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function theme_swftools_swfobject2 in SWF Tools 6.3

Turns an SWF Tools data array in to markup and JavaScript for inclusion on the page.


string $file: The path to the file to be displayed.

array $data: An array of additional parameters associated with this item.

int $script_location: (optional) Specify whether JavaScript should be placed in the header, footer, or inline. If not specified it will default to inline. One of the following constants can be used:

Return value

A markup string.

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swfobject2/swftools_swfobject2.module, line 119
Enables SWF Tools support for swfObject 2 JavaScript flash embedding.


function theme_swftools_swfobject2($file, $data, $script_location = SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_INLINE) {

  // Put JavaScript on the page

  // If bgcolor isn't assigned a value then unset it
  if (isset($data['params']['bgcolor']) && !$data['params']['bgcolor']) {

  // Initialise an array to hold output of encoding flashvars
  $flashvars = array();

  // Encode flashvars
  foreach ($data['flashvars'] as $key => $value) {
    $flashvars[rawurlencode($key)] = rawurlencode($value);

  // For JavaScript interaction to work we must assign a name via attributes
  $attributes = array(
    'name' => $data['othervars']['id'],

  // TODO: Should we process params to ensure booleans are true/flase, like we do with direct embedding
  // Determine if we can use express install (must be available locally, and big enough)
  if (swftools_swfobject2_available_locally() && $data['othervars']['width'] >= 310 && $data['othervars']['height'] >= 137) {
    $express = base_path() . swftools_get_library('swfobject') . '/expressInstall.swf';
  else {
    $express = '';

  // Generate js string ready for output to the page header
  // swfObject takes parameters swfURL, id, width, height, version, expressinstall, flashvars, params, attributes
  // See
  $script = t('swfobject.embedSWF("!url", "!id", "!width", "!height", "!version", "!express", !flashvars, !params, !attributes);', array(
    '!url' => $file,
    '!id' => $data['othervars']['id'],
    '!width' => $data['othervars']['width'],
    '!height' => $data['othervars']['height'],
    '!version' => $data['params']['version'],
    '!express' => $express,
    '!flashvars' => drupal_to_js($flashvars),
    '!params' => drupal_to_js($data['params']),
    '!attributes' => drupal_to_js($attributes),

  // Generate inline script, or place script in the header
  if ($script_location == SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_INLINE) {

    // Add script using container id as context and then retrieve it so we get it formatted and wrapped in CDATA
    drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $data['othervars']['id']);
    $script = drupal_get_js($data['othervars']['id']);
  else {

    // Add script to the header, but we also put a copy inline, using id as context, so SWF Tools can cache it
    drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $script_location == SWFTOOLS_JAVASCRIPT_HEADER ? 'header' : 'footer');
    drupal_add_js($script, 'inline', $data['othervars']['id']);
    $script = '';

  // Return markup, with script attached if necessary
  $html = '<div id="' . $data['othervars']['id'] . '">' . theme('swftools_html_alt', $data) . '</div>' . $script;

  // Return html markup
  return $html;