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function _tableofcontents_toc_encode in Table of Contents 7.2

Encode the given 'toc' settings into a string

1 call to _tableofcontents_toc_encode()
_tableofcontents_filter_process in ./
Process the text for the table of content.


./, line 107
Table of Contents - Versatile system for generating Tables of Contents for fields - filters.


function _tableofcontents_toc_encode($toc, $prefix = '') {
  static $encoded = '';
  foreach ($toc as $k => $v) {
    if (is_array($v)) {
      _tableofcontents_toc_encode($v, "{$prefix}{$k}::");
    else {
      $encoded .= "{$prefix}{$k}=" . urlencode($v) . ' ';
  return $encoded;