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function _swftools_actions in SWF Tools 6.3

Returns an array of actions, keyed by file extension.

2 calls to _swftools_actions()
swftools_admin_handling_form in includes/
swftools_get_action in ./swftools.module
Determines the action to be taken, based on the extension of a filename.
1 string reference to '_swftools_actions'
swftools_get_actions in ./swftools.module
Retrieves the list of actions, and their descriptions, that modules are presenting to SWF Tools.


./swftools.module, line 1975
The primary component of SWF Tools that enables comprehensive media handling.


function _swftools_actions() {

  // Cache this as there may be multiple calls
  static $actions;

  // Do we need to fetch the array of actions?
  if (!$actions) {

    // Defaults to use if no settings have been stored
    $defaults = array(
      'swf' => 'swf',
      'flv' => 'video',
      'f4v' => 'video',
      'mp3' => 'audio',
      'jpg' => 'image',
      'jpeg' => 'image',
      'jpe' => 'image',
      'png' => 'image',
      'gif' => 'image',

    // Use settings from configuration page, or defaults
    $actions = variable_get('swftools_actions', $defaults);

  // Return the result
  return $actions;