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function _taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary in Taxonomy Access Control 6

Flag indicating whether we are processing a vocab deletion via admin form.


$vid: The vid being deleted.

Return value

The cached vid, or false if none is cached.

2 calls to _taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary()
taxonomy_access_taxonomy in ./taxonomy_access.module
Implements hook_taxonomy().
taxonomy_access_vocabulary_delete_submit in ./taxonomy_access.module
Submit handler for vocabulary deletions. Overrides vocab deletion handling to determine what node access to update.


./taxonomy_access.module, line 709
Allows administrators to specify how each category (in the taxonomy) can be used by various roles.


function _taxonomy_access_del_vocabulary($vid = NULL) {
  static $deleted_vid = FALSE;

  // If the vid was passed, cache.
  if (isset($vid)) {
    $deleted_vid = $vid;
  else {
    return $deleted_vid;