class' => 'grant_help',


Namesort descending Description
taxonomy_access_db_rewrite_sql Implements hook_db_rewrite_sql().
taxonomy_access_enable Implements hook_enable().
taxonomy_access_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_form_term_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy-form-term. Overriding the term deletion form's submit handler allows us to determine which {node_access} entries must be updated before the {term_data} and {term_node} records are deleted from the…
taxonomy_access_form_taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_delete_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for taxonomy-vocabulary-confirm-delete. Overriding the vocabulary deletion form's submit handler allows us to determine which {node_access} entries must be updated before the {term_data} and {term_node}…
taxonomy_access_get_default_grants Gets default permissions for a given role.
taxonomy_access_get_grants Gets permissions for a given role.
taxonomy_access_help Implements hook_help().
taxonomy_access_init Implements hook_init().
taxonomy_access_menu Implements hook_menu().
taxonomy_access_nodeapi Implements hook_nodeapi().
taxonomy_access_node_access_records Implements hook_node_access_records().
taxonomy_access_node_grants Implements hook_node_grants(). Gives access to taxonomies based on the taxonomy_access table.
taxonomy_access_preserve_terms Used to preserve terms deleted by taxonomy_node_delete() that the user shouldn't have access to delete. See and
taxonomy_access_restore_terms Used to restore terms deleted by taxonomy_node_delete() that the user shouldn't have access to delete. See and
taxonomy_access_set_default_grants Updates default permissions for a role for a vocabulary. Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache. Callers should run _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
taxonomy_access_set_recursive_grants Recursively updates permissions for a role for a term.
taxonomy_access_set_term_grants Updates permissions for a role for a term. Note: This function adds nodes to the affected nodes cache. Callers should run _taxonomy_access_node_access_update() on _taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes() after all changes are processed.
taxonomy_access_taxonomy Implements hook_taxonomy().
taxonomy_access_term_submit Submit handler for term deletions. Overrides term deletion handling to determine what node access to update.
taxonomy_access_theme Implements hook_theme().
taxonomy_access_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
taxonomy_access_vocabulary_delete_submit Submit handler for vocabulary deletions. Overrides vocab deletion handling to determine what node access to update.
_taxonomy_access_cache_affected_nodes Cache and retrieve nodes affected by a taxonomy change.
_taxonomy_access_del_term Flag indicating whether we are processing a term deletion via admin form.
_taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary Flag indicating whether we are processing a vocab deletion via admin form.
_taxonomy_access_get_descendants Get term IDs for all descendants of the given term.
_taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_role Gets node ids associated with the given role.
_taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_term Gets node ids associated with a given term.
_taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_vocabulary Gets node ids associated with a given vocabulary.
_taxonomy_access_grant_help_table Assemble a table explaining each grant type for use in help documentation.
_taxonomy_access_node_access_update Updates node access grants for a set of nodes.
_taxonomy_access_user_roles Cache a list of all roles.


Namesort descending Description
TAXONOMY_ACCESS_MAX_UPDATE Maximum number of nodes for which to update node access within the module. If it's greater, then node_access_needs_rebuild() will be set instead.