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function _tableofcontents_filter_process in Table of Contents 7.2

Process the text for the table of content.

This adds the information about the [toc] to the text regardless of whether it will actually be converted to a [toc] in the end.

1 call to _tableofcontents_filter_process()
tableofcontents_filter_process in ./tableofcontents.module
Implements hook_filter_FILTER_process(). (sort of)


./, line 59
Table of Contents - Versatile system for generating Tables of Contents for fields - filters.


function _tableofcontents_filter_process($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {
  if (!$text) {
    return $text;
  $encoded_toc = '';
  $toc = $filter->settings['tableofcontents'];

  // Does this have [toc] already?
  if (strpos($text, '[toc') === FALSE) {

    // No it doesn't...
    static $default;
    if (!isset($default)) {

      // Just do this once, in case it's wanted again.
      $default = _tableofcontents_toc_encode($toc);

    // No, just encode the full default settings
    $encoded_toc = $default;

    // Do we want this at the top or bottom (or nowhere?)
    switch ($toc['on_off']['automatic']) {
      case 0:

        // Actually not required.
      case 1:
        $text = '[toc]' . $text;
      case 2:
        $text .= '[toc]';
  else {

    // Yes, so extract toc settings from [toc] in text,
    // then merge with defaults and encode
    $new_toc = _tableofcontents_toc_extract($text);
    $toc = merge_arrays($toc, $new_toc);
    $encoded_toc = _tableofcontents_toc_encode($toc);

  // Replace the old [toc] with the new [toc]

  #  tableofcontents_set()
  return preg_replace(TABLEOFCONTENTS_REMOVE_PATTERN, "[toc {$encoded_toc}]", $text);